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Joined 1 years ago

For what it's worth urgent care will definitely tell you to go to the hospital ER if they deem it more emergency related. And of course they'll still bill you for coming in there to ask them :P

In other words urgent care is not emergency care, if that makes sense.

Video editing / post production is the type of work that you need to have contacts in the industry to really get by. So you'd still apply to job postings but after a while the different production crews working on projects will have your info & can book you on future gigs when things go well.

I am not in that field but have a few friends/family doing it. Traditionally the majority of those type of jobs tend to be in the NYC area or southern California. I know people use Mandy to look for those type of jobs but I'm not too up to date on other places. That yt site you mentioned seems a bit hacky, maybe designed to attract beginner youtube influencer types.

but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

Yes definitely. Try pressing the Windows key and type the first few letters of the app name you're looking for, it's way way faster than mousing around clicking and scrolling through the Start Menu.

Also Windows key + E to open the file explorer gets used a lot. And windows key + L to lock the screen, I do that one a lot when walking away from the desktop at work.

Not only that, it was a brand new account on a totally different Lemmy instance that demanded lemmy.world admins remove piracy related communities.

Honestly it seems like lemmy.world admins were trolled by some random throwaway account and took the bait.

EDIT: The post in question in case others haven't seen it https://lemmy.world/post/3175920, a new account from lemm.ee makes their first & only post in lemmy.world demanding that they defederate & remove anything piracy related.

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Once worked with a guy who refused to wash dishes, said that is a woman's responsibility. He only uses paper plates and plastic utensils.

I never asked him if he cooked but kind of figure it'd the be same answer LOL.

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Wonder if he was ever really "missing" to begin with. Maybe the family was able to claim life insurance money, or there was some other reason he needed to disappear. Then after 30 years there was no point keeping it up so he was mysteriously found with no explanation.

I suspect most people (including me) are probably lurkers/upvoters. The lurkers will have more to say when the new season is live :)

Also, where does that subscriber count come from? I looked at this community via 3 different Lemmy instances & saw different numbers on each of them.. maybe that number is just specific to the amount of local instance members subscribed to that community. Here at lemmy.zip we're at 18 subscribers for !futurama@lemmy.world

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Perhaps you're overthinking this? In the house you can go barefoot, keep socks on, and/or wear slippers/loafers.

When you go outside you put on shoes.

So yes most people would have a shoe rack or just keep their shoes placed near the door. If you have multiple doors sure you can consider keeping extra pairs of shoes there or some sort of in between like outdoor slippers/something for when you just need to go check the mail or whatever.

Wow that's a useful list of things they accept for recycling. It's a total PITA to recycle anything electronics related in my city especially stuff like computers & hard drives let alone cables. That may end up getting me inside a Staples more often than once every year or two so maybe their plan is going to work.

You should consider migrating away from lemmy.world for piracy discussions/topics


Been using K-9 Mail for a long time, works fine for me. I usually install it through Google Play but it does seem to be on F-Droid too.


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Talk to families of unjustified imprisoned people or to the people itself.

Do you actually know & speak to people in El Salvador? Pretty much everyone I know there (family/friends) are ecstatic that there are no more gang members running around unchecked. The country is safer now then it has been in years.

Nothing is perfect of course, poverty is still a major issue, but not having to deal with gang members every time you ride the bus, go out shopping, even just drive around, it's a huge deal over there.

Sure I get what you're saying but for most people there it's been a positive development.

But since he just imprisoned everyone and their relatives, its only a temporary fix – unless he wants to imprison them for life.

True.. to be honest I suspect those people are imprisoned for life. No one expects gang members to be let out of prison while Bukele is still running the country, that's going to be something that gets revisited when/if he's out of office. It's a massive human rights issue but at least for now the majority of Salvadorans consider it a net positive.

The funny thing is that this article is about bitcoin & most Salvadorans don't particularly care about that at all, it's just kind of a headline that isn't going to win/lose Bukele any support in the short term at least.

the web page essentially accuses me of being a criminal and asks for my bank records. No way in hell.

