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Joined 7 months ago

No, antivirus in general is not a good idea these days. It is extremely invasive, consumes resources, and doesn't actually do much of anything.

Don't sideload random APKs off the web and you'll be fine.

Cars are a huge one. I know Lemmy is very radically against cars, but they are basically necessary for many (most?) Americans.

What is not necessary is the average price of a new car nearly doubling in 10 years. A $50k car should be a big luxury, not the fucking national average.

In order to afford a car that pricey, most people will have to severely compromise their savings, and/or get a loan that will last as long or longer than the car.

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No reason they should exist in any day and age.

Companies do not pay per packet. Paying more for more bandwidth or lower latency kind of makes sense because theoretically they may be prioritizing your traffic when the network is under too much load. But sending 16 petabytes costs exactly the same as 1kb in a month, assuming your connection is fast enough to handle 16 petabytes in a month.

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Google maps doesn't account for breaks. They're assuming you can walk at 3mph, and however much time you need to rest and eat is up to you.

Just like 1 day and 23 hours is only drive time. They're not accounting for the naps that you will definitely need.

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I imagine they're expecting some athletes to bring their own, free condoms tend to suck.

I also imagine some people will go without by choice.

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In the US, wages were high enough that you could afford rent and a decent living as an unskilled laborer until fairly recently.

Also, if you lived with your parents you could not fuck. Even if your parents were not religious, it was a social value and they probably weren't cool with it. And your date probably wasn't cool with it wither, because it was weird.

They mean you have to press the button. If you lock with the door button or by using the keylock on the outside of a door, it doesn't work.

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I vote no.

Switch hardware in general is a much worse experience than emulation due to graphical limits, no save backups, etc.

If my understanding is correct, a used steam deck should be about €300, which will offer a much better experience for your switch games and play other games as well.

Trying to legislate this is...fucking stupid.

You don't want your kids to have a smartphone? Fine. Don't buy one. Kids dont need phones, bur if you're worried about them being able to contact you, just get a dumbphone on amazon.

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Proton and mullvad are the two best options I know of.

Pretty much any VPN provider is usable on Linux though, network manager can handle wireguard or openvpn configs just fine. Your biggest concern should be trustworthiness.

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They are heavily entrenched in Texas. They will have to badly piss off most people enough that they all go vote in the same cycle.

Our state government has actually been getting much more radical over the past few years, because the only people who vote are conservative radicals, because everyone else is either apathetic or aware that their vote won't matter unless millions of people suddenly wake up tomorrow and vote.

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As someone who actually lives here, I would be very hard pressed to find someone who actually thinks secession is a good idea. It has been years since I've met someone who didn't consider it anything more than a joke or bit of (false) trivia.

Be aware that Lemmy is a pretty radically legt place. It isn't where to go if you want nuanced takes on stupid conservative talking points.

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This has been a point of contention years here. Texas in general has very "loose" attitudes towards prisoner's rights. Even centrists and some liberals don't care about issues like this.

I don't think this will change unless we are forced by the federal government. Even then, the state government spent years fighting reforms to the CPS system, despite being in contempt of court the whole time.

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No. I've done it, and it is dangerous, uncomfortable, unhealthy, and often unsanitary. Plus it is illegal most places.

Beats the shit out of a shelter or the street though.

Fuck chick fil a. Since I worked there back in 2015, they've cut portion sizes by almost a third and raised priced by almost 50%.

I call bullshit. You can source antibiotic free chicken if you'll pay for it, they're just trying to extract more profit again.

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More likely shrinkflation. Same as how a pint of hagen-daz is 14oz now, instead of a full pint.

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Mazda is just as involved in this bullshit. All car manufacturers are.

Mozilla tried to rate them a few years ago and basically has to give them all the same grade because basically every can manufacturer's privacy policy is so cartoonishly horrible.

Volumetric measurements, like the imperial system, is largely in place due to tradition.

But no, most people do not own good food scales. They aren't pricey (I think mine was $25), but they are very uncommon. I don't think I've ever seen one in a store.

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No. Religious arguments against abortion are actually relying on the definition of what constitutes a life, not the pure fact that their religion says it's wrong.

You can get out of military service this way though.

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Its possible in this one, it just isn't easy, takes a while, and generally isnt super pleasant.

When people say to "live within your means", they don't mean "don't spend more than you make", they mean "save enough to maintain your financial security".

Pretty much, yes. Not having sunlight and a sense of outside is depressing, and if you choose to try and peep on my wedding tackle, that's your decision.

I close them if something actually comes up, like a creepy neighbor or police presence.

I'm not entirely up to speed on the situation, but the UK recently reduced access to HRT. People are trying to make their own by sourcing hormones directly, and the guardian is supposedly contacting people to try and write a story about it.

The allegation is that the Guardian is writing an anti-trans hit piece, and you should not talk to them because they may out you or use your words to make trans people look bad.

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And another that was worried the island of Guam would tip over if overpopulated.

And MTGs secret Jewish space lasers thing.

Congresspeople have shockingly little oversight from their constituents.

SMS piggybacks on existing signals to and from your phone. They are entirely free, and have been in a lot of places for a long time.

You're getting screwed. At least it's a good reason for your contacts to switch to signal or simpleX?

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Okay, I'm very sick so this may or may not make sense. Both movies are satire.

