
4 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Rewatching Stargate and international cooperation feels so strange and bereft somehow. A kinder path.

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imma have undercover alts everywhere for the sole purpose of getting all the cats communities in one page.

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Tagging. Flair. Hashtags. Some kind of meta information.

Even in reddit posts can have flair. Lemmy have come to the edge of not having a filtering system, and need one asap. community specific tags or lemmy-wide tags or organic loose tagging, something is needed.

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In ten years some kids in a discord round robin gonna ask why the fake social media in fanfiction are little blue birds. Wait they used to be real??

My parents had the power cord in locked box, so you need a key to turn the computer on, which only they have.
Me and all my siblings learnt to pick lock.

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Yeah...have you found monyet.cc yet


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old.reddit to browse NSFW pages.

websites like this on every topic imaginable.

He resets on No Effort November. Good for him, would hate to see burnout.

more info

update: more on anonymous sudan and why this is a false flag attack

The attack has now pivoted to the The Organization for Transformative Works website and its donation site because the reaction to AO3 being down among its users is basically give it more money; both sites are now down while AO3 is back up under new configurations. Some apps are now not working but it is expected that this will be temporary.

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Tweaks adjustments and corrections need a reference material. The raw AI image needs to be published first for his tweaks to be copyrightable. Anyone wanting to claim copyright on edits should produce the initial uncopyrightable image too.

but then that makes it not his original work and he shouldn't be putting it in competitions.

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Saying that the strike failed is playing into the studio's hands. WGA considers the strike a victory, and furthermore, the studio downplaying the strike's agreement is a disinformation campaign they had done before.

Twitter thread by David Slack @/slack2thefuture:

"As WGA leaders meet today to finalize our deal, we begin a new era for writers — and for labor in our industry. But we also begin to face the final and most insidious form of unionbusting propaganda: a years-long effort to sell the lie that our strike was not worth it.

Over the coming days, months, and years, the studios, streamers, and their surrogates will take every opportunity to undermine what we have won together. They will seize on the inevitable consessions and compromises made by our NegCom as proof that we “failed.”

They will urge us to overlook all that we won through hard work and unwavering solidarity. They will claim it wasn’t enough, that we should have gotten X instead of Y, that we lost more by striking than we gained in this new contract. And they will be wrong.

They will tell us that the strike was unnecessary, it was a waste of our time and our savings, that our agents or managers or lawyers could have gotten us everything we won through individual negotiations without anyone having to walk a picket line. Well… then why didn’t they?

As hard as it is to believe right now, these lies can work. They’ve worked before. During our 2017 strike authorization vote, it was shocking to discover how many members believed we lost the ‘07-08 strike, in which we went on strike for the internet — and won the internet.

This didn’t happen by accident. It was the result of years of whispering by studios and anti-union allies. And they don’t just do it because they’re bitter about losing. They push the lie that we used our power and lost because they hope to stop us from using our power to win.

Our strike was necessary because, in our individual negotiations, our employers consistently refused to acknowledge our right and reasonable demands. Because the profound changes we needed could only be won through the unique and overwhelming power of collective bargaining.

Our strike was necessary because our employers made it necessary by driving our income down 23% in 10 years. Because they refused to address free work in features, streaming coverage in comedy-variety, the abuses of mini-rooms and the threat of AI until we withheld our labor

Our strike was necessary. Our strike was effective. Our strike is a victory. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, it’s ‘cause they never want to see us stand up for ourselves again. Don’t believe it. We won this fight. We’re the WGA, and when we fight, we win. #WGAStrong"

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The last r/place, the one before this, my sub coordinated with at least half a dozen other subs - borders, overlaying images etc, basically collectively defending a few sub's patch of images. At least a few hundred people collectively constantly reworking and defending from takeover, it was hectic.

subs would have pinned coordinating post, we'd cross comment in bordering image's subs, a few users who were relaying messages back and forth to discord servers - massively coordinated effort even for small areas and extremely satisfying making it to the end.

technically, i dropped reddit for tumblr.....lemmy is a sometimes indulgences

Yup, getting the original plain basic gold feels really special, and the many, many awards that is used later does not capture the oooomph value.

No, there's an A/B implementation going on. The UBO maintainers hadn't seen the crackdown themselves and had to rely on troubleshooting reports to see what is going on which is wild to think about - both on their skill but also did google specifically whitelist them or are they exceptionally lucky

There is a sub on reddit where for ~6 months 95% of the content was me, bunch of links staggered weekly. Then suddenly it picked up steam because somewhere off-reddit someone found it and dragged a whole bunch people along.

But if i hadn't been posting, then that wouldn't have happened.

I think it pointed out the right direction at least once, back when i was doing tech support (xp and pre-xp). Back when the toolkit includes whole stacks of cd's containing every driver known to exist. I don't even remember what it is, but it was something Realtek.

