
2 Post – 212 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

So he just has to order the CIA to do it.

The... the CIA and many other government agencies have a stories history of doing absolutely insane things that are absolutely crimes...

...And many of those things only get brought to light by a whistle lower or leak ot some Watergate level fuckup of being caught in the act, or years or decades of actual investigation later.

There are so many problems with this ruling its mind boggling.

Climate change fueled wildfires cause home and rental insurance rates to surge; State Farm solvency in question.

There! Fixed the headline. Journalism is so hard!

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In my personal experience, basically no insurance in America is worth anything.

Nothing you would actually need insurance to cover ends up being covered, or, it covers a huge portion of an absurd cost which is only so absurd because of basically a corrupt cost inflation feedback loop between insurers and providers that you end up personally paying prices that are absurd to all but the very well off.

It ends up just being further cost requirements to basically exist, which means if you are poor fuck you, die.

Oh you want to challenge your insurance and force them to actually cover something?

Hire a lawyer! Those are cheap!

Pack 100 of compsognathus (compsognathii?) says hello.

Not sure how out of date the research is, but in the original Jurassic Park book, there are roaming packs of these things that overwhelm and kill people.

Though the on screen scene of them killing people happens in the second movie, it actually takes place in the first book IIRC... anyway, they're basically depicted as land piranhas.

(Again, IIRC, Jurassic Park the book basically gets set in motion with a family of tourists being eviscerated by a pack of compys... but the first movie dropped this from the story, then when the second movie comes out they basically use this scene as the intro for that, but its on a different island and used to set off an entirely new story?)

Yep, thats my impression as well so far.

Trump is confidently blazing through (what should be) obvious lies, while Biden is mumbling and forgetting what he is trying to say half way through saying it.

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Yeah, its infuriating that punk has become a suffix.

There is nothing punk about steampunk, dieselpunk, atompunk. They are just fantasy technological scenarios / art styles.

Cyberpunk has an both a recognizable aesthetic and a whole lot of political, social and philosophical views baked into it. You get the punks in cyberpunk as either a direct ideological opposition to the power of corporations, or as an indirect result of said corpos creating a hell world for 99% of people.

There is nothing inherently rebellious about worlds or characters within worlds with more prevalent / advanced steam or diesel or nuclear power.

Solarpunk arguably has some actual punk to it if you actually try to follow the idea of personally minimizing your fossil fuel usage, but mostly its a utopian or post-dystopian setting / art style.

Its now like -gate being affixed to any kind of publicized controversy.

Most people do not understand what Watergate even was and why it was so significant.

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There exists documented proof in many bits of literature from around 200 BCE to around 100 CE of numerous different figures in what is called 'Jewish Apocalypticism', basically a small in number but persistent phenomenon of Jews in and around what was for most of that time the Roman province of Palestine, preaching that the end would come, that God or a Messiah would return or arise and basically liberate the region and install a Godly Kingdom, usually after or as part of other fantastical events.

Jesus was one of many of these Jewish Apocalypticists. Much like the rest of the movement's key figures, they were wrong, and their lives were greatly exaggerated in either their writings or writings about them or inspired by them.

This seems to be the (extremely condensed) opinion of most Biblical Scholars.

There are a very small number of modern Biblical Scholars that are 'Mythicists' of some kind, who believe that Jesus was completely fictional and wholly invented by certain people or groups.

This is an unpopular view amongst scholars and historians of that time and region, as most believe it more plausible that Jesus was just another example of a radical Jewish Apocalyptic preacher, which again, was fairly common for roughly 300 years in that region.

Its like how if you go to a big city theres always that one guy with a megaphone preaching imminent doom. 99% of people think this is silly and ignore them, but tons of people know that people like them exist and do have small followings.

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Gatorade and its electrolytes are better than water for recharging and rehydrating after or during significant physical activity.

Basically, you are correct that an appropriate amount of salts helps you rehydrate more quickly.

You know what is even better for most people, if your daily caloric intake is not at Olympic levels?

Pedialyte. No where near as much sugar thrown in, more Vitamins, less carbs.

This article goes into it a bit more:


Basically, Gatorade's additional sugar and carbs mean that it makes sense if you are highly active, have a considerably above average physique, or actively drinking it mid work out or other strenuous activity.

For more average people, pedialyte probably makes more sense.

Especially if you are going to pick one to replace water.

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Unless I am mistaken, aren't basically every kind of Tarantula you can keep as a pet non venomous?

I'm the kind of person that'll take basically any kind of spider save a black widow and just put it outside while my gf is screaming at 115db to murder it and will then be angry with me for 3 days that I didn't.

Poor tarantula.

