Alien Nathan Edward

@Alien Nathan
4 Post – 1899 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short

The steam deck is how you prevent piracy. If you look at the huge influx of streaming services, you'll see an example of how you encourage piracy. I recently dropped three of my services in favor of one pirate site that has almost everything. They even offer a subscription tier and I've considered it. I'm willing to pay for good content. What I'm not willing to do is pay dozens of middlemen across multiple companies to rip off the people who actually make my favorite shows and then memory hole the shows a few months after they premiere.

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When she called 911 after getting home, cops showed up but she was told she needed to go back to the scene, which is in a different precinct from her home, and call 911 from there.

Cops will move heaven and earth to not prosecute the criminals they like. Especially corrupt racist-ass NYPD.

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Hannah Arendt prize for political thought

Genocide Expert Award Rescinded After Genocide Expert Compares Genocide To Genocide

If you're wondering how fun this could get, here's an article from the National Post arguing that poverty should be a qualifier for assisted suicide

Here's another where a woman with sensitivities to various chemical smells chose to die because she couldn't find an apartment that was affordable and didn't reek of noxious chemicals

The people who are worried about this aren't worried about people who genuinely want to die committing suicide. It was always nearly impossible to stop them anyway, and there's no way to change that. What we're worried about is people being pushed toward MAID because they've been systemically denied things they need to live that are absolutely available. We're worried about mentally ill people being told "do the right thing, don't be a burden" when they want to live. We're worried about suicide becoming the answer to problems that are caused by social and legislative conditions. We're worried about becoming the kind of society where, rather than help one another, it's expected that anyone who needs help just off themselves.

This is all coming from someone who tried twice and will be eternally grateful that I managed to fuck it up both times.

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Once again: if paying for it isn't owning it, then not paying for it isn't stealing it.

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I don't want to be controversial here, but if someone is forcibly destroying the internal organs of someone else without their knowledge or consent then maybe we should, and again I don't wanna overstep my bounds on this nuanced and multifaceted issue here but my instinct is that maybe we should, I don't know, maybe make them stop doing that. If that makes me a "no secretly wrecking someone else's innards" extremist then I guess I'll have to live with that.

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This was a hit.

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this is a hate crime and it's not being charged as such because our government favors violent christian fundamentalist terrorists

complicate attacks on Biden's age

No they really don't. They'll talk about Biden's "obvious mental decline" and they'll just not talk at all about Mitch's very public 30 second Journeys Beyond the Stars. They'll absolutely say Biden is too old but that Trump, who is only 3 years younger, isn't. The right is absolutely capable of that level of doublethink. Stop assuming anything matters to them other than getting power they can use to hurt people. They don't care about policy. They don't care about seeming like hypocrites. They've been whipped into a paranoid frenzy and they'll do anything they need to do in order to hurt the people they're afraid of. Start looking at their behavior through that lens and see if it doesn't start to make a lot of sense to you.

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you blocked the stuff we need to protect your privacy

holy shit fuck you you lying fuck

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Fun fact about this blatantly criminal police department, they currently have an officer on trial for murder because he shot a suspect 7 times while that suspect was HANDCUFFED AND IN THE FUCKING POLICE CAR

This incident happened four years ago, and taxpayers who did nothing wrong have already settled with the victim's family for millions. The judge presiding over the case has openly accused the prosecution of sandbagging the case for four years and rejected a plea deal the prosecution offered the officer because the victim's family protested that it was too lenient. This man shot and killed a cooperative, restrained suspect and the prosecution is doing everything they can to let him off the hook, down to and including just not having a trial because they think he'll be convicted. This is what we mean when we say ACAB, that the police engage in blatant, open criminality up to and including murder and then an entire system does everything it can to avoid holding them responsible. Same story with Jackie Johnson, the DA who initially failed to charge the men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery. She's been charged with misconduct as well, but it's been years and she's not even been arraigned. She violated the law and her oath of office in order to cover up a lynching because one of the murderers is an ex-cop and friend of hers, and she's being protected from the consequences of enabling a lynch mob by a system that knows that the cops are there to use violence to protect aristocrats from the underclass. Same with Freddie Gray. The neighboring police department in Baltimore arrested him for having a knife even though that isn't illegal, loaded him into a van, then the official story is "no one knows what happened and no one did anything wrong but he died of a broken neck".

The police are a street gang. They get to use violence any time they want to without responsibility, and in exchange for that they allow the wealthy to occasionally funnel that violence toward inconvenient people. There is no law, only favor and violence.

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These people did nothing wrong and were accosted by armed thugs in their own home. The dog did nothing wrong and was murdered. The taxpayers did nothing wrong and will pay out tons of money to these people. The police, who did everything wrong, will face no repercussions for their actions because qualified immunity dictates that they didn't necessarily know that holding innocent people at gunpoint violates their rights.

