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And even in some prototype bus, the Gyrobus, in the 50's that used an electrically charged flywheel that was also (to some degree) regeneratively recharged when breaking:

Rather than carrying an internal combustion engine or batteries, or connecting to overhead powerlines, a gyrobus carries a large flywheel that is spun at up to 3,000 RPM by a "squirrel cage" motor.[1] Power for charging the flywheel was sourced by means of three booms mounted on the vehicle's roof, which contacted charging points located as required or where appropriate (at passenger stops en route, or at terminals, for instance). To obtain tractive power, capacitors would excite the flywheel's charging motor so that it became a generator, in this way transforming the energy stored in the flywheel back into electricity. Vehicle braking was electric, and some of the energy was recycled back into the flywheel, thereby extending its range.

Source: Wikipedia: Gyrobus

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"rendering" the music and some of the graphics.

I think that's what's called procedural audio/graphics. For audio, it's like building synthesizers into the game, to then be able to play the music/fx as a program (sort of like sheet music) instead of an audio file.

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Right, I forgot to mention that's possible too!

Thanks for mentioning SunVox, which sent me down a rabbithole of a multitude of interesting software from the same developer. I have even played with the one called PhonoPaper maybe 8 years ago, without knowing of all the other projects! There are many music-related apps, and also PixiVisor that transmits video over audio, which I find fascinating for visual DSP. Seems like next-level SSTV, and would be fun to try over radio - like a LoFi TV signal!

Unfortunately, it seems that the Android versions of most/all(?) of the projects are outdated, and not supported on my phone's newer version of Android, but other versions probably still work on different OSs.

The SunVox library for developers (rather than just the JS-based player) seems very interesting to me. If I'm not misunderstanding, it could be used to build some interesting custom browser-based synth GUIs, or behind the scenes for playing live adaptive and/or generative game music+FX. I'll definitely be looking into that sometime, though so far I've only been scratching the surface of software development, but with the help of LLMs I have recently been able to prototype some interesting ideas (music-based games too!) that seemed totally out of my reach before that.

Feel free to let me know if you ever get around to doing something along the lines of what you were describing. Sounds like a (more) straightforward way of using SunVox to reduce the game size.

For example, users might spend a long time at a screen because they are thinking about

... anything!

what am I gonna eat?

I should remember to feed the bicycle...

who stole my cat btw?

who am I to judge?

who am I?

what's the meaning of life?

what's the meaning of finding it?

what's the meaning of figuring out what the meaning is of finding it???

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There's are some OpenStreetMap-based apps that are worth checking out. Some of them are made for specific purposes, while other are for general navigation. I've tried some of them through the time with various success, though I've still haven't found a favorite to stick with for good. But I believe making the switch is definitely possible and probably worth it!

You can install all the mentioned apps through F-Droid:

  • GraphHopper Maps
  • OsmAnd+
  • Organic Maps (hike/bike)
  • Alpi Maps (hike/bike)
  • SeaMapDroid (nautical)

Additionally, use Transportr for public transport navigation almost anywhere in the world, and GMaps WV, a restricted WebView wrapper for accessing the web version of Google Maps. Intended for use when OpenStreetMap isn't enough.

Yeah, it's somehow comparable to a scenario where they had the power to decide you can't use uber/taxi, or postal services, because you used it to transport the HDD you're using for your private collection of copyright-protected media.

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Faster than "[...] the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway"?

(Quoted: Tanenbaum, 1981)

@aihorde@lemmy.dbzer0.com draw for me poster art showing a spooky-looking, non-beneficial third-party app store on an Apple iPhone in Europe. The iPhone is a central element on a gradient background. The third-party app store on the screen seems hostile. style: fustercluck

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When I went to read the comments of this post, and for some reason it took 10 sec for them to show up in my client, I thought of Google...

Your comment lead me to this overview:


Here you'll find all the evergreens such as these, among many others:

𖠈 𖡠 𖢍 𖢯 𖣞 𖣐 𖤗 𖥓 𖤫 𖧌 𖨰

As in AGI?

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Then stop fucking lawyers :D

I understand some languages way better than I speak/write them. What's funny about that?

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Many urban-suburban trains, and even some regional trains, have entire cars dedicated for bicycles, with no (or only few) seats. This is very scalable on multiple scales, when the demand is growing:

  1. Adding more bicycle cars to existing bike-friendly trains 🏩🚞🚃🚃🚃🚃🏫
  2. Adding more bike-friendly trains to existing lines 🚆🚆🚉🚊🚇🚇
  3. Building new well-placed bike-friendly stations on existing lines 🏢🏪🚵‍♂️🚵‍♀️🚈
  4. Adding more passenger railway lines to existing rail networks. 🛤️🛤️🛤️🛤️🛤️
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The random lettuce between every layer is weirdly off-putting to me. It seems like it's been growing on the burger for quite some time :D

Internet Explorer Logo History

Internet Explorer Logo History

Internet Explorer Logo History

I've recently read about how to fix corrupted SD-cards in Raspberry Pis. Corruption can happen when the Pi is unexpectedly losing power during a write to the SD card.