Oh right, this 'politician' is an amazing argument for lowering housing costs such that people can afford studios instead of living with crazy 'main character' people like this.

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Howabout a reasonably advanced civilization destroying itself and its homeworld after exploiting and then running out of petroleum?

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RIP sandy buddy.

The individual desires judgement. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.

I'm from the wet side of the PNW and we have all of those as well, excepting possibly northern widows, I've not heard of those.

I've spent weeks in cabins and lived in houses and apartments all over WA.

Every single time I have ever seen a spider in a house or apartment, its been something that is totally harmless to humans.

Out in the boonies? Sure, thats where you'll actually run into some dangerous things.

That being said, I've never lived in MN, perhaps dangerous spiders are a more serious threat in urban/suburban areas, and yeah, climate change fucks up everything.

Something absolutely absurd started happening a few years ago, right in the middle of Seattle, like 2 blocks from a main road:


I've seen coyotes out in the foothills occasionally, on trails far from cities, in the brush on the east side of the state.

But... basically that heat wave a few years back, and wildfires and droughts managed to drive a population of coyotes into residential areas of Seattle, likely hunting the rabbits.

That was pretty stunning to me.

Did... did he even empty the mag?

Rack the slide?

Did he just fucking think the safety was on?

Goddamn, fucking instant Darwin Award, good job buddy.

EDIT: Ok apparently he switched the safety off???


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I grew up with a dad who listened to Rush Limbaugh or some conservative jockey (Mike Savage was quite bonkers, still cannot believe he got hired by MSNBC for about 2 weeks before he said some insane racist shit and got canned) on AM anytime I was ever in the car with him.

He's now a QAnon nut.

I absolutely believe 25% of America listens to AM radio, all the christo fascists and qanoners and magatards on their 3 hour daily commute while they are angry that their kids or ex wives don't talk to them anymore.

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So I am from WA and have been aware of this plan for a while.

This is one phase, and the next phase is to try to do this with as many Eastern WA counties as possible.

And to anyone wondering why this is happening, ya'll obviously are not from around the PNW.

Basically, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland are bastion of liberals and actual leftists. Bellevue is as well, but its only for corpos these days.

Nearly everywhere else west of the cascades is just barely more blue than red, and there are tons of smaller towns with Republican controlled county legislatures and town/city governments.

On the East of the Cascades, in the desert, basically, Republicans are generally in charge of everything that isn't a Reservation.

Its a bit more complex than this, but it is pretty much 'big cities' are blue, mid and small cities and everything else is red.

While I am against this succeeding, I do not think this is as cut and dry, obviously unconstitutional as some other posters here are making it seem.

It is not creating a new state. It is counties voting to leave one state and join another. To the best of my knowledge, this is completely unprecedented in the history of the US.

They've got a whole detailed plan for how to attempt to get this actually done. And they have a lot of judges, and now a popular mandate.

I honestly do not know how this will play out as it will likely hinge on various judiciaries and possibly executive (Governor) moves.

Yes, the state legislatures have to sign off on it and thats a big hurdle to jump, but it may actually be doable if enough political pressure is applied... especially if Trump wins.

It could possibly make it to the Circuit Courts and then the Supreme Court.

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Ya'll should watch some of his 'broadcasts'.

Not, like, the whole things.

Tommy Campbell's YT channel does basically recaps of the stupidest shit the stupid MAGA clowns do and... well Mr. Lindell features quite often.

Lindell is basically the most perfect stereotype for a loser idiot boomer that lucked his way into being a business owner, and he is of course astoundingly technically incompetent.

There are at this point running gags with a number of words that he seemingly is incapable of pronouncing correctly, the guy produces moron clips at such a rate Im surprised he isnt a number of widely used meme formats.

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Dear sweet christ, I've been the manager of a medium sized non profits databases (everything other than finance because they're special, as in using an overpriced wacky proprietary tool because they are used to it, oh and probably commiting fraud) and, as the author references, I have actually had one of the members of the board get a bunch of other people with 0 technical competence to try to get me to 'implement blockchain technology' on postgres.

Non of those fucking morons could ever provide an actual project outline. None of these fucking morons even knew their own teams processes, and they would all change depending on team member asked and date.

Not relevant to this story, but basically I am now disabled and living off of SSDI after being assaulted and seriously injured.

I am 99% sure, after years of working with completely technically incompetent managers, I am never going to work in tech again.

I would literally rather be poor, do uber eats delivery when I feel like it, and slowly build a video game, by myself, not even to make money, just to give my tech brain something to sate it.

I am too autistic to be able to handle the constant stream of bullshit and social manipulation/pressure from everywhere I have ever worked.

