2 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Of course, they want to make it as complicated as possible so that people don't actually do it.

One thing they did not mention in the Firefox Android change log is that you can now enter IPv6 addresses directly into the address bar whereas before it would do a search.

The headline is a gross overstatement. Sure, a UK law could stop Apple from leasing security updates in the UK, but not worldwide. That's bullshit. Apple would very likely just tell the UK to fuck off.

either it has not happened yet or it has already calmed down because shows everything as normal

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I loved redreader, but nuked my account and content in protest and use Thunder for lemmy exclusively now. Before I used Mastodon and Reddit was the only corporate social media I used and now I use no corporate social media at all.

Sad. Hopefully a little helicopter like this becomes standard equipment on missions.

Maybe kagi? I use it and like it

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maybe because I don't need a new phone and don't see the need to upgrade every single damn year?

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And this is why smart people don't use text message to factor authentication, if at all possible. App based OTP is much safer

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Ipv6 addresses now resolve directly from the address bar. Before it was treated as a search string.

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I have not seen that unless it's some sort of new feature, but if so, that will get quite annoying, quite fast as I access my server locally via HTTP with the IP address.

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I use KeePassXC on desktop

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Oh, qrz is a website for amateur radio operators and it has data from another site that has solar information I pulled up QRZ to take a look at that solar information at a glance. And the geomagnetic field was quiet with an S1 to S2 radio noise level, which is extremely low.

This is not quite correct. You do not have to involve anybody else in your transaction. What happens is the protocol takes a random selection of 15 other people who have spent money and adds them to a ring so that your transaction could be any one of 16 different outputs. But there is no mixing of funds involved.

Once they have a one watt version, this would be good for trickle charging when you are not using the device, such as when you're sleeping. But you would definitely need a lithium battery alongside it for normal use.

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Well, on desktop it worked. So you could do it that way. But on mobile, what you had to do was go to a website like Google, add it as a bookmark, and then edit the bookmark and change the web address from Google to the IPv6 address.

Yep, thats prob the case

The US is the next empire to fall. I am a US citizen and i am taking steps to GTFO if needed. I have an e-residency and ID card from another nation and am working up to the investment for full citizenship.

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Too bad I'm not on Twitter anymore. Otherwise, I would check some of these out.

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Probably because most people are not accessing routers and web servers through their IPv6 addresses and instead they are using IPv4s like I mean, come on, who does that?

Lol. I found some of my sites broke with mull which is why i use fennec. I figure its an alright middle ground between firefox on one end and mull on the other.

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Again, centralized exchanges are like public toilets. Get in, do your business, and get the fuck out. This is a good argument against KYC as well, since if they don't have data, they can't leak data.

Actually, I really did enjoy that movie as well. I believe it's called The Core and came out in 2008 If I remember correctly.

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Monero comes the closest, but there is a possibility that ring signatures could be broken in the future for sure.

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Making a budget and sticking to it every month. I am able to save 17% of what i make and put it into Monero to avoid it getting eaten by inflation.

Define "just". Its been out since 1/15 (8 days) and i have had it most of that time.

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Seriously, they just can't catch a break. Can they?

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You could do it on desktop version of Firefox by entering the IP address directly. And you could do it on the mobile version of Firefox by adding a bookmark to a website and then changing the URL to the IP address. But you could not enter the IP address directly into the address bar. Instead of treating it as an IP address, it would treat it as a search string.

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I have cut my soda down to once or twice per week, but I still do enjoy it.

I don't even have an Amazon account anymore. If I need something, I just give the money to a friend and have them order it for me. Definitely saves me money because I don't want to go through the hassle of doing that for most things.

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I wonder if there's a way to do that on mobile.

I remember putting songs on floppy disks and it could hold like 7 or 8 depending on the size of the song. I want to say that I had one of those double floppies or whatever that could store 1.5 megabytes.

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That is Bitcoin though, not Monero, and everybody should know that Bitcoin is traceable. I've certainly been aware of that for years.


Perhaps the economy is not as good as everybody says it is, and a very cyclical sector like tech is the first one to feel it.

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Check your update settings in fdroid because your repositories might not be updating quickly.

Exactly. I don't have a physical key because I would want one that has open source hardware and software.

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We still have all that corp realestate debt on the bank balance sheets, while inflation is indeed "down" that just means prices are rising slower on the massive inflation we already had which is not helpful. The numbers put out in headlines are revised down every time after people are no longer paying attention.

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Oh, then I'm not sure. That might be a bug that needs reporting or something.

onePlus Nord N200

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