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Joined 1 years ago

So what you’re saying is, it is true that I will no longer have French installed.

It is heartwarming to see that one of the people who vandalized my project for hours made it into the top 100.

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The way the article makes it sound is, if individual employees download OracleJDK while on the company network, and use it for small personal scripts or automation, then that might be enough to trigger Oracle to act.

If your company is large enough, then enough employees may have done that to make you a reasonable target for litigation if you don’t work something out with Oracle. And Oracle is an expert at litigation.

I think that the best defense for a large company would be to IP block all Oracle domains and periodically scan employee laptops for any Oracle products (especially JDK and VirtualBox guest additions) and delete them.

You really have to treat anything that Oracle touches as malware if you want to protect yourself.

There’s a version of this in China called Longevity Noodles:

The idea is to make one very long noodle to represent a wish for a very long life.

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If Beehaw were to remove federation, then it would no longer be part of the Fediverse. I would be sad to see it go, but I am only interested in the Fediverse.

Note that “jelly” in North America == “jam” in Britain. It’s another one of those words, like biscuit or pudding.

I could see the US Digital Service doing this. They’re pretty solid.

End-of-quarter. Companies often make decisions quarter by quarter and 6/30 was the last day of Q2.

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I’m not yet that guy who puts Tabasco on everything, but the future path is clear. I almost want to get one of those little Tabasco holsters to carry it around with me

I felt the same way about running until I started getting into triathlons. Watch out for that trap; races are at least $200 each, and road bikes ain’t cheap!

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This would work on me.

Today, I wanted to make a module for my AwesomeWM status bar

It's great when simple tools let you extend them like this. It may be kinda hacky sometimes but oftentimes a small, tightly-scoped extension that you develop for yourself can give you a lot of value.

Coffee crisps and ketchup chips are the two things I always buy when I’m in Canada. I wish we had them in the States.

+1. The joy of camping (for me) is that your experience is directly related to your preparation. You plan your location, activities, meals, sleeping arrangements, and companions, doing all of the research and investment up front to make each of those work well, taking into account weather and conditions, and then you get to enjoy a trip where everything goes well with people you care about, with the satisfaction that the experience that you are having is the direct result of your actions.

Of course, the pain of camping is that any and all of the above can go wrong, and then, indeed, it’s probably gonna suck.

Five is a little early for critical thinking to develop. I’m not sure what part of critical thinking you mean but I think it would definitely be in either stage 3 (ages 7-11) or 4 (ages 12+) of Piaget’s 4 Stages of Cognitive Development:

There’s a lot that has been written on parenting and I’m no expert, but I would say for younger kids just keep them safe and healthy and playing and that’ll go a long way.

“Pokemon: Jirachi, Wish Maker” for me. It had this really creepy Groudon with tentacles.

Exactly the same for me. Bought my pair as camp shoes, now they’re my walk-to-the-laundry-room shoes.

Does Nix have Guix-style grafts? I know that in theory that is how Guix lessens the minor-update-to-core dependency problem. But I only use Guix for dev environments so I don’t know how well it works in practice.

The inverse square law only applies to undirected things, because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of radius. The parent specified directed, like a laser.

Austin is a nice city. With all due respect, and as someone who grew up in Texas but now lives in NYC, it is exactly this kind of condescension that makes a lot of Texans dislike people from the coasts.

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Fair enough. I think it’s okay if you’ve experienced a place, given it a shot, decided it wasn’t for you, and moved away.

One thing I’ve noticed in NYC however, is how many people have an uninformed and strong default opinion that anywhere besides the west or east coast in unlivable, and that bothers me.

Your comment is reasonable, but a lot of the comments to this post reflect that same caustic attitude and it saddens me.

I never quite got over how the Aiel look Irish, have fantasy-Arab/Berber culture, and eat Native American food. And I read the entire series!

My favorite has always been crunch bars. So good.

I’m intrigued. I kinda want to try this now.

No matter where you go, everyone’s connected.

Canonically, the True Power (of the Dark One) was granted only to those who served him, whereas the One Power was open to all channelers. This makes a “One Power” subscription very funny to me.

Does this mean that users and communities are in the same namespace in Lemmy?

I know for sure that there is a mastodon client for Emacs, but of course that uses a different protocol and wouldn’t work for lemmy:

I just gave PlantUML + the C4 Plugin a try and generally liked it, thank you for the rec!

It seems like a good tool although it inherits all the joys and pains of automatic graph layout.

I think I’ll keep it in my arsenal for detailed diagrams that can handle being a little aesthetically wonky.

I hadn’t heard of C4 before and it seems like a solid idea.

I used it with Facebook Messenger to exchange OTR encrypted messages with one of my Facebook friends.