
4 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Frame rate is how many frames per second your game is running at, refresh rate is how many times per second your monitor refreshes. So 60fps at 60hz means you’re running and seeing 60fps properly.

If your screen is at 30hz, and your game is running at 60fps, you’re only seeing 30fps.

Try to keep them matched up for a better experience.

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Never purchase them, you’ll end up banned. Best way is to look for open sign ups

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Kinda sounds like a scam, wouldn’t buy a torrent invite from another website. Usually you can get into them when they have open sign ups or if you know someone in one.

If you’re desperate, and ready to spend money, you can buy your way into IPTorrents.

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I wonder how apple will react to this

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AirVPN is a good one

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The bit in shrek where shrek says farquad is compensating for something with his massive castle

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She’s as Tory as you can get

Did Linux sys admin type work for a few years and can confirm there was never a DE in sight

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My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me on Sunday, she’s the love of my life (have known each other far longer than 2 years). We have a child together, I don’t know what to do about it.

I’m trying to talk to her and discuss how we can work through it, I don’t know if it’s going to work.

Keep your fingers crossed for me I guess?

I also haven’t eaten or slept properly since, I’m starving but I can’t actually put food in my mouth.

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TorrentLeech, private tracker

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+1 for matrix

I can’t get enough of my contacts using signal for stories to be useful

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This isn’t anything new, there’s some community software locked behind paywalls like patreon already. Doesn’t mean we have to like it though.

Then again, DLSS is an nvidia product, so there’s a legal issue here I think.

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AirVPN, limited on details for signing up, can pay in crypto and easy port forwarding.

Good config generator as well

British politics are becoming a lot like American politics these days

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I feel partially responsible for this, and I’m not complaining

Feels like the real web3 instead if all that crypto crap, even though its more like web1.

I’ve done all of this as best I can, but I’m struggling with the eating and sleeping. I’m doing my best though.

Manual empathy

binhex hinted that he might be building a CA, other than that people have had luck with docker compose plugin (not me though, can't get it working)

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Selling invited isn’t allowed by most private trackers and the admins can tell if you’ve used a bought invite

Try arch and you'll never distro hop again

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I worked in a small team and our stuff rarely broke. We set it all up to use minimal resources and mostly automated maintenance and we went unnoticed for most of my time there. Everyone else thought we were just sitting around doing nothing and getting paid for it. It created an uncomfortable environment, was glad to leave at the end of it.

I got an MW3 ban for just being part of a modded lobby, this was like 4 years ago and I’m still mad about it

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Witcher 3, is was so bored for the first 30 mins I turned it off. Came back a year later, now got around 300 hours in the game.

You could’ve used rclone?

Windows 10 was never meant to be the last version, one guy said it and somehow it stuck. It was never the plan though.

You can eat anything if you’re brave enough

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Why is it when a rich guy is addicted to porn he gets a page on the news, but anyone else gets called a simp

No there’s a share button, it takes screenshots/videos and you can share them to certain platforms.

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Taking out a good loan to consolidate my credit card debts, and make them cheaper at the same time. I might be paying it off for 5 years but the interest and monthly payments are cheaper.

VM’s are always an option

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I once ate a burrito that was free if you could finish in one sitting, it was 6lb. It weighed around the same as my first child when he was born.

For the first few hours of his life, all I was thinking was “how the fuck did I eat something the same weight as you”

Can I use a file in the same place as the nix config to set the configs for i3 for example? Or anything else that would go in ~/.config? It would be amazing to have all the configuration files in one single folder to easily move to new hardware.

Matrix comes close

I only ever use them in desktop mode but I know if they disappeared I’d be mad about it

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I don’t go out much and my hairline is receding, so your mileage may vary on this one

I don't host lemmy (yet) but my domain is zyphr.xyz, I wanted zephry.xyz but it was taken.

Wish I had looked at other options before choosing to be honest.

I tried manjaro, it was a total mess after a few days of setting it up. Decided to just nuke it and go with arch and I've never looked back. Been 5 years now :)

No Scotland & Wales either for some reason