4 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Brandon Sanderson writes amazingly rich fantasy stories an created wild lore heavy worlds in his books. But his books are also behemoths with thousands upon thousands of pages that require some serious time and commitment to read. Maybe not the best for beginners to start getting into fiction.

I'd recommend the Harry Potter books because they start easy and get more mature with each book. Also the story and lore is widely known and liked by a lot of people.

Am I the one one thinking this post is blowing the topic way out of proportion?

The post title is clickbait in its purest form: nothing is being blocked (from what even). There is a single issue raised on some obscure filter list... This has no consequences whatsoever. I am wondering why Protonmail even bothers to comment on this issue...

Seeing this video I am 100 % convinced that break dance battles are the most wholesome form of direct competition. These two athletes treating each other with respect and fun while competing against each other for Olympic gold ist just amazing.

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Obviously you do as you like but a common way is to put then in as far as you like / as it's comfortable and pull them out slowly.

Aktshually he wasn't even German...

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I get that but why is traveling not a hobby?

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Doctors still do this, at least in Germany. When you're a smoker and getting pregnant, your doctor will most likely not try to bully you into quitting, instead they inform you about the risks and recommend you to cut down the smoking to a minimum but they will also acknowledge that you will most likely not overcome your addiction while your body is already under a lot of stress.

How is this a technical issue? Seems like your hard drive is working fine?

I'm not sure if you're joking or being serious. Long uptimes are not an issue anymore on Windows.

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For me it's toner for printers: I have a Brother laser printer at home that is not heavily used but at least once a week. I thought I'd save some money when I bought some cheap ass toner from Amazon that cost about half of what a original Brother toner costs and promised something like double the capacity.

Oh boy... I had the worst mildly infuriating two years of printing you could imagine: always disappointed of the printing quality but not THAT disappointed to replace this shitty but still at 2/3 capacity toner. I paid money for that toner so I'd squeeze every last page of shitty quality prints out of this fucking toner!

Last week I gave up and bought an original Brother toner and it's a bliss. 🙄

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This is actually a pretty hard question. At first I couldn't think of any show but the more I thought about it the more came to my mind.

I narrowed it down to these three:

  • MAS*H
  • Hogan's Heroes
  • Dinosaurs

Not because I'm so old but because they where first aired in my home country in the early and mid nineties when I was at my granny's place a lot of afternoons.

Later I moved town, kinda lost touch to my grandma and wasn't really there when she got very old and then died.

Looking back it's really sad that I wasn't there for someone who spend a whole lot of my childhood with me and in fact was always there for me.

CasaOS is great for very simple (basic!) container management and easy creation of basic shares but it doesn't offer any tools for RAID management and is only single user oriented so it doesn't have any access control built in to it's Samba shares. These features might come in the future though.

I don't know Yunohost but I'd recommend you Openmediavault. It's Debian based, offers tools for managing RAID, Docker, Shares, Users, , Access control Lists, Updates and much more.

It's actually amazing and in active development.

I didn't know, that HotS was still around. It's been YEARS since I've played my last round!

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Funny, I am getting uncomfortable looking at the picture. It looks so unnatural. 😬

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Although the mentioned tools are great I don't know how your comment applies to OPs problem. They are asking for a tool to manage their server and not for a tool to automate their torrenting.

This is nothing new: Jerboa doesn't support instances < 0.18.

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Lemmy 0.18 introduced API breaking changes namely because it switched from WebSocket to HTTP as transfer protocol. They also dropped captcha support in 0.18 which is the reason why and other bigger instances are waiting for 0.18.1 to re-introduce captcha support.

This is hilarious! What a beautiful, pointless discussion! I love it! 🤣

Considering her name being Henny Gesserit she just might be Wolfgang Atreides' older sister...

  • Eliza: A visual novel by Zachtronics, took me 10 hours to beat

  • Aviary Attorney: A visual novel / detective/ attorney game with music from Camille Saint-Saens and art by J.J. Grandville. Beat it in 7 hours and had a blast.

  • Braid: 2D puzzle platformer with time shift mechanic. Finished it in 7 hours.

  • Tiny Bang story: wimmelpicture point & click. 7 hours.

  • Call of Cthulhu: Horror walking simulator. 7 hours.

  • Bastion: Amazing isometric action game by Supergiant Games. Rook me good 6 hours to finish.

  • Thomas was alone: 2 D platformer with geometric shapes as characters and great narrator. 6 hours.

  • Whispers of a machine: Noir detective story point & click. 5 hours.

  • Homefront: USA gets invaded by Korea first person shooter. Good 4 hours.

