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In ex-USSR it was pretty intentional.

It is still a thing, but nobody wants to use it, because the flaws of other systems they want to use for themselves.

Starlancer was nice I think

Some were standing before me, but TBH they likely had acquaintances working in one government embezzling money.

Well, how can one speak about some thing's author, the person who has built it from scratch, as of someone who can ruin it or not?

That said, it's hard for me to read her in English, and I've read HP mostly in at least three translations to Russian, one official and two unofficial ones. The former sucks, and from the latter two the one which reads the best is by the least professional translator (actually she's not a translator at all), and I mean Maria Spivak (the original one to circulate in the Runet and samizdat versions, not the abomination published much later).

It communicates the feeling of mad and a bit hooligan-ish fairy tale, I suspect that emotionally it's the closest to the original.

Anyway, it's pretty normal for an author to have a magnum opus and the rest of their works to just not make sense.

I had some, but not anymore.

I wonder if all this is to burn enough energy to make ignorant people believe that we have AI. And then use that AI as a justification of the existing order of things, the same way "civil contract" is. That it's not really technical, but rather a very big and expensive propaganda campaign for abolishing democracies.

It's a text generator. All these people, were they to live in Antiquity, would jump ship to ship trying to visit every oracle and prophet in the Mediterranean asking questions about universe and seeking deep meaning in short texts of the Chinese fortune cookie kind.

I've been called a sovereign citizen as an insult, though I'm just a voluntarist (not sure if ancap or generic anarchist), and that sometimes was past the point of me saying

things like “Listen here you little shit”

but I'll admit "the society" wasn't persuaded. Though sometimes it felt that possibly more than half of the people present agreed, but were confident that the majority doesn't.

It's actually a very good propaganda strategy - even if most people disagree with you (as the bad guy), what's important is that they believe that others agree and thus keep their heads down.

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Doesn't quite cut it.

Now if there's no other option or if the variant with Linux is labeled as "other" or "no OS", and listed separately, normies still choose Windows 99% of cases. Sometimes they pirate it.

They should have a clear choice in the store from a few OSes with details. Summaries with screenshots will do.

She’s not an idiot, but literally every other piece of writing she’s ever put out kinda slams the “smarter than most of humanity” line.

EDIT: accidental keypress

This happens and doesn't mean that she

lucked into an amazing world that managed to remain a good story despite her writing, not because of it

, everyone who has, you know, actually created something knows that from experience.

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Man I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and make my next machine a linux one

Make a compressed backup and try with this one. You'll feel good.

Life sentence. Solved.

They are behaving as if someone promised them to outlaw FOSS operating systems.

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Frugality is what powers evolution. These people don't want evolution, they want to build a religion.

I don't like solving things with regulation, because that's always a victory in one battle making the enemy stronger for all the following ones.

But doing this EU-style, like browser choice, only with operating systems, can be a solution.

People love cheap and easy things. That's how social media won over normal web. Seeing the choice between "install Fedora for freeeeeee" and "install Windows for 20$" significant amount will choose the former.

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Another attempt to approach king Midas' powers by turning matter into shit, because apparently if we can turn it into shit, then eventually we'll learn to turn it into gold.

It's amazingly stupid. Among other things because it's been described by Lem in either "Summa Technologiae" or "Megabit Bomb", I don't remember which. Possibly both.

But one doesn't have to read Lem for the concept of entropy.

It just feels so boring. People with power showing with all their herd that they don't deserve that power, because they don't understand simple concepts.

It's the usual catch - the leader of the losing side doesn't get the post, but keeps power of his faction.

While if that leader is no longer a leader, their personal power would be less even if the faction wins.

Western Roman Empire had a similar story with Stilicho's conviction and execution. The empire loses, but those who ate him get some power.

I should have added that practical Catholicism in South America doesn't seem to have this kind of weirdness, so indeed it's Puritans or even more generally, the spirit of a closed small sect, where the religion itself is not as important as the sect loyalty and uncritical following. Only it's neither closed nor small.

What a weird modern landscape we’ve made for ourselves.

Every generation ever. Well, maybe since inventing the wheel

Even Yeltsin made a few nuclear threats in his time.

And frankly those threats were more meaningful, with all the bravado of today Yeltsin's poor depressive Russia was much stronger militarily than the one we have.

Just being religious doesn't require you to join that crowd with its weird main rabbinate and preferential treatment in laws and state funding.

So it's basically lots of uneducated idle fundamentalist morons. Their worldview is too simple for comic books, and at the same time their level of life is kinda normal.

I don't think such people make useful soldiers, but being that stupid you usually support whatever you hear from your leaders.

A friend of mine very easily repeats stupid shit of that kind and has recently passed an exam to become a rabbi. Still to "maybe Israel shouldn't have invaded Lebanon twice" in a conversation about Hezbollah he answered "ok, maybe they shouldn't, I agree". That's a fucking qualitative difference. If he manages to repatriate and meet those people, I suspect he'll experience "Idiocracy" firsthand.

