1 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Oh yes, those are a lot of fun! It does add a lot to the game. Just a warning, I've found them to be a bit buggy at times, so I would recommend doing a save before taking one. They may have fixed it since I took one though.

I would have a problem with a game that sells premium bullets, because as I said in my previous comment, it gives an actual gameplay advantage when playing against other players. Which means it's what I would call pay to win, and means I wouldn't play it. To this point I've played several free to play games fairly extensively, but never spent a cent on them.

You have a different definition of pay to win than the other poster and I do, and while I don't agree with it, that's fine. My primary purpose for responding to your comment was to try to explain what they were referring to. I'm not trying to start a big argument over a game that I don't even play, so I won't be going any further with this.

That'll bring you quite a few hours of enjoyment I'm sure! I've got a lot of hours into both of those games.

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Just a heads up for anyone intrigued by the discussions, there's a 5 game Deus Ex bundle on Steam that's on sale for less than $10 right now!

You can pay to get things done more quickly, but you don't have to pay to win. It just takes more time. From what I hear from players of the game, there's no actual gameplay advantages locked behind a paywall, only cosmetic items. They obviously want you to pay to proceed faster, but it doesn't appear to be like some games that make free players use lower tier weapons and items. You can earn all gameplay items through grinding it out and never need to spend any money.

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You've got a nice variety of games to try there! Trombone Champ was pretty huge for a while there, but I had pretty much forgotten about it. Maybe I'll grab it just for the laughs.

I never got into Fallout either, although I only ever tried 4. I did have someone mention that I should try the earlier games as apparently the tone of them is different. It's sometimes hard to overcome first impressions though! It's great that the show gave you the boost to get hooked!

That's really what is holding me back from getting it. The idea sounds really interesting, I'm just worried that I won't enjoy the actual gameplay. I've had it in my cart a couple of times during sales but I never end up getting it.

What you said about micromanaging things does help. I don't mind a little micromanagement in games like Age of Empires or Civilization, but if you get too much of it happening I tend to get a bit sloppy. I've found it depends a lot on my goals for the play session and also how long I've been doing it.

It's something I've looked at before, and while it looks like it could be a fun game, I don't have that much time to spend grinding! It definitely appears to be one of the more fair f2p games out there though.

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Sounds like a really good deal! I've got all of the Witcher games, and they're pretty good. I'm not really a Star Wars fan, otherwise I would pick up some of the games while they're on that deep a discount! It makes me wonder how good some of them are for a non fan.

Ghost of Tsushima is a game I'm definitely keeping an eye on. I've unfortunately been disappointed with a lot of the recent PlayStation PC releases though, so I'm a bit wary. I'll wait to see what kind of discounts show up in a year or so!

I don't play the series, but they're definitely very cheap right now!

No problem! :-)

The Total War games look really interesting, I should give them a try. I play Civilization, Age of Empires, and Crusader Kings though, so it's sometimes hard to fit a new series in. I do see that Atilla is the newest game without Denuvo though, so I might just grab it!

I didn't realize that, thanks for the info!

Thanks for the recommendation! It's not necessarily something that would jump out at me, but it seems people really like it.

I'm keeping an eye on it as well, but I'm waiting for a major price drop/bigger sale. Divinity Original Sin 2 didn't really click with me, and BG3 reminds me of it a little too much. Fantasy isn't really my favorite setting, so it may just not be the game for me.

No one here could ever have a backlog, right? ;-)

You're in the right community for that!

Enjoy your new computer! There's some good games that came out in that time period, so you'll have plenty to enjoy. You'll probably get some really good prices on some of them too!

I'm somewhat the same. Really no interest in Dark Souls/Elden Ring or any of that, but Sekiro did catch my attention before. The difficulty is a turn off though. I often play games on hard difficulty, but I prefer it to be a choice, and to be able to turn it down if it's too difficult.

Not sure what platforms you have available, but it's 30% off on the Steam summer sale!