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When you roll out the feasible alternative let me know. Until then, I'll be voting for the candidate whose rallies don't break out in chants of "kill f*ggots, kill all transgenders"

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stop trying to "expose the hypocrisy of the right". that only works if your opponent is beholden to reality and has shame. that's not been what matters to them for over a decade now. you "expose their hypocrisy", and they'll just say "okay" and kill you anyway. they're openly, nakedly terroristic christian ethnonationalists. they believe any evil they commit is good because god is on their side. if this was a chess match, the right has already flipped the board over and pulled out a gun and the left is trying to argue that bishops aren't allowed to move vertically.

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firefox removes tracking data

chrome wants to make it possible for websites to refuse to serve you data if you run unapproved software

there is, in fact, a good guy in the browser wars

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California gets trotted out in the conservative media sphere as "liberalism run wild", a place where being what they consider to be a "real American" is illegal but crime is subsidized by the state, where everything is expensive and dangerous, and homeless people have gay sex in the street. There's an entire industry focused on filtering for the most extremely awful news they can find in a state of almost 40 million people, packaging that news as though it's the typical experience everyone there goes through, and then blasting that news into the brains of Americans 24/7. That image, carefully crafted to be as extremely negative as possible, is the only experience most people have with California.

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A year into COVID they had an all hands where they congratulated us on exceeding our productivity goals after a year of WFH. Then they announced that everyone was gonna have to come back to the office, and that because a different OU screwed up and got their dicks sued off there wasn't any money in the incentives budget and not to expect much in the way of bonuses that year.

Edit: ooh forgot to mention that a bunch of us pushed back because we didn't think it was safe yet, we got overridden by upper management, then after we came back in our state set a record for daily new COVID cases and daily deaths. It swept through the office, a bunch of my coworkers got really sick and one lady's husband died.

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important note - the west bank is not gaza and Hamas has never been in charge in the west bank. the only thing that makes this lynch mob feel justified in its violence is the race of its victims, and the only thing that makes them feel confident they'll get away with it is that the state of Israel sent armed men to protect them while they carry out their terrorism. This makes Israel an openly-racist terrorist state.

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Brandon Clay Dotson was found dead at Ventress Correctional Facility on November 16. It wasn’t immediately clear what charge Dotson was serving time for.

It wasn’t immediately clear what charge Dotson was serving time for.

We don't know what he did, but he died in prison over it.

This is fucking terrifying.

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Despite being accused of ignoring Texas laws which require parental involvement before such interventions, Cameron County District Attorney Rene Garza told a hearing Wednesday that his office was gathering further evidence against Murray, rather than deciding to drop the charges.

If the law protects you, it will be ignored and the people who ignore it will face no consequences for their lawlessness. The law is for hurting you, and only laws that hurt you count.

He's just trying to protect people from inappropriate content. We all know how harmful inappropriate content can be for children unless it's paired with targeted advertisements, which mitigate the danger.

dozens of fellow passengers signed a written copy of a statement saying the airline made them wait for four hours without ventilation or water while the flight was delayed. According to photos of the statement posted online, fellow passengers said he acted “to protect everyone, with the support of everyone.”

“The delay and lack of air created conditions that endangered the health of the passengers. He saved our lives,”

wow airlines can just do whatever and if you don't like it the cops will beat the shit out of you

Here is a list of people who were sold seats on an airplane, then threatened with violence and arrest when it turned out the airline didn't have the seats to sell. One woman tried to use a seat she had purchased for her 2 year old instead of her teenage son for whom it was originally purchased. She was told that if she didn't give up the seat that they would take custody of her kid from her. Another woman bought a seat for her child, and then the airline just sold the seat out from under her to a standby passenger and told her "too bad". She said she was afraid to speak up because the last time she had seen other passengers who insisted on actually getting what they paid for beaten up and dragged away by police. Don't worry though, instead of giving her the seat she purchased they gave her a lei.


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Breaking: Law Ignored For Trump Again

Pretty weak form of identification. Would be much more certain if the body had something Prigozhin is known to have rather than the body lacking something Prigozhin is known to lack.

Still, I think we all kinda knew he was dead the moment he was like "Actually instead of instigating a civil war in Russia I'm going to take this very generous deal they offered me where my treachery sees almost no repercussions whatsoever."

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I don't understand how people listening to podcasts could possibly cost a podcast platform money. It feels an awful lot like if people consume your product actively and you lose money then maybe you just shouldn't be a business.

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if you're american, that's suitcases of your money going to terrorists because the corrupt right wing ruling authority of israel would sacrifice unarmed civilians in both israel and palestine to avoid a peace deal. the israeli government is not just rejecting individual proposed peace deals but sabotaging any attempt at peace because they need constant war and fear to stay in power. Bibi Netanyahu will kill your baby himself with his hands if he thinks it will help him remain in power. He's a war criminal who deserves the Hague.

between this, the pullout in afghanistan and henry kissinger's entire career, I have to wonder if there's a terrorist anywhere on earth that isn't shooting american guns and spending american money.