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The Bible describes God showing Moses his 'backside', which a number of actual scholars interpret as including his butt.

Not sure about farts in the Bible, but there's stories about rape, incest, at one point a description of men with 'emission like donkeys', ie, huge cum loads from big dicks.

They seem to never learn that if you try to ban 'pornographic' text, you'll have to ban the Bible as well.

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Welp, we finally have the voice spoofer from Uplink.

"My voice is my passport, verify me."

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This is from a woman who, according to her own biography, throws beer cans at homeless people, drinks and drives...

... and named her 'emotional support' hamster...

Mountain Dew.

Her... now former ... husband was 22 when he hit on her, a 16 year old, working at McDonalds. That is how they met.

If you just think she us a trashy hypocrite, actually read her autobio. Its fucking wild.

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My extremely objective sample size of the single South Dakota resident I have talked to about this thinks that she is a laughable disgrace.

We talked for a bit about how basically any idiot should know that it takes a while, as in years and years, to properly train a hunting dog.

And also executing a puppy, and a goat, is fucking insane.

According to her the goat was not really even Noem's goat. It was apparently a goat that was being basically rented, primarily as an au naturale lawn mower.

Anyway, then this 50+ year old white lady proceeded to laugh for 3 minutes straight about how bad you have to fuck up to get banned from every native reservation in the state, a full 1/5 of the landmass of the territory you govern.

'Never point any firearm at anything you are not intending to destroy' is like rule one of any gun range or weapons safety course.

This is taught not only to instill fear and respect, but because weapon malfunctions and user errors happen, and they maim and kill people.

I have had squib rounds on the range, and shitty .22 ammo go off 4 seconds after i pulled the trigger. Had I just assumed it was immediately a dud and gone to clear it without waiting, I could have shot the person in the next stall.

Combine that with being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic, and uh, nope, reality rejected, time to attempt a coup.

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This is oddly worded and has some strange conceptions.

If you open a coffee shop and can't handle the stress and can't manage to afford to operate it... then you have failed. If you open a coffee shop and run it well for a few years and decide to sell your functioning business or largely step down from active management with new leadership... then you successfully ran a coffeeshop and did not fail at it.

If you marry someone and divorce them, and its anything but a mutually agreed, low to no drama, no fault divorce, then yes the relationship and marriage failed.

Now the book/author example is worded much more sensibly. If you write books for a few years, and can support yourself from this or hell even if you really enjoyed it, and then you move onto something else, I don't think anyone would consider you a failed author. You did the thing, got some works published, excellent, you are a successful author!

A friendship that doesn't last... in most cases, is kind of objectively less of a friendship than one that lasts for a long time. It can still have been a real friendship, but it obviously was not important enough for one or both people to continue it if they ... did not continue it.

People going through hobbies as phases is linguistically literally correct, as many people do this. I do agree though that phrasing this derogatorily as if there is somehow anything wrong with changing hobbies overtime is somehow bad or indicates anything negative, unless youre doing that extremely overenthusiastically and/or fiscally or physically dangerously.

Fandoms do ebb and flow. They rise and fall in popularity and enthusiasm. I again do not really see how this is somehow indicative of a culture that prizes only permanent things.

Perhaps by now its obvious I am autistic but... it doesnt make any sense to praise or criticize a fandom by its popularity alone. Praise or criticize it by the kind of community it fosters, the in jokes, the style, the lasting marka its made on other things, the quality or appeal of its content.

I mean I agree with the ending of this, that temporary things can still have been good, but... yeah a good bit of this person's examples seem to me to be not well thought out.

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The Republicans are also quite keen to end birthright citizenship, ie, if you are born on US territory, you are a citizen.

I guess they'll be attempting to make it so you have to born on the territory to ... probably two, not one, existing citizens.

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Heart Attack / Epileptic Seizure induced from massive fear/stress/anxiety.

Heart Attack is more likely, but a violent enough Epileptic Seizure can snap tendons, ligaments or your neck.

Edit: You could also possibly choke to death on your own vomit.

All those could kill you while secured properly.

Edit 2: All sorts of other stress induced cardiovascular stuff like a bursting aneurysm or irregular heartbeats for a long enough time untreated could also lead to death.

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Due to budget cuts, the most popular inmates will now run the asylum.

This is the woman who ran with the slogan:

"Meth, we're on it."

... to describe her state's effort to address drug problems.

Its like an Onion article, but nope, real.

I think he should pick Airbud to show he supports canine health.

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Literally proven to ruin attention span in children and essentially cause ADHD, can also easily cause depression by constantly seeing (usually) fake people flaunting their (usually) fake life and wealth.