Yeah don't bother doing that. All that will accomplish is them gathering even more information on you, they rarely/never actually unlock your account & let you use it again. You've been permanently blacklisted on their service, just move on. And honestly you don't need Paypal anyway.

Similar stupid thing happened to me too I think about 10-15 years ago, I was using virtual credit card numbers that my credit card company was generating for me & Paypal thought that was suspicious enough to close my account & permanently blacklist me LOL.

Fun fact: I did learn over the years that I can temporarily create new Paypal account(s) as long as I don't use the same mailing/billing addresses or credit cards/bank accounts. But then it's just a waiting game, they usually figure it out eventually and close the Paypal account yet again.

Even the German specific Lemmy instances like https://feddit.de do not block the piracy discussion communities.

The piracy blocking stuff seems like something lemmy.world admins decided to do based on a troll from another instance demanding it.

Instance owners can and should prune those type of inactive communities. Other instances do that sort of cleanup, not sure about lemmy.world's own policy for that.

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The 1940-1950 era is the rough timeframe when the factory farming of poultry took off, especially once antibiotics started being widely used to group even more chickens together in those factory conditions. e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibiotic_use_in_the_United_States_poultry_farming_industry#History_of_federal_policy_on_antibiotic_use_in_livestock

Nope, not directly related to the recent action, the post itself states

We have recently received a takedown request for content not directly related to these communities, but it prompted us to review other piracy related content and communities.


That sounds about right, the people actually dealing with training AI models don't get paid a whole lot. OP's $15.50 is actually pretty good compared to the low wage tasks people are doing on Amazon MTurk e.g https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/artificial-intelligence-quietly-relies-on-workers-earning-2-per-hour

But otherwise yeah I agree, it's kind of a crap job. I don't have any good advice for OP beyond just keep looking for jobs, once they find something new dump this one for sure.

It's a waiting game, unfortunately that's how viral infections & their symptoms work. It could be a few days, a few weeks, a few months.. and yes could even be a few years. And for some people the lingering symptoms due to a viral infection never really go away.

For what it's worth the people I know that have lost their sense of taste due to covid regained it after a few weeks/months.

It was fine. In NYC roommates and I have been in different apartments that were both 5 and 6 floor walkups. This was when we were in our 20's - early 40's. Thing is that after a few weeks you don't really notice the stairs anymore. Bonus is your legs will be pretty strong!

Sure we also had to lug groceries/laundry up the same flight of stairs, a bit annoying but nothing unusual. Didn't have a car either so all that stuff would get carried x amount of blocks from the apartment or even a subway trip.

In my late 40's / going into 50's I'm not so sure I'd still do those type of walkups anymore.

PS - Yeah pay for movers when doing moves in/out of walkup buildings, you really don't want to do that yourself. It's fine when you only need to go up the stairs once/twice a day but repeatedly for a move is much harder.

Are you talking about a different community or instance? !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com does not allow direct links to content yet lemmy.world admins blocked it anyway.

I turn the water off.

Growing up we used to live in a house with what I swear was the smallest boiler ever so the hot water would only last for maybe 1-2 showers before needing some time to get hot again. So leaving the water running meant no hot water midway through the shower, or forcing the next person to wait to take a shower.

It's a habit that stuck with me ever since, I've found that I don't really need the water running the whole time anyway.

Years back I bought a used Herman Miller Aeron, it was way out of warranty but also way cheaper vs buying new. Totally worth it, I do like mesh chairs and the Aeron is one of the best in its class. Plus it has a ton of adjustable levers if that's your thing.

The only thing I screwed up was the sizing, those chairs come in different sizes and I probably should have gone for one size smaller but it's not a big deal. Sizing is something to keep in mind when chair shopping, they're not all one size fits all and you may want something specific to your height/weight for better support.

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VNC is the kind of the baseline remote desktop that works on pretty much any operating system. You can start there & then decide if you need specific features that the others have.

