2 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

GOP rule #1: oppose anything and everything that's provided at no cost to the end-user if someone somewhere can charge too much money for the same product. and no, instatwitbooksnaptok isn't included because the end-user IS the product

"i'll be happy to inhale toxic fumes, if it means owning the libs!!"

-GOP voter

"LOL we're gonna be so rich"

-GOP lawmakers

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in most 1st world countries literally none of this ever happens.

insurance is the biggest scam of all fucking time. and we get to spend time arguing about gay books in the library

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you're talking about people who go out and buy a 24 pack of bud light so they can get video of themselves shooting it with a shotgun

i always start ordering something for delivery and then get to the checkout screen and see the price and am like LOL NOPE CANNED BEANS AGAIN

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the app isn't for men in relationships...

Trump saying shit for someone trying to get their vote with 0% intent to follow through on it

i mean he follows through with his promises to make the 1% richer at the expense of everyone else, that's gotta count for something, right?

funny how republican men just recently were whining that they can't find a date because of their political beliefs.

while pushing for shit like this. and they can't even see the dots, let alone connect them

this will go away the instant one of these "verify" sites gets hacked and some GOP senator's daily visit to gets leaked to the world

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they're stress testing the user base. they don't give half a flying fuck how outraged you are. they only care about whether you'll quit the platform. which you won't.

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i'm extremely pessimistic that any single thing that should happen actually will happen

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GOP doesn't hire people for their qualifications, only their perceived blind loyalty to the party

i'm so fucking sick of religion wrecking everything in this country. if people weren't so dumb that they buy into all the bronze age fairy tale bullshit, then they wouldn't be bootlicking these greedy scumbags pretending to be righteous while being the worst examples of the species

these victims of indoctrination are so mindfucked as to think they're going to do a single goddamn thing vs the us military.

after getting nothing done on 1/6 vs a handful of capitol police who mostly stepped aside and ushered them in. good luck, bumpkins. i guess

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LOL you thought you were going to do something in here with your boomer talking points you got from facebook

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this is the textbook definition of government overreach, forcing everyone to play nanny state because republicans can't control their little shitlings internet use

the fact that you think for one second that this bullshit will stop kids from accessing porn demonstrates how clueless all these cromagnon chuds are about how the internet actually works.

Its time for the law to step in

funny-- people say the same thing about guns, but the reply is "NOOOOO but what about the LaW aBiDiNg CiTiZeNs"

i mean troompa loompas have been getting conned by king con-man conning them for years-- why shouldn't other con-men get a slice of the pie?

no one does enshittification quite like the masters of it at ms

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"if you can't win fair and square, then cheat. if you can't win by cheating, then 1/6/20"


"we're not going to do anything about anything"


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after h&r block wrecked my taxes and cost me months of back and forth with the IRS, i take every possible opportunity to steer people away from them

i sat there and had to repeatedly correct the ancient walking corpse they hired part time to do tax filing as she kept entering wrong numbers on the computer. who knows wtf they did after i left

fuck h&r block. after that bullshit experience, i signed on with an actual business accountant and never had a single fuckup in 10+ years

once NC GOP manages to get a R governor, it's all over. not that NC is "blue" but cooper is basically holding back the flood alone. once he's gone NC will join the ranks of FL, TX, and other bottom rung states with a quickness.

path to the military was shaped by his evangelical Christian upbringing

there's no "thought the us military was the good guys," or "thinking" in general going on. they do what they're told

the people stomping their feet and bleating about "taking over" the country are really just a bunch of scared cowards

what, you don't want fake friends fake liking your fake glamorous vacation photos?

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the people who are maddest about gays are the ones who are secretly gay and hate themselves most of all. they only say "it's a choice" because they made the choice to suppress it and are angry at anyone who chooses "to thine own self be true"

disagree. if you stopped eating fast food only because you can't afford it, you're not going to all of a sudden "eat healthy." you're just going to switch to ramen, tv dinners, frozen tendies, or whatever other <1 minute to cook garbage from the grocery store. nothing's happened except "cheap fast zero effort food" has become "cheap slow greater than zero effort food"

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do we have a c/notadragqueen yet..

LOL it's hilarious that rob fucking schneider is the only "celebrity" they can get to trumpet their bullshit

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someone saying "no" when evangelicals try to force their religion on everyone is "persecution" to them

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no one is as pro-biden as they are anti-trump

on the other hand, pro trump people think he's the literal messiah and would eat their own shit at his command

the jesus you're talking about is no longer a thing to them. white republican jesus hates poor people, loves guns, and never tips the waitress (because they see NO contradiction in bleating 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' while simultaneously preventing anyone from pulling themselves up by their bootstraps).

"but how can they just change what jesus is all about?" you might be asking

the more important question is: when is everyone going to stop assuming that christofascists need anything to make any sense?

edit: forgot to post the link

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don't worry they'll cancel the whole project the instant some idiot crooked corporate executive asshole gets his incriminating data stolen and used for blackmail

the younger population is disgusted by all the crusty old white men in the government, so they don't vote. i know, because i work at a community college. yet another consequence of deliberately hobbling public education while blaming all the world's ills on abortions, mexicans, gays, women, and black people

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i, a bourgie, only use naturally carbonated pellegrino to flush my crystal toilets

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if the number two ingredient, sugar,

another trick they all use is to divide the sugar up into several different kinds of sugar, eg. clif bars have brown rice syrup, tpioca syrup, cane syrup, organic cane sugar, cane sugar. because each of these comprise a smaller percentage of the total, they can be lower in the ingredient list. but you're still getting 16g added sugar in a 68 gram "healthy" protein bar

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not really the company’s fault is it? It’s the person’s choice of what they put in their mouths

a lot of these garbage foods full of chemicals and devoid of quality are specifically marketed as "healthy." that is 100% on the corporations lying to the world. pick up a package of protein bars with words like "smart," or "perfect" in the name of the product, and look at the ingredients--it's literally a candy bar, disguised as something "healthy"

yes, everyone ultimately decides what they eat, but are you really going to blame the people being lied to instead of the ones doing the lying?

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told them to go fuck themselves and canceled my subscription yesterday. they really didn't stop to consider just how many options people have for music

what, trying to equate "butt" and "fart" with porn didn't work?

-moron GOP who think everyone is as dumb as they are

jeebus will improve their ranking of #47 in the country for education