Not to mention the proliferation of insane conspiracy theories, absolute nonsense and usually harmful 'advice' of one kind or another, 'being rich is the only thing that matters so here is a scam to show you how!' of all kinds of flavors...

Brain rot.

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I have had multiple people in my life tell me that it is irresponsible to not have my phone on, 24/7, in case they need to message me about something.

These are the same people who get angry anytime I message them and they are busy, but also get angry if I am busy and don't immediately reply to them.

I've been woken up so many times at 2 am...

At least in my life, its quite common for people to be hypocritical douchebags.

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Edit: More context!

Hobby Lobby is a large chain of huge arts and crafts stores, mainly. They mostly sell a whole bunch of obnoxious Live Laugh Love signs, candles, other stupid kitschy crap that stereotypically adorn middle aged overweight christian wive's homes.

If memory serves, in many states they made it so their company provided healthcare plan does not cover abortions and other healthcare related to women's reproductive/sexual health, like contraception.

And that was before the Supreme Court ruling a few years back overturning Roe v Wade.

Beyond that, they are rather notorious for being led by evangelical christians.

Now normally you think that means great, can't get hired if you have a tattoo or piercing or colored hair or are gender nonconforming.

In hobby lobby's case, basically yes, and, also they paid to smuggle thousands of ancient cuneiform tablets out of Iraq.

Not long after the 2003 invasion, Baghdad's main museum was ransacked, and some years later, hobby lobby higher ups (family owned business hyuck hyuck) paid for them to be shipped to Turkiye, where they were discovered with false documentation.

Apparently they wanted them for their private collection, though with that many, you'd need a small museum... literally criminal cultural appropriation.

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Apparently TikTok has said they would actually prefer to shutdown US operations rather than sell.

It would be hilarious to imagine a government run tiktok.

Oh my job? I scroll TikTok all day looking for morons posting crimes they do online and tagging them to be forwarded to local police departments.

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Hah, remember when games and software used to be tested to ensure they would function correctly before release?

At least with Early Access games you know its in development.

What has it been, nearly a decade now that we just expect nearly everything to be broken on launch?

I am currently awaiting, from Amazon, a number of braces, knee, wrist, back, neck etc.

Being homeless for almost a year is not fun. Basically all of the tendons in my body are shot after walking around 2000 miles.

Why not go to a doctor?

Well, 1, I am in waaaay too much pain and can barely walk. Car got stolen long ago. No busses where I am.

2, it would take 6 weeks to wait for an appointment, where they would either tell me to see someone else (another 6 weeks), who might actually give me the same braces... or more likely I would be so exhausted from getting to the office I would not be able to adequately describe my symptoms in the 10 minutes the inevitably 45 minute late doctor would have to talk to me.

3, even with medicare, it would be far more expensive to pay the deductible and inflated costs from the medical industry as opposed to just buying the shit outright.

4, go to the ER? Even more expensive, and I'd be basically writhing in pain for hours as my injuries are not immediately life threatening, and be exposed to almost certainly actual biohazards from people with open wounds, communicable diseases and of course just violent and stupid people.

American healthcare is where it makes more sense to writhe in pain at home.

Can someone from a functioning country please adopt me or marry me or something so I can emigrate there?

... If they set up a hologram of John McAfee, with Ai voice mod, like a VTuber sort of, I am 100% certain it would win.

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There was a meme post yesterday or something about an androgenous person being asked what their gender was, being coy and then pulling up their shirt to reveal they are packing a pistol in their waistband, no holster.

Someone genuinely asked if this is actually a thing people do and if its a good idea or not.

Now possibly this person was not American and thus is not super exposed to guns but... just a shocking amount of people seemed to not understand that like... you dont do this because without a proper holster the gun can easily fall out or even go off, get the safety switched off, etc.

As a leftist with a modicum of actual firearms experience, its insanely embarrassing watching a huge amount of online leftists have a whole bunch of opinions about guns, make a bunch of jokes about using guns, when its pretty obvious these are the kind of people that have no clue what they are talking about, the kind of people I would not want to go to a range with because I'd be worried they'd kill themselves or me.

Of course, there's even more right wing or just criminal idiots with even worse behavior, but its usually pretty easy to avoid them on the internet.

I don't even use the more mainstream social media at all due to highly concentrated cringe, advertisements and general brain rot nonsense, I can't handle it, so seeing something like this, or what you said, a fucking meme of edging a glock to blow your own dick off... fucking ugh.

Anyway blah blah guess I felt like ranting, anybody that doesn't respect a firearm and injures or kills themselves due entirely to their own stupidity deserves no sympathy and should be laughed at.

I can fly a plane.

Landing a plane. That is more difficult.

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