To avoid corruption, you can change the (boot partition of the) SD to read-only, requiring either USB storage (flash/HDD/SSD) or a writable secondary partition on the SD card) if you need to save anything locally. The system itself will run fine without write access. Only your files could be at risk if you lose power mid-write.

You can also configure your system to boot from USB storage instead of SD card. Keeping the system partition read-only is probably still a good idea, if possible in your setup.

Modern versions of raspi-config offer a similar read-only overlayFS functionality out of the box! sudo raspi-config, go to Advanced Options, then enable the Overlay FS: Enable/Disable read-only filesystem feature.

Source: Shane S. @ https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/7978/how-can-i-prevent-my-pis-sd-card-from-getting-corrupted-so-often

My oven asked me to allow cookies 🍪🍪🍪

F-Droid changed my life

No, that would make it too easy to do third-party screen repairs. Apple wouldn't allow that...

Though it's not entirely without risk, I'm glad my parents, friends' parents and school did when I was a kid. I find it somehow sad if today's kids aren't exploring the web + world on their own (with advice) some of the time, and figuring out how to act carefully outside of the walled gardens, getting to know themselves and preparing for the realities of life.

Would you download one?


OK, so let's get those ears removed!

Yes, I'm hungieee

Limiting the length of a password (at least to something as low as 16 characters) sounds like an unnecessary, bad idea...

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Never heard of Nextdoor. What is that?

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FLauncher is another great option — and open source!

That's a 115% - dayum, that's a lot of users! :D

I'm not sure I've ever seen a mini SD card. To me it seems that consumer electronics went from regular SD straight to micro SD, skipping the mini SD step. What was it used for? Phones?


Have a look at LibreELEC "just enough OS for Kodi" for the Pi - at least if you plan on using it primarily for running Kodi as a "casting receiver". (LibreELEC even supports Docker containers as Kodi add-ons too, if you need the Pi to run more than just Kodi.)

  • Kodi will natively play some types of links shared to it through the "Kore" remote app's "Play on Kodi" in the share menu.
  • Even more types of links are supported with the right add-ons such as YouTube links through Invidious add-on (or YouTube add-on with your own token), local broadcasters' VoD content, some paid streaming services and many more but it's a bit hit and miss...
  • With DLNA enabled in Kodi, many more types of stream URLs can be extracted from websites and sent to Kodi with apps like "Web Video Caster". I think this one has the option of routing the stream through the phone (which is only necessary for some types of streams).

Depending on your media consumption habits and requirements, it might not be the perfect solution, but possibly prettttty good one for a Raspberry Pi.

15-18 years ago when camera phones became commonly available for teenagers, but before front-facing cameras were built-in, we took selfies in the mirrors all day, most often to then upload them on our local pre-fb social media site for young people... I refuse to believe we were the only ones doing that.

However, I agree, that doesn't mean the mirrors are the "problem". Rather, there seem to be misaligned interests between the kids (some more interested in socializing, attention-seeking, being popular etc.) and the State-owned public schools (probably more interested in turning the kids into obedient "valuable citizens"). I think it's better to reform the system than trying to deform the kids, but removing the mirrors doesn't seem like the needed change...

Thirding! (is that a thing?)

I recently noticed it has the option to import/export your subscriptions, which is useful for backups or if the podcast app you're migrating from supports the .opml file format too.

The Universal Spower Bus

sounds like an awesome transit vehicle!

Let's take a ride!

Edit: Spower is a contraction of Space and Power. Yes, you heard me right. It's running on spinfinite space power!

And there you have it,

The Universal Spower Bus:

Woah, it's been years since the last time I lost the game! Thanks, I guess?

Trust me, I'm not an expert

100x more than a CD?

700 MB was the typical capacity of a CD. 100 times 700 MB is 70000 MB, ~70 GB.

Conventional (or "pre-BD-XL") Blu-ray Discs contain 25 GB per layer, with dual-layer discs (50 GB) being the industry standard for feature-length video discs. Triple-layer discs (100 GB) and quadruple-layer discs (128 GB) are available for BD-XL re-writer drives. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray

SSDs nowadays can hold multiple TB of data, and HDDs can get even bigger in capacity 20 TB HDDs are available for consumers.

and no, we didn’t hear from those technologies ever again. source: you :D

Everything is an apple for the untrained eye


Maybe they're still on a G Suite Business / Workspace with the storage quota exceeded. Until earlier this year, Google didn't do anything about exceeded quotas, and many had more than the included 5TB stored in their drive. I've seen people who had 100s of TB! I myself "only" have ~25TB, which I'm finally downloading to my local storage these days. When Google began caring about the storage quotas, they froze all accounts with exceeded quotas, blocking any new uploads – but if you keep paying the subscription (~20€), they'll retain the frozen files for an extended time period of a year or two (don't remember) after they gave the first notice.
