15 Post – 1354 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is a good way to put it.

Especially relevant now that public spaces are less and less accessible.

bruh. just. what. the. fuck.

Yes, but usually they'd have a more robust VM management system to stay sane for long.

Try getting the sddm (for KDE) instead and run it thru the display-manager service.

network. manager.

Looking at the replies, I realized I'm too much of a normie for this thread.

No matrix?

Getting very close?

At this point they should just have that announcement when they actually have the thing.

Why anyone's still using Telegram is beyond me...

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From experience: not as good as the regular Linux Mint.

Boy, you don't know what you're missin'!

Okay, did you change anything, perhaps BIOS settings? You did mention it booted just fine the first time with liveUSB.

Are you able to boot to the liveUSB again? If so, you may be able to use it to access the log on that broken installation.

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Of course it did!


I'd be more worried about breaking that poor type C connector. Unless that plastic appendage got something holding it on the other hand (which I suspect not).

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Or with Flatpak!


I'd be more worried about all the accidental nudging that can happen. This probability would increase dramatically with that bigger target area. The retro connectors that inspire this thing all have some support structure that protect against impact.

I know it sounds crazy, but a better free alternative exists.

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What the fuck is EU doing? Why are they trying so hard to participate in the enshitification effort?

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Thankfully you're not his mom.

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You know what causes PR damage? This bullshit.

I second this!

It's especially disappointing to see FOSS people on Fediverse promoting it.

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From Aaron Swartz's wiki page

In the early fall of 2005, he worked with his fellow co-founders of another nascent Y-Combinator firm, Reddit, to rewrite its Lisp codebase using Python and

This is more than just "merging his company into Reddit".

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Turns out Ukraine is not full of Nazis but radical Islamists. Noted!

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"What are you gonna do, arrest me?"

gets arrested

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Like this?

Fuck you


Linus Torvalds


I mean, why the hell is IPv4 still a thing??

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That was quick...

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Technically yes.

Man, I'm getting tired for all this corporate apologists.

Yeah, it's easy to just say "customer should do this, customer should do that"

Why don't we ask why the customers are like that in the first place. Let's start with the fact that most consumer devices only get a few years of support.

What happens after that support ends? At best you'll be vulnerable to security exploits. At worst, you won't be able to use it in the modern world (3G, anyone?).

While I cannot blame the technological advancement, I do blame the fact that vendors like to make their stuff like black boxes.

Screen or battery broke? Gotta pay hundreds of dollars to get that specific part that doesn't work on other model (of the same brand even). Kernel 6.6 is the new LTS? Too bad your board is stuck with 4.19 due to all the vendor-specific stuff. Wanna try to embody the spirit of open source and get that vendor-specific to mainline? Too bad you cannot run it to see that it works because we locked the bootloader for reasons you can't understand.

All that bullshit, and we're still the one to blame?

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Quite a cool wallpaper. Makes me why they decided not to include it anymore.

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Do I get to move to Germany for this?

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Elmo asked how everyone was doing, the replies were so bad president of the United States had to come in.

Who got that on their bingo card?

Anytime someone new ask for recommendation, I'd give Linux Mint.

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On AWS Firecracker

How about on baremetal?

What are they gonna do next, ban Linux?