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Joined 12 months ago

Wtf is a "vulgar sense of entitlement"? And how can that possibly apply to a government agency? This is just word salad from the conservative talking points generator.

Not really

Conservative 'protesters' get treated with kid gloves, or pardoned by the governor of Texas. They usually don't get charged. They have friends in the forces.

Progressive protestors get maced, shot, beat to shit, locked up, maybe charged but probably not since they are more frequently non violent, and then they maybe get a settlement.

E.g., how will this help those protesting cop city? The cops are already ignoring the law.

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The courts absolutely do something. My point is that most of the damage is done before it reaches the court.

Cops don't arrest cops or people on their team. But when they do, prosecutors don't charge cops. Cops do arrest nonviolent protestors. Prosecutors do charge nonviolent protestors. Later those charges are dropped, or they're set free with an agreement not to sue the department, or occasionally there's a settlement, that taxes pay for.

The comments from the article were surprisingly not bad. One made a good point:

The POTUS started his SotU speech with:

“Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union. And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.”

I have watched a lot of state of the union addresses and I cannot remember one that began with this stark of warning.

Yet, all the articles being posted are about MTG and whether Biden looked/didn’t look old and who clapped and who didn’t.

That’s a 5-alarm fire bell he just rang, broadcasted out to the entire country and world, pay attention to what’s important

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What fight? Google is making money, and nearly everyone is playing Google's game following their tune. Google is definitely not losing.

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Hopefully we stop wasting this limited resource on fucking balloons.

Edit: well this kicked off a fun and respectful conversation. The information I can find from actual scientists says wasting helium on balloons is bad. The balloon lobby says it is just a waste byproduct. The balloon lobby brings nothing of value to the world in terms of plastic or helium use, so I'm going to go with the science opinion on this one.

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If she was rich, the response would be, "congratulations!", and if she was an LLC it would be a fine of... 5 percent?

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These kind of favors are never about paying something back, it's always a perverse version of paying it forward; this bond is only posted because there's an expected future return on investment.

It's sad that this article reads like advertising for a shit head to attract other shit heads (how many times did they call out his show?). He'll come out of this better off financially.

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It's not about what players want, it's about what they'll buy, and bamboozling works way too often.

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Happens a lot more when the search engine prioritizes SEO farms and random sponsored shit.

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What books were they going to give away?

We don't know

What books are banned?

We don't know

... Sounds super legit

Not that it would've been ok anyway, but you can hardly even call it a smokescreen.

I agree those are good things to do.

But... Blaming people who are being fucked over by forces generally outside their control is not really going to help their or our situation. Expecting or demanding "people" to just change is also not realistic. Even if they wanted to, time, effort, energy, knowledge, skills, and attention are all finite. This is just one important issue or source of exploitation among a sea of others.

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The chef makes food. They're different plates. Getting one big order of 9 different plates or 3 orders of three isn't going to impair their flow.

Your waitress telling you that... agreed with what others have said that it was not professional and almost certainly a lie.

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Coincidentally, Kellogg's is probably top 5 for most greedflated prices.

Thank you.

One picture over riding medical reality is absolutely asinine, but it works often enough that insurance companies hire PIs to follow people around. Or did, before social media and algorithms started doing all the work for them.

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The article showing a (sanitized) picture of the consulate with police standing around is something of a disservice to the man who sacrificed himself to make a statement.

Maybe the "movement" is just attracting insufferable people, who also find themselves insufferable.

Just like in cities the world over, blame should be with the landlords and those that regulate them. And Airbnb.

I think most people use sleep instead of shut off because they don't want to lose everything they have open, not just to save a few seconds.

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~~ CNN reached out to the hospital for > comment about why staff notified police. Maureen Richmond, vice president of integrated communications at Mercy Health – a Catholic health care system that includes St. Joseph Warren Hospital – sent the following statement to CNN:

“The safety and security of every patient who comes to us for care is our highest priority. Out of respect for patient privacy, we will not discuss individual specifics of care.

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It's unfortunately their business model is 100% extortionate bullshit.

Which isn't the point of the article. I'm glad this is being reported on and hope that type of competition leads to better working conditions.

The corporation formerly known as Facebook also shouldn't be using the name "Meta".

