0 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Good now wipe it and install NixOS. You're ready.

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You have friends? What's that like?

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You are right, generally, generative AI pirates art and the rest of the content on the internet.

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I've never been a user of Plex, but they'd never get my photos after emailing people's watch lists without permission; they've shown they have little regard for your data.

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nVidia drivers on NixOS are easier and more pain free that on any other distro I've used.

I use NixOS, so your first comment is totally 100% invalid.

It is better in all the ways. Newer packages, no imperative config, reproducible.

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It doesn't "learn" anything, its a database with linear algebra. Using anthropomorphic adjectives only helps to entrench this useless and wasteful technology to regular people.

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Everyone loves increased work load and wow that's a lot of power to... do what exactly.

You don't need to resort to name calling, you could make a compelling argument instead...

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zfs is fine on a single drive too, and its cross platform, which OP said they wanted (though not which platforms, which is important here). ext4 is junk on windows and nfs doesn't work well either for windows, which i assume OP wants because they mention NTFS.

Name calling is what people do when they don't have any rational argument left, and you've done it twice.

Jellyfin or Kodi.

After nix there is only sadness

Replaces the Archwiki with basically 0 docs

Arch wiki is still relevant, I still use it as a reference on my NixOS box.

a large chunk of your Linux knowledge no longer applies

Your pacman and pacur (or whatever the name of the air helper soup de jour is this week) will no longer apply. Most of my linux knowledge was still applicable. You have all the same programs that run in the same way as they do on arch.

you can't compile from source

Sure you can. Want to compile everything from source? Just turn off using the cache. NixOS is a source based distro.

everything is different

Also no. I use the same programs I can get on most other distros.

the nix language kinda sucks until you "get" it, etc.

If you have ever used another functional language its fine.