Fight club is about emotionally damaged men in the modern day doing a fight club to fill the emptiness in their lives. Then they do a terrorism, and the twist is that the MC was mentally ill the whole time and just needed to work on themselves.

Scott Pilgrim is a teenage romance where Scott must fight seven evil exes before getting the girl. The twist is that the entire time Scott has been an immature douchebag putting a random girl on a pedastal, and devaluing himself any everyone else as a result. Peak example is his previous girlfriend, who is a high schooler he stays with just because he wants someone around. Iirc no sex/statutory rape occurs, but still.

Both require an amount of self awareness to understand that the protagonist is the problem, and a small but noticeable number of people miss the satire. I recommend both, they're great movies.

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No actual facts yet, so this claim shouldn't be reported as fact.

On one hand, I've done similar things many times. Fortunately, I was not caring for children at the time.

On the other hand, the more likely scenario is that mom was dealing with some mental health stuff and did it purposely.

Either way, I hope she gets some mental health treatment. She obviously will need it after this, regardless of how it happened.

My vote goes to trading places, because it had both aged incredibly well (a tale of class solidarity against evil eugenics-peddling billionaires), and incredibly poorly (a story about nondiscrimination with that damn train scene right in the middle).

I'd also like yo mention RoboCop and American Psycho because their satirization of American hyper capitalism has only gotten more accurate. It really is depressing that we have the exact same social issues that we did in the 80s.

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I'd argue the "not paying" part isn't the problem. It would be nice not to have to pay, but most Americans could stomach a couple bucks to, say take up a barstool for a couple of hours.

The main issue IMO is that all the third spaces we do have are either dedicated to niche hobbies, or the consumption of drugs. Only people into really nerdy shit will actually go to a gaming store, people generally only go to coffee shops in the AM, and going to the bar every night is...we'll be polite and say "unhealthy".

Public parks would be cool, but I don't think most people utilize them that way. I don't know myself, because it is hot enough here going to a park is an exercise in self harm for most of the year.

I think the best idea I have is some kind if mall, where all of the stores have been replaced with activity spaces.

It is very smart. If you lose your job or have a major expense, not having to put it on credit provides you with a lot of stability, and you don't have to pay interest.

-someone still paying off 4 months of unemployment a year ago

Its a fringe group of people (mostly) in the US who believe that the law isn't the law. They either believe that older legal systems are still active, such as the articles of confederation, OE that the usage of certain terms in legal documents constitutes a hidden system.

The most common manifestation is the belief that they can declare themselves immune to some it all of our existing legal code.

They get made fun of a lot because they are fundamentally a kind of decentralized cult, and they do a lot of strange and stupid things. Unfortunately, they also have a habit of doing terrorism, so they are a legitimate danger and not just some fun weirdos.

That being said, they mostly try to print their own license plates and assert that speed limits do not apply to them because they are "free men living upon the land" and they believe they have a right to "travel" unimpeded. That's why you see them mostly in videos of some idiot arguing with a cop that they were "traveling" and not "driving".

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Yes, but that's bad too. Legitimacy of government is important, Biden sending out kill squads is only marginally better than Trump sending out kill squads.

It is a closes source program owned by an analytics company. I don't know if there's a good way to conclusively tell, but why else would they have bought it?

Medical ethics in the US are not and have never been great. A few decades ago, they were bad enough to intentionally infect patients with syphillus (sp?) without their knowledge or consent. Maybe a decade or two ago, doctors were bribed into over prescribing opiates and starting the opiate crisis.

No shit people don't trust the medical establishment. They may act appropriately most of the time, but that just isn't good enough to be trustworthy.

Putting down a dog without a good reason isn't animal cruelty most places if you put it down humanely.

This weird and gross and downright disturbing, but it isn't animal cruelty unless she shot it in the stomach to watch it bleed out or something. Which honestly, she may have for all we know, she's obviously unhinged or very, very dumb.

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Most people in developed countries have internet that can support HD resolutions, yes. Mine even does, and our building's wiring is original to the 50s.

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That would mean you need to enforce the law for whoever built the model. If the original creator has 100TB of cheese pizza, then they should be the one who gets arrested.

Otherwise you're busting random customers at a pizza shop for possession of the meth the cook smoked before his shift.

I have complicated feelings on this. On one hand, I believe internet access, like all utilities should be affordable, if not considered an entitlement.

On the other hand, this is just a subsidy program. The government is indirectly forking out cash to ISPs in a way that temporarily helps poorer customers. To be blunt, I find the idea of giving an industry as notoriously corrupt as telecom more government money to be insane. There should be price caps.

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Yes. I live in Texas, and the heat makes me sick. I'm literally planning on being too sick to work or anything three days next week because its going to be unseasonably warm, and the central AC hasn't been kicked on yet.

Also, whatever the fuck is wrong with our state government. We made abortion illegal BEFORE Roe was overturned.

It's still being drug out. He's lost the case, but tried to hide his assets so that he could declare bankruptcy without actually being bankrupt. The current legal fight is basically to show that he's being a greedy cunt and to force him to sell the assets he has tried to hide.

They have him dead to rights though. He can drag it out, maybe even for several more years, but they will get their pound of flesh.

I work in this industry at a decent level with these companies. They regularly try to worm out of contracts, get mixed up in unethical shit, and do things like this. We are literally one step removed from organized crime a lot of the time.

I'm not convinced state housing is the solution, but extensive regulatory oversight is badly needed.