2 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A horse is a horse, of course, of course, And no one can talk to a horse, of course, That is, of course, unless the horse Is the famous Mister Ed!

Go right to the source and ask the horse, He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse. He's always on a steady course. Talk to Mister Ed!

Ok let's poll Lemmy. Upvote me if you can. Downvote me if you can't. I can so I'll keep my own upvote.

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Real question: what do anarchists expect society to do/become and why is it better?

Nuanced answers only

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But the direction is certainly heading towards the realm of cable prices...

  • Netflix: $15.49
  • Amazon Prime Video: $14.99
  • Apple TV+: $6.99
  • HBO Max: $15.99
  • Disney+: $10.99
  • Hulu: $14.99

Total: $79.44 per month

So maybe when you account for inflation it is still only half of what cable costs,.perhaps. but those are the cheaper plans. For HDR support for Netflix it's like $25, and it's the reason I cancelled Netflix.

I don't think the meme is dumb, just ahead of it's time, but it's calling out what is certainly happening.

Most streaming services now include ads in the paid subscription.

Inch the ad ratio and prices up another 40% and we are getting pretty close to cable experience/cost. And that's only a few years away when we look at how much costs have raised over the last 10 yrs.

If each service raises price $1/month every year and you have 6 services, then in 5 yrs you're paying $30 more per month, prob around $100+.

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Elon putting a spotlight over his own bad press

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Are people really so addicted to social media that they can't use their own willpower to simply not have those apps installed?

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I feel like half of xkcd is just knowledge-one ups on the reader. No fucking clue what ea-nasir is. Google says it's some ancient merchant from Mesopotamia. Not sure how that's humorous but I'm sure there's a niche reason the author is very smart for observing.

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I'm not the OP but was also homeschooled similarly. For me it was being culture shocked by how many different nuanced perspectives are out there. Growing up I was provided more of a black and white view and very little social interaction to teach me otherwise - until college haha.

It actually was a nice revelation realizing not everyone is so prejudiced and bigoted about everything. However, the damage was done and I still had to work a lot to undo it and "catch up" to how to normally interact. Now I'm well adjusted so it's all kinda in the past for me, but I won't do that to my kids.

Prob one of the other difficult things for me is being taught homophobia and having to learn how shitty that is and the guilt that I still live with to this day because of beliefs I used to hold. That sucks.

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Does it make sense for Margot Robbie to point out what kind of accounts may be real or fake, including her own account in the example? Yes. Therefore it is a real account.

Thanks Margot!

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Yes! Enough of the "I'm doing my part meme" that isn't even real content.

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Nor I to a better sex life

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Plp. Do do do do - do do do do - do do do do - da da... PLOMP!

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Yeah I've put about 5 hrs off and on and the entire time just feel like I'm fucking it all up.

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Is porn allowed on Twitter?

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For me it's reminders. I use slack for work, and whenever anything comes up that I need to take care of (personal or work related) I'll tell slack "/remind me about tomorrow/next week".

I've been doing this for years. I have it on my phone and computer so it's easy to view and add new reminders whenever I need. I didn't think slack is crucial to use but I find it to be the most convenient, even more so then dedicated reminder apps

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Nah. It doesn't say not to plan. It says to prefer responding to change over planning. Which means both happen but responding to change is more crucial. Or put another way don't let your plan get in the way of responding to change.

I'm sure you were being sarcastic, but I get kind of tired of the Agile strawman and people shitting on it. It's not a complex philosophy yet people extrapolate so much (too much) and then get annoyed when their assumptions don't pan out well. even performing sprints is an extrapolation, so this meme gets it wrong too.

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I was expecting something more profound. Isn't this just the concept of using variables to keep code readable? Not a new concept and likely one most devs learn early on.

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I've never taken an android out of the box and it not work. Not sure what that statement even means.

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Chat gpt just loves pointing out twists!

You're picking nits

Screw the Olympics anyway.


Thank you for reminding me of this game. I think it is Microsoft ants

Star Trek the next generation

Brooklyn nine nine

One piece

You can't just buy a house and sell it for a higher price. You are either flipping it to raise its value which is a lot of work or sitting and holding the house and waiting for it to appreciate. Product scalpers don't have to-do either, nor do they have to pay interest on the loan like they would a mortgage.

Product scalpers rely on sudden bulk purchase of a limited supply batch of products. Unless you're a mega millionaire you can't do that with housing. So I don't think you should consider it unethical to buy a second home and rent out. It is a valid source of income.

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What is this supposed to help with? Let them get sleep? Wtf.

I think it's shopped

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How does it encourage them to hire more employees?

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Unless you have something specific you want, I'd advise not to spend money just for the sake of it, even for perceived savings from deals. That's part of the trick with Black Friday deals - marking things down to get people to buy things they wouldn't even think to get in the first place.

Growth mode only to go into shrink mode some years from now at employee (and likely consumer) expense.... Why can't companies just go for stable mode?

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Why is it a subway sandwich?

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The dude prefers reviewing source code on paper.

Anyone who writes code knows that is not a practical way to review.

Maybe in his time he got book smart about some physics/rocket concepts. That's the least I would expect anyway. But that doesn't mean he really has any expertise to offer to the product.

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I think that's the part that makes it a shit post

The quote is totally messed up for sure. What annoys me as well is that image is not even from that scene or the same person. Doesn't it come from the "inconceivable" poison cup scene?

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I don't mean to be a dick, but blasting your prior workplace on social media is not really something you should lean into.

You're the only one who really cares about your position there. Even your good friends don't give a shit. A job is a job. I don't care where my friends work and they don't care where I work.

If you want to be honest about why you're leaving, go for it. But don't go posting on SM how it was such a bad place. That just seems immature tbh. Again, nobody cares about this job like you do. Don't make social media your diary.

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Dumb question but I thought centipedes had like... 95 legs or something.

The one in the op doesn't have that many. Why are people thinking it's a centipede?

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Fuck your whatsboutism. This is good news; tiktok is a propaganda machine.

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"person" is the only safe one afaik. Just go from specific to general and you're good. You also get to sound like a robot.

The whole meme is cringe.