8 Post – 279 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

I love myself a bit of Streisand effect in the late afternoon

"Hold my bear" I wispered, reaching for my kitchen tongs

He also keeps explaining to me why Fedora better than my “nerd OS”

Your brother is the wise guy of the bell curve

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All of them: communities are so used to blow their own horn that every Distro becomes overrated in the public debate.
Each single distro is "fine" at best.
Except for Debian.
Debian is Great, Debian is Love.

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I spent the last 10 mins reading all the comments and I think we managed to shit on all the distros available.
That's the Linux community I love, good job people <3

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His page doesn't load so it must be overwhelmed with visitors.
Linux users all around the world who want to be close to him.
When things matter, we are a good community guys <3

Microplastics and plastic related byproducts, like phtalates (which are connected with a decreased fertility in mammals)
I'm positive that the long term effects of these substances, that can be found in every link of the food chain nowadays, will be discussed a lot in the future helped me with easy suggestion on how to invest small savings

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Remember to flip the switch back on when you need to pee

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Among "The Big Lebowski" fans there are some that suggest that Donnie isn't real.
In the whole movie, Walter's is the only person that directly speaks to him. The Dude almost always ignores him or talks to him in a generic/patronizing way.
The theory says that Donnie was probably one of Walter's war buddies in Vietnam and died and what we see in the movie is just Walter's hallucination caused by PTSD. The Dude just plays along to not upset Walter.

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Wait what? A communism advocate who also develops Free and Open Source Software, which is literally communist philosphy applied to computers?

I'm blown away

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That, given the chance, always choose a smaller company: having a direct contact with the person that pays your salary gives you a better shot in terms of professional growth

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Edit - I corrected a few errors here and there: If you are willing to read until the end, you deserve proper structure and grammar

Director's Cut:
I was dating this girl back in university. It was the sort of relationship that, looking backwards now, we were more friends than partners. But I liked her, she liked me and we both wanted the best for one another. And at the time we were invested in making the relationship last, more by stubbornness than by commitment.
Back then she had this friend that was really close to her, they had a nice chemistry going on and those sort of things. I did not worry about it since he was also in a relationship and jealousy has never been my thing.
But I liked to joke about it, saying to my girlfriend things like "if we ever leave each other, I know you'll end up with him" or "you two will marry for sure one day".
And she always got mad when I did that.
But a weird kind of mad. A "whoa dude, take it down a few pegs" kind of mad. A "what are you not telling yourself?" kind of mad.
And she always stressed how I could be not wrong, how my whole judgment system was wrong and my whole brain was WRONG.
This was taken to an extent where she started to get mad at me every time she got out with him.
One night we were in a fight and she brought this thing up just to say again how I was wrong. That time I just calmly said "at this point I know I'm not".
She left without saying a word more, shoes still untied and crying in frustration.
She called me the next day saying that she was sorry, she apologized for how she overreacted and such, just like she apologized a million times before that.
I was numb at this point, I had rough months with my studies, quite a few familiar issues and I didn't want to be in a relationship anymore. So I just told her "I feel like taking a break" and hung up.
Seconds later I messaged him "Dude, this is your chance". He didn't answer.
He broke up with his girl the week later and the month after that they were together publicly. Rumors say that he even broke his engagement to do so, but I'm not 100% sure it's true.
She never really talked to me again because she is a really prideful person and I get really snarky when I'm right.

Fast forward a whole year, one day I'm back home from work, I switch on my laptop and start scrolling through social media: I see a picture of them.
He's in a really elegant tuxedo, she's in a white dress, people throwing grains of rice at them. Everyone's happy.
I open the fridge and crack a beer, thinking "feels good to be right". I try to smile but I can't.

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If I didn't know better, I'd say they are trying to cancel Tenacious D...

So hate helped sprouting mold, therefore new life?

Use a system that's not a personalized ad billboard

The Big Lebowski

Is gonna be the best movie you've ever seen once you see it twice

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It sounds like the story of the AetherSX2 emulator, that happened earlier this year: the main developer got burnt out by all the harassment and threats from toxic individuals and abandoned the project out of frustration.
The internet can be really hard for sensible people, I hope wherever Tahlreth is right now is feeling better.

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The Big Lebowski.
I lie to people about how many times I've seen it because I don't want them to think I'm crazy (if you though about a number, it's more than that).
Every line of dialogue is simply a masterpiece.

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My own personal conspiracy theory is that Flat Earthers, Anti-vaxxers and all the other "Facebook boomer" conspiracies are just a strategy to discredit other "more real" conspiracies: if you believe that 9/11 was an inside job you're bundled with people that believe that Earth is a frisbee and smart people don't want that so they keep themselves from exploring anything else.
Also aliens fucked apes and that's how we got here.

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That's the reason I quit drinking

Actually the girl's name is Freda, her mother calls her name when she escapes the raided village

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I ended a relationship to prove I was right.
Worth it.

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Lemmy Cake

I better stop smoking weed then

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They believe that demand and offer in the market is an egg and chicken situation, so right now they're force feeding us the offer waiting for the demand to adapt

It usually goes "Cool! That band is gonna... Oh it was last week... Fuck..."

sudo apt install gnome

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"Whataboutism", or if you are unfamiliar with the term:

"The act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is similar or worse"

People that use this mechanism are "poorly educated" and unable to hold a conversation and they should just be mocked by whatabouting even harder, so they can maybe understand that they're dumb and that's not how you should debate.

Example of the last argument I had recently with my dumb c*nt father:

  • Me: You shouldn't idolize that politician, he evaded literally billions in taxes and that befalls on citizens like you
  • Dumb c*nt father: Yeah? And what about that other politician?
  • Me: What about the disappearing middle class?!
  • D.C.F.: What...?
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Now advertising companies would pay to slap the name of their brand on dinosaurs:

  • Cocapteryx colacerus
  • Teslasaurus muskatus
  • Primeraptor amazonii

Exactly: Italian companies (like AirVPN) are now forced to comply to the new law, but being a member of the EU means you cannot forbid other EU countries to sell you their products. So any Italian citizen has still the right to purchase the same service from any other Country, thus stifling their own economy.
The current Italian Government keeps fucking themself in their own ass with this kind of actions: they get bribed by big companies (in this case Comcast's Sky and DAZN) and keep putting in serious difficulties small local companies, because of their total inability to think even a single a step ahead

Stand-up comedy. I love doing it and I'm a HUGE nerd about it.
It's not that I wanna hide myself, I'm just tired of all the "tell me a joke" or "let me tell you a joke" conversation that follows. If you wanna hear my jokes come see me on Friday and I've probably already heard your joke many many times and told 10 times better than you do.

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"Wow, so many unfinished projects"

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If we have to be hypothetical, let's go wild

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Mobile phones: I'm gonna throw the one I have away because the usb-c port worn out, just like the one before. After just 2 years.
I'm going to spend the extra money now and get a Fairphone

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In the dialect of the Italian province I'm from, my favorite insult is "Perdabàll", which literally means "balls loser" as someone who's so stupid and useless that could even manage to lose his testicles

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