  • INSIDE: Atmospheric 2D puzzler. 4 hours.

  • LIMBO: Same as INSIDE, same developer, great game, different story. 4 hours.

Folding@Home uses your computer trying to find new therapeutics by simulating protein dynamics.

New motorcycle, tetraplegia.

They're bike-shedding and blocking a major stepping stone to a coal, petrol and gas free future for the sake of idealism.

I really don't get this "nuclear as stepping stone" argument. Nuclear power plants take up to ten years to build. Also (at least here in Germany) nuclear power was expensive as hell and was heavily subsidized.

We have technology to replace coal and gas: Wind, solar, geothermal, etc. Why bother with nuclear and the waste we can't store properly...?

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Whenever possible phrase a question in a way that can be answered in one word.

That's a good one! I would also add: When asked a question, determine whether this question can be properly answered in one word. If possible do it!

This is particularly directed at my wife 💋

Yes, this problem is known and a GitHub issue exists.

This should be fixed soon

Yes! I totally appreciate the shot. The composition is awesome. But these lines make me dizzy. 😄

I'm trying to make is that jerboa might not be as ready as we think for being a lemmy client.

I'm one of those random guys who try to improve things submitting a PR now and then fucking up things in the progress and trying to fix them again.

What I want to say is: I think you might be right saying Jerboa might not be as ready as many think. It started as a side project of one of the two guys who develop Lemmy full time. Dessalines even writes in Jerboa's README that people can submit issues but he will most likely not be able to work on them.

Now Lemmy exploded: A lot of people started contributing to Jerboa (including me) with vastly varying skill levels (me definitely on the lower end), there's no clear route the app will go in the future, no or little standards we can use as orientation.

And actually I'm not surprised at all that Jerboa might not be ready because this app went from "Just a little side project with 150 stars on GitHub on June 3" to "Probably most popular Lemmy client with 787 stars on June 27". This has been less than four weeks. I don't think any project is able to adapt to this influx of requests, changes, attention in this short time.

It has been fixed for German though.

Hell, this is the best and most comprehensive argument for the generational debt we as the global north and winners of colonialism owe the global south I've ever read.

I'll definitely use this analogy whenever this issue comes up in my peer group.

What you described from your previous workplace sounds amazing, but you must've used phase cancellation too, didn't you?

How is this so much different from what you've used back then?

Unfortunately it is not. There's still a problem with the viewmodels but a major rework has been merged last night and a new version should release soon â„¢

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This is simply not true. I recently tried Linux for gaming after several years because I read that Valve made some great progress. Installed Crusader Kings III and didn't get Paradox Launcher to run which is necessary for any DLC.

This was literally the first game I installed from my huge library and it simpl didn't work so I had to do two hours of research, trial and error and reading error logs to conclude that I wasn't able to solve this problem.

This is the exact reason why I use Windows for gaming. It simply works 99 % of the time. And I don't have the time to troubleshoot my games all the time.

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He is said to have told police he had climbed the building to visit a person he knew.

"I thought I had ended up in a B&B, saw the book and started to read it."

Im not sure whether this guy really is a burglar or a troll.

Please stop this nonsense argument about Germany fucking up by shutting down nuclear. Even 20 years ago, nuclear energy wasn't that significant for our enery mix and shutting it down over the last 20 years didn't fuck up anything. The last few power plants had a capacity of about 4 to 8 GW and are not missed here.

For the last 20 years, coal consumption declined (could be faster though) and renewable had a steep growth (could be faster of course).

It is true that we started consuming more natural gas, but in the end the change is not about using old nuclear power plants that are unsafe or building new nuclear plants that will be usable in 10 to 20 years but about pushing renewable and improving the grid to solve the distribution problem.

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Do you honestly not have a single dollar or euro to spend on an instrument? Instruments don't have to be expensive and you can find beginner instruments that are exceptionally cheap.

What instrument would you like to learn and how much could you realistically afford to do so?

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This is more than weird. Jerboa dropped support for instances < 0.18 a few releases ago. I think 0.0.34-alpha was the last version that supported 0.17.4.

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Why would they though and out of which which principle? Microsoft's principle is "generate as much profit as possible without antagonizing customers to much". Microsoft is, at its core, a profit driven business and not a business driven by ethics.

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You clearly mean:

14: 1 + 8 = 9 (not db 7)

Someone else in this thread correctly stated:

"Chop of last digit, double it and subtract from what is left"

14: 1 - 8 = -7. (dB 7!)

Math is awesome, I didn't know this trick!

If you happen to be in Germany try Gustavo Gusto frozen pizza.