You didn't mention your own OS but it too probably already has support for its own remote desktop solution.

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For me it was fine, maybe about 15 years ago. Small startup company I was at ran out of funding, we got something like 1-2 months severance. We all got along fine so it wasn't like everyone hated the job or the owners, sometimes startup companies just don't make it through those first few years.

Summer is probably the best time to be unemployed, spent a lot of time exploring my neighborhood during the weekday afternoons and was practicing making cold brew & other summer drinks LOL.

Was doing freelance work while being on unemployment / looking for a new steady job. Think it was about 4-5 months before I landed a new job (did get 1-2 job offers during that time but was maybe being a bit picky & turned them down).

... Also helps that I keep savings so short term unemployment won't wreck me. I've seen posts about people being out of work for years, that would be a far worse scenario.

I've been fully onsite basically the whole time, including during the pandemic, for me it's been fine. Gets me out of my tiny studio apartment and keeps my work life at work. Also free A/C / heating at work.

The commute is also part of that decision making - for me the commute is a long walk outside to/from work every day. All that walking around outside sort of levels me out mentally & gets rid of any stress I had, not to mention the exercise.

Coincidentally, for no real reason I ponder this sort of stuff too! But I'm much more pessimistic about the outcomes haha.

The real answer to this stuff would be to find a financial advisor, I suspect setting up a trust and giving out x amount of money per year is the most sane approach.

re: your options

Give them a lump sum of $X million. They eat the taxes the first year and handle the savings themselves.

Keep in mind people tend to be terrible with money/finance. And also keep in mind you cannot force people to do what you think they should do with their money.

There will be a good percentage of people that will neglect any advice about keeping that $$ for taxes & such and will come back to you in a year asking for more $$ to cover the the taxes and expenses that they are facing - after all you were the one that put them in that position.

The other percentage of people will have remembered to keep some $$ to cover taxes but will likely still bankrupt themselves in the next few years - they too will come back to you asking for more $$ because, well none of that would have happened without you starting it all.

Hopefully you'll have a few people that didn't blow it all & maybe invested it, or at least paid off their bills and mortgages.

Create a company and hire them to “work” one hour a month for a big salary. If you put $25m in an account, the interest covers the salary. They get a steady bonus income with the added bonus of getting the best insurance available. Is that legal?

Not sure on the legality, I guess you're essentially creating some sort of shell company? Keep in mind both the company and the "employees" will be facing taxes. Those "employees" are going to end up in entirely new tax brackets depending how high you bumped their yearly incomes.

On the upside they would be paying way, way more into social security so at least they'll end up with a bit more coming back in their later years if social security still exists. And you could maybe do things like auto-enroll them into a 401k and invest that into retirement savings.. as long as each "employee" doesn't somehow screw that up since each 401k account is technically their own and you can't force your will on people to do things with their own money.

Set up a “shared” checking account they can use to pay for…whatever. But would these expenses count towards the gift tax? I do not know.

Not sure on that one but I suspect that's just another version of gift tax like you said. You'd better talk to a financial advisor.

Buy houses and let them live there rent-free. I don’t really like this one because I don’t want to be a lord to my friends and family.

The smart ones will immediately sell, even if they sell at a loss they'll make free money. The less smart ones will come back to you ever few years when something needs to be done with the house, it's very possible many of those people will be living in houses they can't actually afford to maintain and upkeep and you put them in that situation in the first place...

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Pixel 7, but for me I always look for a phone with stock Android and a good camera. Usually any of the Google Pixel phones covers that well.

yours got a bad gateway

That's just lemmy.world servers having their usual issues loading. Though it is kind of amusing, a lemmy.world user going to lemm.ee to view a lemmy.world post, federation is funny that way :P

Over 800. In my case there's plenty of credit history since I've been using credit cards for just about all purchases that can be paid that way. All the credit cards get paid off in full every month.

Here in the U.S. credit scores are an unfortunate reality so it's good to maintain some sort of credit history whether it's credit cards, loans/mortgages, etc.

