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This guy gets demoted and Eileen Cannon gets nothing? Total BS

Who are the 6% that identify as Democrats?

Protege of Peter Thiel. Let that sink in.

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Water is wet and the sun comes up in the east.

One candidate doesn’t prepare and brags about not preparing. The other candidate prepares. One candidate appears more prepared at the debate.

Profit? No, ffs, conspiracy ensues.

Humans are too stupid for this world. Asteroid 2024.

Fire her. She’s compromised and a Trump appointee that should have been recused.

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From the v1 Project 2025 website:

  • End no fault divorce
  • Complete ban on abortions without exceptions
  • Ban contraceptives
  • Ban IVF
  • Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1%
  • Higher taxes for the working class
  • Elimination of unions and worker protections
  • Raise the retirement age
  • Cut Social Security
  • Cut Medicare
  • End the Affordable Care Act
  • Raise prescription drug prices
  • Eliminate the Department of Education
  • Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools
  • Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools
  • End free and discounted school lunch programs
  • End civil rights & DEI protections in government
  • Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education
  • Ban books and curriculum about slavery
  • End climate protections
  • Increase Arctic drilling
  • Deregulate big business and the oil industry
  • Promote and expedite capital punishment
  • End marriage equality
  • Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”
  • Defund the FBI and Homeland Security
  • Use the military to break up domestic protests
  • Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”
  • End birth right citizenship
  • Ban Muslims from entering the country
  • Eliminate federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA and more
  • Continue to pack the Supreme Court, and lower courts with right-wing judges
  • Denying most veterans VA coverage
  • Privatizing Tricare
  • Classifying transpeople as "pornographic"
  • Banning gender-affirming care
  • Ban all porn
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This shit should be investigated by the FBI.

The FBI already investigate LEO across the country more than a decade ago and found that white supremacists were actively infiltrating our police force. Nothing has been done about this finding.

This is truly terrifying.

Yes. It is.

Citizens v United bitch. You fucked America and deserve to rot in hell.

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Umberto Ecco's rule #8 of fascism: "The enemy is both strong and weak."

Hey Republicans, which is it this time? Is Biden a demented old fool or a dictator? lol.

Dark Brandon strikes again.

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Had to spend 10 seconds scanning article for the word “Republican”. Was not disappointed.

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JFC how long do we have to wait for a carbon tax

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Narrator: The world became uninhabitable. But for a short time, it created tremendous value for our shareholders.

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Godspeed Dr Fauci. He’s a hero to the people. Fuck Trump and his imbecile haters.

Trump just called Netanyahu and told him to turn down the cease fire. All your complaints about Harris should be gone and Trump should be in prison for being a traitor promoting more death for political gain.

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When you’ve lived a life of privilege, equality seems like oppression.

That snowball you brought to the Senate floor won’t help you now that you’re in hell Jim.

This is on brand. Government thinks the problem is the “for pay” scheme to make the process more tolerable while forcing us into a system (TSA) that has NEVER been shown to prevent anything other than happiness. The problem isn’t with Clear, it is with TSA asshats. How about make a system that works so that no one needs Clear?

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“the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”

For those wondering, this is the definition of “woke” by Rhonda Sandtits lead counsel.

Being “anti-woke” is a dog whistle for racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry.

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$1000 fine per incident? Can Trump wipe his diapers with a thousand dollar bill before giving it to the court? When will this asshat have real accountability?

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No this is all Republican division. It's their only playbook to rally their base. The take home message for everyone is VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Before the election started up we had a nice quiet 2-1/2 years. This kind of shit only appeals to those that love the chaos that Trump will bring back.

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We've moved from 17% to 40% of total energy production coming from renewables since 2020. Thanks to Biden policies. Even though according to reddit he's an incontinent dementia patient.

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Delete this post for using the word Agrees in the title.

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Some AI written post's language really sucks, and this is one of them.

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Killed what little legacy she had for nothing.

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Feeding his base. Republicans only platform is to trigger libs. They’re like monkeys throwing shit at their fellow citizens.

doesn’t really matter what Trump does

Trump said on day one he’d let Israel “finish the job”. What is wrong with you? Bizarro delusion to even consider democrats approach anything other than vastly superior to Republicans.

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#1 - Burning fossil fuels (automobiles, specifically) kills 250,000 Americans a year. It causes a TREMENDOUS amount of pollution that is hugely impactful to health and quality of life

#2 - The only way to make our energy usage sustainable is to centralize production - ie you have to make all automobiles electric to start before the transition of the grid to renewables has a more dramatic effect. BTW, 40% of energy production of the US in 2023 was renewable. So our grid is getting cleaner and cleaner by the day.

#3 - Climate change. It is the most existential threat to our survival in our lifetime, bar none. We should do everything we can to leave the planet better than when we came. And right now we are failing miserably.

FYI, for all the naysayers saying EVs are "as" or "more" polluting than their ICE counterparts, this has long been debunked. Please do not listen to the Russian/Chinese propaganda or the comments of idiots that have no ability to analyze data.

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No it’s worse than this. If it were based upon compromising info, Trump would be an UNWILLING participant. He is so invested in the Russian oligarchy money laundering for decades that he is a WILLING participant. He BELIEVES they are on the same team.

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The obvious solution is to arm other dolphins with AR-15s.

Dude, Hermoso herself said it was non consensual. How can you justify suing HER since it happened to HER. Do you know what she was thinking?

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ThEyrE aLL the sAmE


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It's a good question - all Constitutional scholars agree he has violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and is therefore ineligible to hold any political office ( but does America have the collective strength to admit it?

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Get out of here troll. Trump rants at HUNDREDS of rally’s to lock up people he doesn’t like and ONE chant that is actually true - he should be locked up - makes you think they’re all tHE sAmE??

Narrator: of course he’s not fit.

But neither are his voters, who would rather burn the world down out of hatred and spite than accept defeat.

TL/DR; The super wealthy own the politicians so much they can tell them to do something that they will never do. Democracy is a fool's word.

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Nice try comrade. There are so many Republicans bought and paid for by Russian oligarchy dirty money it's hard to tell the difference now. How does it feel to be a traitor to the United States for your butt buddies in Moscow? Confederates, all of you.

Came here to see lemmygrad spin from the fascists. Was not disappointed by their absence in this thread (so far).

Projection is a thing Epic. Be less Republican.

You can see that he kissed her on the lips and she said she didn’t want or consent to that. What more evidence do you need? Do you think she is lying?

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Fuck this joker. He’s the IDIOT that said, as the SURGEON GENERAL, “Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!” (Tweet was then deleted). He should lose his medical license and be imprisoned for the excessive number of deaths his lies caused.

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