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Joined 1 years ago

Does it means that it broadcast my chrome browser if connected through HDMI? If I check for a password in the password manager in chrome, it fucking sends my password to Samsung?

Reminder that when it was Napoleon "defending" (battles vs the coalitions), he absolutely handled Emperor Alexander (Russia) ass in the field. See Austerlitz

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Because if Google didn't exists, another company would have done the exact same. So yes, I think its pretty accurate to blame the system that make this business plan the only one to succeed.

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The racists, as OP mentioned, would have voted for Trump regardless. The Dems need to convince the moderate, undecided voters

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Nah, call It "My struggle"

It is exactly what I except going forward because, as that moron mentioned this is a fucking AAA game, not a Indy game.

AAA games developers absolutely have those resources and even more, so yes, they should have all of that.

My feeling is that this "betrayed" part of Muslim is the socially conservative one that voted left because the right was racists and pro Israel. But if the left is pro Israel as well, then they might as well vote right to get conservative (pro life, misogynistic) policies forward

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They'll find a way to feel persecuted regardless. So why not?

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Executive order to club the kneecaps of the supreme judges. Every Monday morning.

I think there is a thin line there, which has been crossed.

Talking about Reddit drama is fine. But when 90% of the posts here are all about Reddit (or Meta/Twitter vs Mastodon) it seems to me that people are just salty.

I came here because I gave up on Reddit, and I am looking for a reddit substitute. What I wish is to find here the content I would normally find there, so that I am not forced to move back to that wonderful website, sadly managed by shitlords (as the other 100% of profit driven websites. A lesson hard learned).

But if my feed is spammed by 90% stuff about Reddit and nothing else, that is not the way to growth or make people stick around.

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Until your 5 years old manage to get his hand on your phone unsupervised at least

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As an Italian person, we are already there...

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The chances are pretty low. At that point you might not fly, walk in the street, eat raw seafood etc, because what if?

The stuff nightmares are made of

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At least this time he is not in charge, so it should be a lot harder to try pushing people around to subvert democracy

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If you have a mortgage, you own what you paid (except interests).

If you bankrupt and are unsolved on a mortgage, and they take the house, the house is sold in an auction, the bank gets what's remaining in the mortgage, but the rest is yours.

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Nothing of importance as usual

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On the other hand Facebook doing nothing literally spiralled Myanmar into ethnic cleansing.

So sometimes a bit of moderation is better

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Soon enough all those ads about hot Russian women near me might become a reality!

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Agreed, but I'm so used to see rich people never get shafted in any way that this is a pleasant surprise. Luckily for us, Trump had the bright idea to fuck over bankers instead of poor people

The control the Chinese gov has over tiktok is on a different scale compared to Google and the US

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At least for now it's not openly trying to destroy the democratic apparatus, like Trump did. That's my only solace. But before singing their praise let's wait a couple of years... You never know

While not improving any efficiencies and therefore skyrocketing debt

American* consumer. Around the world most popular models are smaller than the American ones. And those expectations are driven by marketing from those car companies to circumvent the safety/emission laws set up for cars in the us

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I agree 100% in most cases, but in THIS particular case it's Trump that started it by sharing the AI post of Swift endorsing him.

So she definitely has the right to correct misconceptions about her public statements

Masks required a large chunk of the population to follow the rules, which will never happen sadly

Wait until they set Edge as the default browser every time you start one of their games

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Most rapes come from family members. At which point a kitchen knife when they sleep is more than enough

Islam is also Abrahamic.

Edit: the op comment is edited, so it might have used another word. Sorry if that's the case

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Same reason why I refuse to use Edge. I don't care if its the best browser in the world (which its not), the more you try to force me to use it, the less I'll try it

Abortion has become a religious battleground, and the US is a lot more religious than Europe

The shape of the Venn diagram about people who don't vaccinate their dogs, and people who keep their dogs off leash is a circle

One man can only dream!

They usually omit the part where the market correct itself only after you sue the shit out of them

I think that if they manage to fuck over the whole world, there is no amount of money and bunkers that can save them from the angry mob

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If this law passes, it will only galvanize more and more restriction. Never seen an extremist who took a finger and then didn't ask for the whole arm.

I absolutely adore their feedback/early access system.

All games should have an early access like that. Not a shitty way to release a crap full of bugs to steam out, but a very analytic/data and feedback base way to improve the game. Basically giving the players a very large demo that can be easily changed in order to improve it.

Oh well, you win some you lose some... Whatever

Do you realize that for Christians God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same entity correct? Jesus is the son of God, and at the same time IS God.

Private sector backlash != state backlash