
7 Post – 453 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm very happy for you.

20 pilots?

A couple of people have tried to kill him! Not necessarily for those reasons tho

Seeing as how things just keep getting worse and worse, the star wars sequel trilogy? Shame I can't turn it off

tar -xzvf filename

With a bad pretend accent:





4chan is more than /b/ and /pol/, you know. The porn boards are pretty good at least

If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by break? To me, pain is easier if there's nothing I can do to improve or prevent it. Takes a mental load off, at least. I'm thankful I don't believe in afterlives, I'm SO looking forward to nonexistence.

Notably, java jar files as well.

Yeah was so happy when I read that. Lovely to see no forced arbitration or class action waiver bs

Innocent until proven guilty in matters of law, for better AND for worse.

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Yes, hence the "AND for worse" part

That's a fun question, and kind of depends on how you see it. If you're going by "standing on and reading a scale in Earth's atmosphere", I believe the scale would read ever so slightly less. However, this is kind of mixing up weight and how we measure weight. Helium still has mass, it's not negative mass, it still is affected by gravity and gets pulled down by it like everything else. It's just that it's less dense than other gasses in the atmosphere, and so the buoyancy overpowers gravity and it floats. So, you with deflated lungs actually weigh less than you with lungs inflated with helium, even if that's not what the scale reads!

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I read parts of it and basically

Having lots of single dates or low numbers of dates per partner many times that end in sex and don't continue into anything will make you burned out on dating. He dubs this used condom syndrome, imo it's too on the nose.

He rambles on a lot more about dating and different categories of daters.

Dudes not wrong about the core idea but his writing needs some serious work and it's a lot of pseudoscience and sterotyping.

Miss me with the mug, hit me with the IBC

Also if anyone comes here and posts β€œdOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

Don't use windows?


"Honey, grab the lube, I need you to take my temperature!"


I think next time you try this, you should try feathering the edge of the black and white to color border. It seems a bit sharp

Less the difference between weight and mass and more the affect of buoyancy on your method of measurement. If you float in water, it doesn't mean you're weightless in water. It just means the buoyant force of the water overpowers gravity.

Lmao getting ahead of all the annoying pedants I see

When I'm sick I don't really have the initiative to be horny, I think. If someone else initiated it though...

.ml moment

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Rectal carrots are great even without the privacy benefits

Don't need to cum for to feel amazing from getting my butt filled. However, having fun with people is gonna suck if I can't laugh.

Mrow meow

There's something to be said for being a desperate, horny, needy, leaky mess though. Might not be for you but you never know unless you try =D

Yeah I really wish. It's just not going to happen though. I don't go anywhere or do anything. I just sit around and shovel stimulation into the black hole inside myself at an unsustainable rate to try to distract myself from the fact that that's all things will ever be for me, that's all things ever can be for me. I'm so tired and I desperately just want to give up. Even when things are ok and my mood isn't in the dumpster it hangs over me. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sick of being a barely functioning human being. I'm just so tired and I want to turn it all off. There's things that I would like to do or have or be, but they just aren't going to happen. I'll never have someone that cares for me. I'll never be able to actually stick with a hobby I enjoy. I'd love to actually be a person I enjoy being, but THAT'S certainly never going to happen.

I can't kill myself, because too many people still care about me. I wish people would forget about me so I could just leave. There'll probably come a point when I'm too tired to care. Hard to tell when it'll be.

You should have rolling log files of limited size and limited quantity. The issue isn't that it's a text file, it's that they're not following pretty standard logging procedures to prevent this kind of thing and make logs more useful.

Essentially, when your log file reaches a configured size, it should create a new one and start writing into that, deleting the oldest if there are more log files than your configured limit.

This prevents runaway logging like this, and also lets you store more logging info than you can easily open and go through in one document. If you want to store 20 gb of logs, having all of that in one file will make it difficult to go through. 10 2 gb log files is much easier. That's not so much a consumer issue, but that's the jist of it.

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Ngl I can't even think of anything that only costs a dollar nowadays

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Is it normal for teenagers discovering sexuality to improvise sex toys? Absolutely. Cucumbers are generally a convenient shape and size. When I was a young male teenager, I used hotel shampoo bottles. (Almost got one stuck inside me, no idea what I would have done.) When the time comes to have that talk, mention sex toys and that if they want to experiment, they should use objects that are meant to be used that way and that you won't judge them for it. I'd probably also mention that you won't open packages addressed to them and leave it at that.

God, that's the ultimate nightmare scenario. Fucking up so bad it costs the life of your child, and it seems like no one will understand how you could have fucked it up and you're too overwhelmed with guilt and sadness to not defend yourself but to try to make people understand how this could have happened. You're no longer you to yourself, you're the monster responsible for your childs death. There's no way I could live with myself after that, though I do have suicidal thoughts at the drop of a hat

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I feel like there's more posts complaining about politics posts than politics posts

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It's not pornhub that wants your id, it's the facist states, so they can have a registry of who's not aligned with their puritanical ideals.

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When did empathy become so rare?

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Out of curiosity, why does sex need a purpose? Why should it be or not be for anything in particular? What makes it any different from, say, juggling?

Sex work isn't just prostitution, by the way. It's anyone making a living off of sexual content. If you're shooting porn or are a cam girl, you're a sex worker as well.

Prostitution is problematic in that currently, because it's an illegal service, it's largely being performed by people who don't have a choice in the matter. Human trafficking is a huge problem. If prostitution were legalized and regulated, if the societal "we" changed our collective attitudes towards it, life would improve for a lot of people. I struggle to phrase this next bit in a tactful way. If you're against improving the lives of so many people because it doesn't align with your view of sex should be for, that's pretty shitty of you. Not saying that's the case, I don't live inside your head, but that's how I see it.

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don't say something depressing

don't say something depressing

don't say something depressing

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It's super context dependent. Asking "How do I ask a woman out?" Vs "How do I ask a female out?" say very different things about you.

Because the genocide is the goal.