I'm still with my old yahoo account, because it is tied with my tumblr account, and sad to say my tumblr is much older than my first reddit account, which is older than the digg migration. I'd revive yahoo groups in a heartbeat if it is revived with the same feature set. There's a certain kind of group discussion it really does well for that forums don't really capture.

tumblr users are currently extremely upset at recently announced planned updates. most notably, collapsing long multi-user reblogs into a simple root post facebook style. some of those posts are collaboration years in the making with incremental contributions from tens of users, or meme chains 50 memes deep and are part of basic culture of tumblr. And notably not something seen elsewhere outside of rare reddit comment chains, whereas it is the basic form of tumblr interaction. posts that go around carry contributions from multiple users like this with some of them being multiple versions of different contributions. or one single user's chain of reblogs

Most of the best tumblrs are just one person post image after image with an occasional blogpost.

single image posts made up most blogs just like 10 upvotes posts and comments littered reddit, but the backbone of the true culture of the site is not made of them.

words of recreating tumblr if that is lost is already floating around - mostly as a backlash, nothing serious yet, but that it was said is in itself is telling.>>

Also, trying to find the links that wouldn't freeze into a forced login (by having a recent new users in the chain - their default setting) is a terrible hassle, and tumblr users are also deeply annoyed at that and also because you can't share links without vivisecting each and every link out of tumbr (i edited each of those links above into the older tumblr link format. like changing every url from reddit to old.reddit.com, but tumblr) makes sharing links out of tumblr very painful these days.

edit: removing reblog chains is making people angry on the site.

or as the cookie clicker guy puts it

reblog chains where users iteratively produce something funny or informative are practically this site’s main cultural export i don’t know what kind of tepid soup is sloshing around in your skull that you’d even consider getting rid of that

edit2: welp let's tumblr blackout that didn't happen but it is a more comprehensive list of grievances

--please message if i miss a locked post and any of the links is actually broken

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Louis Rossman said in one of his video that at his views level it would cost him ~10k a year to host outside of youtube.

“A rising tide lifts all boats” is something Republicans say is impossible because God wouldn’t let the liberal commie boats peasant fishing rowboats rise with the patriot boats yachts.

They have for public benefit program where they give out their paid security tiers for free? If you can get recommended into it. Build a lot of goodwill there for non-profits community.

Pre search engine time on Geocities trading mutual linking on each other websites, reams and reams of messages and emails

I once left a torrent on for ~three years at 50%, obviously no one seeded that anymore. one day i realised it was completed, and i have no idea when. now i only streamed my high sea amusements, i don't even have a torrent client on anymore, but i like to think that the three copies seeded from mine (based on uploaded data) is still out there somewhere.

I sure miss the museum accounts. paintings, artifacts, historical 'ritual objects' (sir, they're dildos) - truth getting out of her well iterations

Yeah, i found that. As it is pretty clear that official support for tagging is not there, causing mayhem here looks like the better idea.

I got first catch at gmail when it was brand new, a common nickname without any numbers?, never gonna let go of my username.

maybe this problem is more than it really is, maybe youtube really really needs eyes on ads.

Do it like AO3 and enforce only about a dozen mandatory tags, and allow 'choose not to tag' tag if you don't want to tag, and you can choose to filter out the choose not to tag content..

The names/addresses of these might create problems? Maybe lemmy.ml/c/user/blog and lemmy.ml/c/user/microblog

It's already /u/user, /c/community

so blog: lemmy.ml/b/user microblog: lemmy.my/m/user

dash (posts from users you follow): lemmy.ml/d/user
dash (long form posts from users you follow): lemmy.ml/e/user
dash (microblog posts from users you follow): lemmy.ml/f/user
-lemmy.ml/d/b/user -lemmy.ml/d/m/user/m

tags (all posts with this tag only): lemmy.ml/t/<tag>
tags (all long form posts with this tag only): lemmy.ml/v/<tag>
tags (all microblog posts with this tag only): lemmy.ml/w/<tag>
-lemmy.ml/t/b/<tag> -lemmy.ml/t/m/<tag>

I am extremely disappointed by lack of matching theme 😁

2 subs, one of them i go in every few days and go through almost every new posts and some older ones for quite some time now, and haven't found a similar one here. and /whatisthisthing because seriously there are a lot of new interesting things there. and i guess i'll answer if i ever were there. if old reddit is gone, i'm gone.

I've serviced computers where the ide cable key was hand-striped or with some other marking with a marker as opposed to the line (spoon's red wire) already keyed from factory, somewhere mid 90's. regular procedure at that shop i think at that time to mark any unkeyed cable found. not that i ever had to mark any single one, so even then they were really old ide cables.

Actually...i kind or remember a motherboard coming up in smoke from one of those when someone made a mistake. brand new first week technician i think.

You can replace sauteed onions with similarly cut and sauteed eggplants. Different flavour, similar function.

I tested with ublock origin (firefox), removing the shorts section via adblock works.

Wasn't there an insane internal politics war going on at microsoft at that time? desktop and tablet/phone teams were sabotaging each other.


Before social media back in the 2000's i know quite a few personal site using home servers using them. And (google google) apparently these days cloudflare offers the service.

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Or to recap from history, Internet Explorer has no incentive to follow web standards and web design was a stagnant table-based layout until Netscape shows up. Wouldn't have complete separation of text and style the way we do today if css never took off.