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Someone has already explained the mechanics of bail to you but from a cultural perspective it's important to note that someone going to one of these storefront bail bondsmen is interpreted as a sign that you are

  1. in an awful lot of trouble

  2. probably a person to avoid because your problems will have a tendency to become my problems

  3. broke enough that you're willing to pay punitive interest in order to stay out of jail

Normally I'd be all on my soapbox about how the bail system essentially means that poor people get punished more for the same crimes and shit like that but this guy really is an absolute monster. Back in the 90s everyone loved him for "cleaning up New York City" using the twin powers of aggressively racist policing and violence against homeless people. After 9/11 they all but made him a saint, started calling him "America's Mayor" and shit like that, but those of us who had been paying attention knew that he was a shit leader and a shit person who was benefiting from the fact that we needed someone to rally behind after the tragedy that was the 9/11 attacks. Watching him be exposed for the grifter and criminal that he always was has been cathartic for a lot of people.

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The governor of Virginia's son committed voter fraud, got caught and turned away, waited half an hour, came back, and tried to commit voter fraud a second time. The governor said that there would be no legal consequences for his son despite having committed voter fraud twice.

So, for those of you keeping score at home, if Governor Youngkin likes the way you vote you can try to vote illegally as many times as you want, but if he doesn't like the way you vote he won't let you vote even if you're legally allowed to.

this is because the technocrats are allowed to steal from you, but when you steal from them what they've stolen from actual researchers that's a problem

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Giuliani doesn’t elaborate on other instances when the Red Sea was parted.

This actually made me lol in the middle of this otherwise inhuman font of garbage, so well done there I suppose

At what point does the Foreign Assistance Act’s ban on sending aid to countries in violation of human rights standards come into play?

when it's politically convenient and not a moment before

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Piracy is really easy to compete against. Ask GabeN. Steam has singlehandedly taken me out of the piracy game because they have what I want, it's super easy to get and if it's not reasonably priced today I'll wishlist it until it goes on sale (and it will). If it sucks, or my hardware can't run it, I just dm someone and I get my money back. I know they can disappear shit from my library like any online store but they haven't abused that privilege with me yet and that makes me confident they won't.

With Netflix, there's a small chance that they actually have what I want. If they do, it's gonna disappear soon. Prices only ever go up, not down, and that series you love is gonna be cancelled as soon as it stops driving new subscriptions. To watch everything I want I can spend a hundred dollars a month on a rotating set of accounts on several streaming services or I can go LOOK for the MOVIE 2 stream for free without even messing with a DOT TOrrent file.

Piracy is easy to prevent if you provide a better service than the pirates. What he meant was that it's hard to get people to pay you to shit in their mouths when someone else is giving out sandwiches.

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Companies: "You are nothing but a cog in a machine. You will be placed in the machine if and only if you help the machine generate maximum profit. If your presence ever causes the machine to generate less than maximum profit you will be summarily discarded."

Employees: "Okay, so you try to get the maximum profit for you and I try to get the maximum profit for me."

Companies: surprisePikachu.jpg

Dissolve the court. Arrest Gorsuch, Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh. Bring in an independent investigator and if any of the others have so much as gotten a ride to their car from someone with business before the court arrest them too. No more "well it's only a little bit corrupt" or "yeah but you've gotta understand" or that horse shit. You want your word to be the literal law that almost 400 million people have to live under? You need to be fucking flawless.

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yet another post where the title says "Trump To Actually Be Held Responsible For Crimes Committed On Live TV" and the article is just people who ahve nothing to do with either Trump or the law guessing that someone could possibly do something with no idea as to whether anyone will actually do anything. It's raw speculation and it degrades the platform, but anything that says "Trump Good" or "Trump Bad" will of course get a million upvotes.

Feels like I'm back on fucking Reddit.

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a year is a year to a rich man and a poor man alike. but a $50,000 fine is several years to a poor man and only a moment to a rich man. fines that don't scale with income are a sneaky way to make things only legal for the rich while pretending that there is equal protection under the law.

Dissolve the court. Arrest Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - the crimes committed by those four are known to the public. Appoint a special investigator for each remaining justice. If they've so much as taken a stick of chewing gum from someone with business before the court imprison them too. Every one of them is delinquent in their duty to preserve the impartiality and legitimacy of the court. Every one of them has cosigned Alito's statement that the court is above regulation. Every one of them endorses this clown show where the highest court in the land is blatantly, publicly for sale. If they won't protect the legitimacy of the court we need to take steps to protect the legitimacy of the court from them. They can declare themselves immune from prosecution but no one is immune from the will of a people united in their support for real justice.

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I kick in your front door and kill two of your kids. I then plant mines at the entrances to your living room and kitchen, eat all the food from the refrigerator and shoot at you if you try to come downstairs. You need to end this aggression, it's unseemly and it's getting people hurt. Just cede the living room and the kitchen, you wouldn't want to escalate things. Also I can't help but notice that your basement and upstairs bathroom are looking pretty liberateable.

Cool. Do it or shut up. Y'all threaten a civil war every time the waiter forgets your ranch.