5 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 13 months ago


thank mr skeltal

Gen-z here - I know how to torrent lol. It's insane how tech illiterate a lot of my friends are, even in my IT classes don't know what HTTPS is or what an ethernet cable is so... yeah

Feels weird being known as "the guy who's an expert at computers" despite being a noob

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I'm probably the only person in my entire school who knows what lemmy is lol

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The only reason I even have a microsoft account is to play Minecraft. Other than that, most of their services have perfectly good alternatives that are a lot better IMO

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username checks out

Why are you using Lemmy then? Go back to reddit if you aren't scared of them

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There are open source, free YouTube clients such as LibreTube that already had this feature. Still don't understand why people still buy premium when alternatives exist, that are much better.

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I live in the UK and have personally seen hate become so much more prevalent. It's very sad

I use prognoza - it's open source and has MD3 widgets

I started using it after the weather apps I use were just so fucking bloated I gave up and looked for another solution

Thank you everyone for your repsponses - I've decided to take the route of uninstalling Google via ADB.

If anyone is wondering, this is the conmand I used to do it:

adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0

What is that program/script that lets you view a pokémon in your terminal?

Just use another instance. You can find a list at

I absolutely love Aliucord. I've always thought that the UI on mobile looked really bad so using a MD3 theme + compact mode plugin fixed all my issues

Best thing I can come up with is use a third party camera app, like Simple Camera. Since Google decided to hard-code this into the app, this is your only option aside from using really inconvenient solutions

They shouldn't rely on ads to make money back on a phone IMHO.

I guess you can use AltStore. I heard you have to renew the apps every 7 days, though