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Joined 1 years ago

This sounds like you were going to segue to today's sponsor, Ground News.

Can you tell me how being overly critical of India as a country is the same as being racist towards Indian?

Being able to supply another country with weapons and ammunition while keeping enough stock for your own military is not the definition of a self-sufficient military, though?

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No, he's calling the story Russian propaganda.

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What do you mean by notification? Is it an email or an android notification?

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There was only one claim being called a Russian propaganda, and that is the warning from US.

Why don't you disprove that instead of acting like an idiot and copy pasting some tired old troll comments?


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People used to think their lives are over if they were caught alone with someone of the opposite sex they're not married to. That is no longer the case in western countries due to normalisation.

The thing that makes them want to die is societal pressure, not the act itself. In this case, if societal pressure from having fake nudes of yourself spread is removed, most of the harm done to people should be neutralised.

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And Israel is a genocidal terrorist state.

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You kinda need the /s if you're gonna deny the onionnessof the article in the same comment.

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You do know you can pay one time if you just want to remove ads. You're here suggesting the dev should just work on the app for free or something?

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Which line would they cross that you would consider too close?

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They started a fight? I guess every action by Israel prior to 7th October 2023 can be conveniently ignored, then?

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I think he meant people who do have representation, but still chose to do the closing argument themselves. That one should be a lot more rare, I think.

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Go to bed already grandpa. Stop hating on new words so much.

In engineering, it pretty common to calculate things over a 1 year period in order to relate cost calculations to company finances. Most companies calculate their finances annually, so calculating for yearly average energy production makes any comparison easier than other arbitrary periods of time.

Because now you have to build an electrified track infrastructure in instead of using an already built railway track.

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There's difficulty, then there's balancing issue. We expect difficulty, but not invalidating certain builds entirely.

How are they similar?

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Why do you need to protest Hamas' actions when you know they don't have the ability to attain it? Even now we see them being bombed constantly by Israel in retaliation. Do you think protesting Hamas in London would achieve anything better than what Israel can already dish out?

On the other hand, nobody is doing enough to stop the genocide Israel is performing on Palenstine's civilians, so which one of these two issues do you think a protest in another country is more likely to affect?

Dogs that snapped are not being evil, it's just them acting on instinct. It's doesn't make them bad dogs, but it does make them dangerous.

These hackers must be targeting you, then.

If it takes money away from more practical transport projects that can have more impact, they kinda are not solving the issue.

Then, using a different package name should be a good solution, wouldn't it?

As opposed to them calling the people who wants to do the same thing as them but feeling hopeless about our chances "nihilistic assholes". I'm sure that's a very supportive and productive thing to do.

Did you think they can only be garbage or perfect and nothing else? Really?

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Actually, it seems cold conditions make animals more likely to grow big in order to be more energy efficient. That is why lots of deep sea creatures are larger than their counterparts that live on the warmer waters near the surface.

That tweet doesn't mention the word disgusting at all.

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How? Genuine question here.

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I'm gonna miss the compactness of Calibri. I might have to reduce my font sizes now if I want to use Aptos in my pre-existing spreadsheets.

I also really love how competent Laurence Fishburn's character is in the movie, unlike a lot of other sci-fi horror characters.

Saying might makes right means you are defending genocide as long as the one doing it is the stronger party, got it.

Also, why would anyone protest against Hamas? My country does not support Hamas, so what would protesting against them even do? People protest against Israel because their countries are supporting them while they are indiscriminately killing civilians. Do you not even grasp such a basic concept?

Are you sure I'm the one that has no idea how the world works? Its not the one that can't even deny any of the stuff I mentioned, but still wants to claim that no genocide is occurring?

There are lots of comments on that thread trying to divert the issue by pointing out the violence done by the western countries. I would assume his comment was in response to one of these comments, so he wouldn't be the one to bring up the West into the discussion.

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I love the concept of using time as currency. I also somehow really love the chemistry between the male and female lead.

The theory is they're not trying to make money, but is trying to make it harder to use Twitter for organizing protests or share ideas that threaten their status quo.

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This here is the reason Linux will never take off as a mainstream desktop OS.

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I never knew images of Winnie the Pooh is considered misinformation in China. Oh wait, no its not, they're just banning it because Xi Jinping's ego is so fragile that it can't even handle some harmless memes making fun of him.

To me, that's the perfect example of the difference between what China is doing and what the EU is doing.

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Those are photos of the mum, so her fingers are still in those photos.

Why not vote for him, then protest for his removal after Trump is imprisoned?

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Since when was the goal in WW2 to kill every member of the Nazi? The actual goal is to stop the war. Attempting to purge Palestine of every Hamas member is destined for failure and only perpetuate the conflict in the long run.