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Joined 1 years ago

Why do you care what other instances think about it? I'm honestly asking and expecting an answer here. This isn't a sassy question.

You built a wall and now you're asking people outside of that wall what it feels for you to leave. Well, I'd care if I could see what's inside the wall, but I can't. I tried subscribing and it was impossible.

So why do you care what people outside of your wall think? Again, I expect an answer here.

Who gives a fuck about Google? They pull the same shit whenever they get the chance.

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"threaten to blackmail" is such a funny expression, that threat is literally blackmail already.

If people defend themselves against abuse, they go to jail.

If they don't, they go to jail.

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They take steroids before filming these movies. It is no secret. You can't achieve that in a few months, that's 100% steroids backed by a team of experts who are giving them the best products in the exact doses they need.

Damn. She scammed the scammers to scam the dummies.

laugh tracks go wild

What is this art style, it is so creepy. I love it.

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Did they forget smartphones exist? Why would I want another device for something my smartphone could do?

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  • Reads "thou shalt not kill" commandment.

  • Declares holy war on indigenous people.

This goes beyond irony blindness, this is straight cherry picking for convenience.

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Police in the US escalate situations instead of de-escalating them. In any country this would have been solved after a short conversation.

They didn't convince anyone of anything, they just have a great free-tier service, so people prefer using it than self-hosting something. You can also self-hosted Github if you want the features they offer, besides Git.

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I've only had beef with a single dev ever. The maintainer of Prometheus, Brian Brazil, or whatever his name is. His attitude is so shitty towards people proposing actually good ideas that would push his product forward.

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You need to create a list of incidents that reached customers. Create a matrix that has the incident ID, the link to the incident documentation and the type of test that would have caught the incident.

Then they'll see that their incidents would have been caught by the tests you want to. push instead of an angry customer.

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I thought America was already past this in-your-face type of racism and was more into the less obvious types of racism.

Maybe I'm right and Texas is special. While the rest of the US is more subtle about it but still have it.

Not trying to shit specifically on America. Racism is a worldwide problem. I just thought America was beyond that type of super obvious discrimination.

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OK, but why the fuck are their models looking at me like I'm a piece of shit?

Do wearing these gives you a futuristic superiority complex?

I wonder if he honestly thinks women aren't allowed to disagree? He thinks they don't have a brain and opinions?

What does he think women are?

— Hello America, we need to talk.

— Sure America, what's going on?

— Not on the phone, this is very important.

— Where do you want to meet?

— Somewhere public.

I'd totally get her to suck my dick 10 times per day and never nag again. This seems like a good deal.

I can pee and throw up 10 times per day, no issues.

"Honey, the kids are taking 5 lunches to school today, I'm adding the stickers myself, thanks".

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I think it is because of the bizarre way the towers collapsed. Just like a controlled demolition looks like. The way the WTC7, that did not get hit by any plane, also collapsed. Supposedly because it caught on fire too.

I think this is really the cause of suspicion, it was just pretty bizarre. A lot of people came forward to explain that a fire couldn't brind such a massive structure down.

Also, the US is known for doing weird shit behind everyone's backs. The CIA is constantly doing shit like taking governments down or causing a drug crisis in black neighborhoods. You gotta admit the US agencies are sneaky in general, so it wouldn't be a surprise if they were actually responsible for the twin towers. There's no evidence but I'm pretty sure the CIA was somehow involved with the Nord Stream pipeline

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Not being political here, just thinking logically. Isn't it possible for a subgroup of a large group to do X while another subgroup of the same large group does Y?

I'm not sure if these options are mutually exclusive when it comes to large sets of individuals.

This is just logical thinking, I have no statistics and this is not a political stance.

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I was thinking exactly this but with the Bible. Not because I like the Bible but because I'd love to see how AI interprets one of the most important books in human history.

But yeha, the Silmarillion is basically a Bible from another universe.

You missed "jwvsbdodbdvedzufcrc"

What were you expecting?

I'm sorry but this logic doesn't make sense to me. If everyone is perfect the way they are, then Trump is also perfect the way he is, and he is a monster in disguise, far from remotely acceptable.

Dies by open-source crowd linching

There's no competition between trees? Hmm...

7 more...

You wouldn't download a girlfriend.

... wait, yes, yes you would.

10 minutes after migrating from Maven to Gradle...

"Wow, I can do the same I did with Maven with such a small configuration and a few lines of code".

2 months later....

"Wtf is broken!!? Wtf is going on?"

2 hours later...

"Wtf is broken!!? Wtf is going on?"

Hey, listen, is your mouth tiny and small? Then why don't you come down to Little Bits.... ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʙɪᴛs...

They are so stupid, it hurts.

I'm checking the interview right now. Putin just doesn't give a fuck about an interview, he's just rambling about whatever he wants to talk about.

Finally, good news. I can't believe we need to go to court just to be allowed to have encrypted conversations. It's MY conversation and MY data.

Parallel access to depressing memories and constant paranoia over the smallest things. How fun!

Fuck Israel.

You could elaborate your point instead of using a word you're unsure about.

Israel is disgusting.

Really depends on the task and how critical it is. I would never use gparted on the terminal, 3 clicks and I'm done in the UI, without risks.

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I left Lemmy for like 6 months because I got tired of the echo chamber. I'm usually inclined to the left but this was just too much and too extreme. There were some pretty interesting topics that I learned here, like how badly designed society is and why cars are an artificial need. Those "intellectual" discussions (if you could call them that) kept me engaged, but even those spaces were ruined by people totally closed to the idea of a middle-ground.

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You're right, this isn't a tip, this is just paying for the quality of the service.

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