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Joined 7 months ago

Yeah that's probably less than half of his salary

We don't have a mayor, we have a first selectman. She's a woman but still calls herself first selectman. I can't decide of that's anti-feminist or feminist AF, it is her choice after all

I've never used a kvm switch that requires drivers, the fact that it does would give me pause regardless of where it came from

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Jump. The direction you fall is down. Up is the other way.

Add to your search

He wasn't impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjuring himself while the defendant in a sexual harassment inquiry. The blowjob is just the thing he lied about.

If you can plant an explosive in there you can plant a transmitter

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My org's Microsoft reps gave a demo of their upcoming copilot 365 stuff. It can summarize an email chain, use the transcript of a teams meeting to write a report, generate a PowerPoint of the key parts of that report, and write python code that generates charts and whatnot in excel. Assuming it works as advertised, this is going to be really big in offices. All of that would save a ton of time.

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Keep in mind that that was a demo to sell Copilot.

And whether it works as well as they described remains to be seen. However, they did prove that there's a legitimate use case for generative AI in the office, in most offices. It's not just a toy.

Well it does come from a holy book. Those are nothing if not verbose.

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Well fnord.

FDR threw a hundred thousand American citizens into concentration camps. Is there even any room to the right of that?

We look through the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The ORDER is in the GRID. That is the Aneristic Principle.

Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened westerners) be True. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than any other.

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Her body was so decomposed the family could not obtain her fingerprints or hold an open casket funeral, and an autopsy that could have indicated whether there had been medical malpractice associated with her death was “rendered impossible”, according to the lawsuit.

This is fishy as fuck

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Poor guy just wanted to spread vicious lies about people whose children were murdered. Who amongst us hasn't done that?

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This motherfucker watched a movie where a girl inherits all of the memories of her 4 most recent female ancestors because her mother used drugs while she was pregnant and he's like "that isn't how sound moves through sand"

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The idea of this act wasn't to make chips cheaper. It was to bring semiconductor manufacturing home instead of relying on China. They were always going to be more expensive because we can't compete with slave labor or a complete lack of environmental regulations. Price was the reason we were making them in China in the first place.

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I like my food cooked properly

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the Jew media

Something tells me this guy isn't a reliable source

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Ok I'll delete it. Thanks Google.

You heard it from traditional artists when the camera was invented

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Idk if you're painfully ignorant or just lying but it's been amended 27 times.

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Not only Canadian, an illegal immigrant

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Set up dkim/SPF properly, make sure the ip you plan to use is clean before you start, sign up for MXtoolbox blacklist alerts and if you get on a blacklist (doesn't happen often if you do a bare minimum of proactive security), you request removal. It's really not hard.

According to the article, the guy shooting them is Greek.

Nah, this is millennial energy right here. "Fuck social media, why doesn't everyone have a geocities page with a webring that links to their angelfire page and guestbooks and ICQ and stumbleupon KIDS NEED TO STOP HAVING A DIFFERENT INTERNET EXPERIENCE THAN I GREW UP WITH!"

Gen-x, as is their nature, simultaneously doesn't care and complains endlessly about everything equally, even the stuff they like, especially the stuff they like.

To put it in a perspective that this audience will understand; boomers are superintendent Chalmers. Millenials are Principal Skinner. Gen-x is Comic Book Guy.

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Repoint your DNS, send everything to legal, delete Facebook hit the gym

The number of Taylor Swift fans that planned to vote for trump was probably a very small number anyway

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I tell him 'turn on the water'

I tell him 'turn on the heat'

Tells me 'all you ever do is complain'

Then they search the place when I'm not here

Shoot at us, crickets. Shoot at a politician, and suddenly they're interested in passing laws to prevent it.

I'm actually shocked. I dispise trump but I still thought that image of him holding up his fist and shouting "fight!" was p badass. I thought for sure that, plus sympathy, would give him a big push. I'm relieved it didn't.

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He should run again in 2028

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When I was a teenager I made an email address,, inspired by the suicidal tendencies song. Years later in my late 20s or early 30s the secret service showed up at my door to ask about it. I had nearly forgotten I even made it by then. I don't remember if Reagan was dead yet but he was on his llast legs. I guess they're super thorough when it comes to anything other than that one roof near Trump's rally

No word on whether they investigated Mike Muir in the 80s when the song was written and Reagan was still alive/relevant

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I'd imagine there are a lot of people in prison who aren't especially fond of cops

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It's about a girl and her friends discussing menstruation, and wishing they could menstruate, and being jealous of other girls who already menstruate, and praying to God that they menstruate soon. I can see where that would frighten pearl clutchers.

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The botnets thank you for your service

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"states where boycotting Israel is illegal" is a sensationalist lie. The article says what these laws actually do

have passed legislation making it illegal for state agencies to work with companies that boycott Israel

So it's all about contracts. That's still bad but it's nowhere near as bad as the headlines implies. A law making it illegal to boycott Israel would be laughably unconstitutional.

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"walkable city" image includes 15 people and only 2 are walking

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I've quite literally never received any attention like that from women in my life...

Maybe they think you're gay