That said, secular (but nationalist) Israelis have quite a few slurs for them and in general don't like them. So use as a cannon fodder, say, in case of attacking Lebanon, - is kinda possible.

What's that heathen land where lamb is not considered the best meat?

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OK, it's totally false now, but before that bill it was technically false, but practically usually true. I don't live in Israel and kinda forgot that whole thing due to being more interested in it in the context of Israel arming Azerbaijan.

There’s a reason pretty much no culture or religion bans consumption of goats or sheep; they are critical. Beef is a luxury food.

And lamb is so much tastier than beef. Lamb barbecues, lamb chops, lamb broth, lamb kyafte.

Looks cool.

I really like it when people solve complex tasks with simple and natural means.

Same goes for analog electronics and 60s-80s ideas of the future of technology.

Only about keeping the grass short - why? Is it for the ground to dry faster?

No word on Artsakh being literally occupied and ethnically cleansed.

Maybe some old-school 60s' "episode is financed by " text in the beginning?

Or product placement, if the events (EDIT: on the screen) unfold in our time.

Their loyalties still aren’t lodged with anyone, but we keep sucking them off anyway.

Well, I shit at Israel every day, but they would be nuts to "lodge their loyalties" when that means loss of such leverage.

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I didn't think that would happen in Armenia, but since it does - the way some Armenians act towards refugees from Artsakh is similar, I think.

It's easier for Israelis (especially when being fascists) to think that they themselves are strong, and those survivors are not like them, they are weak. It's as they wanted to identify with Nazis more.

With such Armenians too - it's the worse part of them thinking they can be just like Turks if they suck up to Turks, and also because Artsakhtsis lost their homeland for being weak, and they are not weak.

A bit like ignorant and cowardly people abandon relatives with chronic diseases, when there's no evidence of those diseases being transferable.

It's just cowardice. Humans do it under pressure or when presented with dark events for their interpretation and self-identification. While good upbringing may reduce the risk of someone growing up a coward, it's very human.

It being that important, surely somebody in the US government and intelligence have thought that they might not be abusing only that importance for funds, but the ties themselves for influence. In the sense of spying at the US, corruption and such.

one the Turks still refuse to acknowledge

That's actually imprecise.

They acknowledge that "something" happened, but deny various separate traits, like intent or numbers or relevance for today or even just say that genocide wasn't illegal then. There's also that "it didn't happen, but they deserved it, and we'll do it again" thing. Which gives a very special feeling, considering they are well in position to do it again.

And it's illegal to publicly recognize it in Turkey, so not only malevolent, but also benevolent voices seem to be kinda in denial, while in fact not.

Still had Germany not lost WWII so conclusively, I suspect we'd be amazed at how self-conscious a lot of Turks are as compared to Germans.

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It requires very rigid discipline to threaten your enemy with MAD. The more tasks you can solve without testing your own faction's discipline, the better. If every parking place argument gets to threats of nuking the opponent, because you can't threaten anything else, either eventually you'll have to use MAD for such a small cause, or you'll step back on that and then there'll be something a bit more important over which you'll threaten MAD.

And so on, until MAD is in practice useless for you.

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And it's fine when there are states behaving with the responsibility of an RTS player. Will read, thx

Nukes are good, but in fact full arsenal, from home-produced small mortars to MRBMs, and a standing military. Actually, if possible, all the means of power projection the big guys have. Including even proxy militants. Because the big guys back up their words with the blood of the small guys anyway.

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I still can't fully accept that 1GB is not normal, 2GB is not very good, and 4GB is not all you ever gonna need.

If only it got bloated for some good reasons.

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In my experience something similar exists with a subset of Russians, - they hate Israel the particular way, they just love the fact that it exists and commits crimes.

When you are Jewish and proud of yourself, it makes them just as livid as when you are Armenian and proud of yourself.

Republic of Armenia is quite miserable and they enjoy that, Israel is strong, but lacks dignity even more than RoA and they enjoy that, so the emotion gets especially extreme when you put these states and your own pride and the fact that they can change and have dignity in contrast.

(I have tested that.)

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Israeli dark money

... is something important enough to kill a 100 JFKs for.

It's a state sporting F35s and such.

and the political influence of evangelical millenarians

Can't speak about them, I don't live in the US and the fact of such a group existing is wild for me.

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OK, makes me feel nausea. Even better.

No, it was bought by MRG after AOL fought its users and won, so they all left for Skype.

EDIT: Or maybe first by Rambler and then by MRG. Rambler was the Russian search engine I used in 2005, btw. Was an email provider too. I had an email account or two there, don't even remember which. Also narod dot ru (free web hosting, similar to geocities) hasn't yet been bought by Yandex then, and there were ucoz dot ru sites, and borda dot ru free web forums (something like phpbb). ICQ (and later Skype) would be used for real-time conversations in all of these communities. EDIT2: ... which you'd make forums for.