The article is being disingenuous about data not being deleted unless it's overwritten with 1's and 0's. Technically that's true, but:

Most data being deleted is equivalent to a piece of paper being placed in a trashcan, and it's "permanently" deleted when that trash gets hauled away to a landfill (or supposedly recycling but that's another topic). Technically it's still forensically accessible, but it isn't accessible by any normal means. That piece of paper may not have been incinerated, but for the majority of practical purposes, it's gone.

Apple never hauled the trash away, even though they claimed they did. There should be no way for them to accidentally restore those photos, just like there's no way for you to accidentally get a piece of paper back in your trash bin after it's been sent to a landfill.

Focusing on the 1s and 0s skips past the fact they failed to complete the first, obvious, essential step. If they didn't delete it the simple way, they would never have gotten to the 1s and 0s step. This isn't just a simple oversight, and those pictures were still very easily accessible, just not to the people who should have been in control of them.

Not sure why it's unlikely, they're on the wrong side of most things

As others have said, tie it to minimum wage increases.

Also... I would trade paying them ten times as much for a prohibition on them owning or trading in the stock market in a heart beat. It's inherently a conflict of interest that puts them at odds with the majority of their constituents.

Yep, that's why it's so important that people who produce value shouldn't be able to retain it! Silly employees.

Interesting take with zero reference to the judicial decision itself including the rather exhaustive explanations for why they ruled at all instead of ignoring the problem.

No joke, but many of them do essentially bunk together, especially the ones that aren't horribly corrupt.

Why is this oniony?

Needed to make sure they didn't have room to name the legislation.

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Sailing the high seas for an enterprise edition, combined with

The above is my solution until taking the other advice on this thread and transitioning to Linux. Only thing holding me back there is gaming (which already works great for most people, I had trouble with my GPU). There are so many things about Linux that are just better than Windows now, and a high number of use cases these days are met with Firefox and libre office.

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Super generic, most people interact with them in some form all the time both at work and personal without a second thought. Very few understand what makes a good process, especially when there is a handoff involved.

Oh also communication. Everyone does it so a lot of people must be really good at it right? Yeah....

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Why do banks have the shittiest cyber security?

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It isn't if they can do better, it's if they can do cheaper.

They'll get better when better drives ad revenue.

Imo many of the comments here are missing the point, and it sounds like you may not be familiar with the breadth of other life experiences.

That said, I think one of the key things you've described is experiences vs things, and time vs loneliness. Having arrived doesn't make people happy. Having fewer problems doesn't (necessarily) make people happy. Living in the moment, finding connections, building new experiences, finding ways to help people can all help.

That said, you're probably also experiencing some existential questions more. The future branches of your life are no longer the focus. Mindfulness can help with that. When life has changed, you don't feel fulfilled, and you have everything that society says you should have, it's still easy to wake up one day and realize you're depressed. It sounds like you're starting to look for answers. You may be surprised to find that there really aren't any. And that's ok.

Mostly it's about best practices I think, and getting a feel for them. Try starting with something simple, like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Describe how it's done, each step. Think about where it's efficient, where there's extra wasted action, or time. By the time you're done you'll be considering if your butter knives are stored in the best spot, if you should get everything out at once, or one at a time. Do you have enough inventory? Is having extra inventory a waste? Is it worth washing knives afterwards or get extra so you can wash a batch at a time instead?

Then, go back through from the perspective of a child that has never seen your kitchen. Do the steps still make sense? How can you make it more simple, less effort? Finally, when I mentioned hand off... How do you ensure that your child laborer is going to deliver a pb&j of sufficient quality? Who determines quality? Production time?

Once you start thinking that way, everything is a process that could be considered, with inputs and outputs, quality control issues, potential waste, efficiency improvements, etc. It applies to data just as much as a sandwich for example, and office jobs are all about taking information, changing it a little and sending it on. Each step should transform in some way (capturing who does what, to what, at each step can help). Understanding the complexity instead of assuming simplicity so you can analyze it, but then distill it back down to something that is actually simple and understandable.

Anyway, hopefully that helps some in thinking about it a little differently.

For googling key words: quality management, process mapping, process analysis, lean, ?

Unfortunately there's a lot of corporate shit, buzzwords, and SEO that have accumulated so it can by hard to find good info (like everything else now?)

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That was amusing, but the writing is a rambling mess.

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There are more than two options for messaging now.

Both primary phone platforms are kinda shit though.

I don't believe it, other than a handful. If there's a study I might be interested, some random people on social media... eh.

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