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I used to play Terraria years ago, but it's been a while! Satisfactory looks pretty interesting, but I've never played it.

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I do enjoy that type of game by spells, so I might have to get it the next time I'm in the mood for that! It does look interesting.

The Witcher 3 is pretty good. I normally don't like a lot of fantasy games, but the Witcher and Elder Scrolls games are two that I like for some reason! I finished the whole game and both dlcs once. I started a second playthrough, but that is mostly running around and playing gwent! 😂

Both Euro and American Truck Simulator are really good games. I like to just put on a podcast or some music and drive for a while. If you find you like it, the dlc states are worth the price in my opinion. Especially since they go on sale pretty often!

It sounds like you've got a plan! Once I get all the bills paid for this month I'm planning to get my partner a Steam Deck as well, so both of us are looking at games. They're a Harry Potter fan, so Hogwarts Legacy is one that came up on the list.

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I know the feeling of getting sidetracked by old favorites! I run into that with Morrowind as well as Stardew Valley, The Sims, Farming Simulator and a few others!

My partner and I both have hundreds of hours in it, so that could be possible! Try not to have super high expectations for it before you start though, I wouldn't want you to miss out on a fun game because fans hyped it beyond what it is.

That being said, both of us are pretty big fans of the game. We drove quite a distance to go to one of the Stardew Valley concerts, and it was really great. I'm not someone that likes crowds, but all the fans there were very friendly and it made for a great time.

I'm sure we will! I saw a list being created, so I'm sure there will be a few. I did give a warning about the infamous Steam backlog, but I don't want to ruin the fun of a new device! So we'll see what happens.

I too have a backlog, but it's fairly small. I tend to play genres of games by spells, so I often have a few of each type in my queue for the day I'm interested in that kind. While I don't force myself to finish a game I don't like, I do try to keep the number of unplayed games low!

I often find myself looking at some of the PlayStation games, but I often find myself disappointed once I start playing them. The main series of the former exclusives that I like is Uncharted, but many of the others I've just lost interest in after a few hours. That being said, Uncharted games are very short, so maybe I just don't like most long games anymore! Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy were both a lot of fun though.

I've had that game on my wishlist for years now! 😂 I enjoy that style of game, but all I end up doing is building roller coasters, so I end up sticking with things like Planet Coaster instead. I have definitely spent some time on OpenRCT2 though, so maybe I should give it a try.

Yeah, you don't want to stack up too many! I've got some in my queue until I feel like playing them, but I've started moving more toward just buying a game when I want to play it rather than stacking a bunch up during sales.

It's sometimes fun to go back and buy those games you found years ago! When I was pretty young I couldn't afford games and computers, so I would fix old broken computers and play mostly game demos. I got many more hours out of that than those designers probably ever imagined! Since then I've gone back and bought a lot of those games, and it definitely reminds me of some good times.

I generally do a fair amount of debating like that too. I don't like wasting money, even when something is heavily discounted!

They certainly have a sizeable catalog to choose from!

Good luck! I have run into the same thing before, although not quite that many!

Icarus is one that's caught my attention a couple of times, but I've never bought it. I don't do a lot of co-op or multiplayer in general, but it does look interesting.

Check out Ventoy! Unless you need a single ISO on the drive, it's just something you install to it and then copy and paste ISOs to the folder on it. No flashing needed, it runs them for you. I've got 128GB drives almost filled with every ISO I could possibly want.

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Pop doesn't use stock Gnome, there's a lot of modifications to it. They're also working on their own DE for future releases, called Cosmic.

Linux is designed to give you freedom to change things to your liking, and Canonical and many other distro teams obviously feel they can improve Gnome.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that's less likely to click on articles like that! If they're not going to give me an idea of what I'm clicking on, I generally don't read it. It's usually possible to find a few websites that have informative headlines.

I'm going to do that, I didn't realize that was possible! Thanks!