A lot of people's dogs are trained to wait inside at the door for their paws to get wiped down before walking into the house/apartment/whatever.

But sure, if the dog did go walk outside with boots/shoes then yeah their owner would obviously take them off once they were back inside.

Seems mostly dead for apt rentals / roommate wanted type stuff. I used to use it years ago but nowadays it's mostly scam posts and no one I know would use Craigslist for finding roommates / looking for rooms. The site itself has a reputation for having shady posters so people tend to avoid it.

But I listened to all the “sensible” people and went for a graduate level program instead like an idiot

Oof, yeah similar situation though for me it was more around 20-21. Went to college for about 2-3 years, wasn't doing too great with the required calculus classes & sort of dropped out. The upside was during that same time I landed a full time job in IT & was getting paid plenty, had a 401k, all that stuff.

But the "sensible" people around me (aka the boomer parents/uncles/etc. with their lifetime pensions) kept telling me to stop working & go back to school. That got into my head & eventually I quit my well paid job, burned another 2-3 years on school before realizing that just wasn't going to work out for me. Then cashed out my 401k to pay off those school loans.. those same "sensible" people didn't tell me anything about retirement savings & I was too young & dumb to understand that stuff back then.

Nowadays I'm okay & don't have any debt. But all that essentially meant I started over with my career later in life & am still trying to catch up with retirement savings.

I haven't been following any specific method, just a budgeting spreadsheet that has evolved over time - though my own method works out similar to the "Pay yourself first" method mentioned in that link. Basically a spreadsheet with columns for each month & the rows document required expenses/bills, then savings goals, then slightly less-required expenses & discretionary spending. Some people do similar using "buckets" of spending goals & that works too.

Been doing it for a while so at this point already know my expected monthly/yearly costs & even have a year out projection of where the savings goals will land at the end of 2024. Of course keep in mind life happens, no amount of budgeting will get you out of surprises. It's always best to have emergency savings.

For what it's worth spending flowchart from the Personal Finance communities helps out a ton when planning things out e.g. https://lemmy.ml/post/1161162 from !personalfinance@lemmy.ml

EDIT: Speaking of the other communities you may want to visit !personalfinance@lemmy.ml / !personalfinance@lemmy.world while you're on this topic :)

The old Adult Swim series are fun to rewatch. Sealab 2021 and Aqua Teen still hold up!

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Agreed, though I've found that usually dousing a fly in water (via spray bottle) is enough to surprise them & get them to drop. Once they've fallen it takes them a bit to dry themselves & get airborne again, that's usually enough time to swat it and finish the job.

That works well if you just have one or a few flies - if you've got a ton of them fly paper is going to work much better.

At work we have one old PC on Windows XP for the ancient PBX phone system we are currently using. It runs fine, it is only there to run specific programs so it's not like we install/run anything else on it. And it's not exposed to the internet.

The hardware will die eventually but until then my boss is too cheap to spend the money to replace the entire phone system.

Maybe not the Tabasco Sriracha if you're looking for that Sriracha flavor. It's not bad at all but it basically tastes like Sriracha flavored Tabasco sauce. That could be a good thing, there are a ton of Tabasco sauce devotees out there, just don't expect it to taste like a proper Sriracha sauce.

A lot of these alternative Sriracha brands seem to have a ton of extra ingredients vs the original which puts me off from buying them.

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I don't think so? Unless something changed recently that site wasn't even federated with anything, it was (is?) just it's own standalone website. In the beginning the dev/owner couldn't even decide how to display posts/conversations & changed the display format a few times.

I remember for a while the dev/owner would use throwaway Reddit accounts to spam his website every time people were discussing Reddit alternatives, like "hey you should check out this one, it's great!" sort of spam. The spam was enough to turn me off from creating an account there.. and realistically it didn't look like it was going to gain any real traction.

This stuff about the owner going alt-right is news to me, it's been off my radar so long I never bothered checking if it still existed.

"Bitches leave"