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Joined 1 months ago

some guy... somewhere

Working in computing for years and this is what I've heard

2000: IPv4 is about to dry up, we really need to start moving to v6!



2015: Yeah, okay, NAT has served us well so far, but we can only take it so far, we really need v6 to be the standard in the next 5-10 years or we're in trouble!

2020: Um... guys? IPv6? Hello? Anyone? crickets

2024: IPv6ers are now the vegans of networking

this may or may not be satire, just laugh if unsure

49 more...

Anyone still using Chromium or any of its derivatives (including Chrome) just needs to suck it up and admit it's the loser here. Use a Firefox derivative, it's just all around better in every single way.

24 more...

Like the new LED lightbulbs. Buy one now and they last a year or so. I bought one of them WAY back when they were brand new and horribly expensive and the damn thing still works just fine.

Companies can't stand new technologies that just work. They have to build in planned obsolescence. See also: smartphones, especially iTrash that make you buy a new one every year or two because updates slow them down.

29 more...

It is a Ponzi scheme. Very clearly one. How that garbage is legal, I will never know. I could have gotten into crypto from the ground floor eons ago and made tons of money but I didn't because I knew it was illegal and figured the whole thing was going to collapse as soon as governments found out about it. Imagine my shock when most legitimized the damn thing. Still wouldn't bother even if I could go back and do it again knowing the brain dead, money-greedy idiots are going to legalize a literal Ponzi scheme because I have values and morals.

37 more...

systemd doesn't obfuscate shit. It's Free software and you know exactly what it's doing. Stop spreading misinformation.

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A criminal saying that a laughable scam that is mostly used for criminal activity is good? Who would have thought? Oh right, everyone.

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How is displaying a password in a certain font "broken" when you can easily copy/paste it? People who rally against Firefox sure do point to ridiculous, non-existent "problems" as an excuse to keep using laughable Chromium/derivatives.

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Oh no, not binary files that are well-documented and you can know exactly what they're doing!

Also, the journalctl files are just text with useful markers embedded in them to be easier to filter and search. Run strings on the journal files and see they're just text with metadata in them.

7 more...

Welp. Fuck Raspberry Pi. The entire stock market is one big scam.

Yep. It was mostly a joke. Mostly. The bungled adoption of v6 plus all the ways we can still leverage v4 is what's keeping v6 from being adopted any time soon, but one day we're going to have to rip off the band-aid and just go for it. Sure, v6 is going to bring its own issues and weirdness, but FUTURE!

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And no monster piƱatas. And no trap rooms. And no pointless upgrades. And no nausea-inducing jumping puzzles.

Classic doom, pretty graphics, crazy weapons, new monsters, and steal music from 90s hard rock and heavy metal again.

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...says the company that wanted to destroy every bit of your privacy. I don't care what they "promise", don't listen to them.

Microsoft is finished. Install Linux.


Also US: Google and Apple and Microsoft and Amazon and all of these great, awesome companies that give us tons of money and access to their secret data do the same thing with our children? This is fine.

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Seems like it's just fanboyism and they can't stand that a band they care about (or at least enjoy) has sold out to the absolute worst degree. People are right in that all bands sell out to a certain point ("All you know about me is what I've sold ya, dumb fuck/I sold out long before you'd ever even heard my name/I sold my soul to make a record, dipshit/And then you bought one" -- Hooker with a Penis, Tool), but when you specifically accept a gig that is just some elitist executive party for a company that treats its employees like shit, you've gone too far.

Fuck the Foos. And stop making it political ("lol, liberals") -- bullshit, this is just rampant band fanboyism.

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Any software can have security issues, including ones written in rust. Just because C/C++ allows one to shoot oneself in the foot doesn't mean it's something that's commonly allowed by anyone with any skill, it's just a bug like anything else. I swear, people advocating rust believe that it's something intrinsic in C/C++ that allows such a thing regardless of what a developer does, and it's getting tiresome.

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Exactly. This is what I cannot understand from all these "true hyper-leftist" people. You do realize that the future of the USA is at stake here, and that our system is fundamentally rigged to not allow any real alternative as a choice, right? Your brain-dead "BIDEN BAD VOTE THIRD PARTY" is just going to enable Trump and then you'll never be able to vote for anyone ever again as you are forced to participate in alt-right Trump rallies every single day and post on the Trumpernet about how much you love Trump. This isn't much of an exaggeration -- this where they want to go if Trump wins.

You're not supporting Biden. This isn't how our vote works. You're voting for the person less likely to fundamentally fuck our country up. And in case you still don't quite understand who this is, that is Biden.

21 more...

In Korea, this particular product is advertised as "mild spice for very young children." /s

First thing I thought of. "Cat is the screaming cowboy guys in the sky."

Come on.

  1. Find correct end of bag, bag will tell you which is correct

  2. Place that end of bag between your (dry, not breathed on, non-disgusting) palms

  3. Rub back and forth a few times

  4. Enjoy your open bag

3 more...

"That explains the poster in hygiene class: 'no glove, no love'."

I'll stick with nano over Esc+Meta+Alt+Ctrl+Shift, thanks. I mean, it's an interesting operating system, but too bad its default text editor sucks.

(This from someone who used to use "pull the power plug to exit" vim...)

Hate that the overwhelming majority of phones don't have the ability to just install an alternative OS. I know it's because of hardware, but holy hell, the amount of hardware on PCs Linux supports is massive, and only a fraction of it is hardware that has released any real specifications to create a Free version of its driver. I don't think we've really concentrated on creating such things for phones in the same way or we'd be able to throw a phone UI version of Linux on nearly any phone out there. As it is, each alternative is limited to half a dozen or a little more of generally the same phones, and they're generally expensive as hell.

Where's my btw I use Arch phone? Because I want my btw I use Arch phone.

Buy an internet ad that tells people the damn dollar sign goes BEFORE the number.

10 more...

I don't have internet on the go and they're killing CDs.

Can't steal my bank info if I use cash only...

15 more...

I used to when usenet was free from every single ISP, there was an active community behind every single alt.binaries.* group, and it wasn't "subscribe to this usenet provider that gives you 5 years of posts from every group and you download things by this oversimplified NZB crap" instead of relying on and engaging with the community to post new and interesting things all the time.

Go search Usenet posts from the 80s. We've used the short term "app" for "application" for goddamn forever.

I am just hoping governments will see the massive issues and copyright problems with AI and ban that garbage outright soon so all these companies eager to add their AI trash to every single product they ship will stop.

6 more...

There Will Be Blood. Wooden acting, almost nothing happens, the soundtrack is earsplitting noise, but everyone loves it because of the "milkshake" meme at the end.

Fuck that movie. Walked out on it halfway through, read about what "happened" afterwards later (spoiler: fucking nothing) and regret nothing.

3 more...

I have always had minor issues with VLC with video playback when seeking or playing certain videos that mpv has never, ever, ever had. mpv just works.

VLC is a nice piece of software but it's just never beaten mpv for me.

Ignorant? Look up Project 2025. Then tell me I'm exaggerating. You are either laughably ignorant about our situation, or you're a Trumper trying to convince people that everything will be fine when it will absolutely not be.

Vote blue in 2024, then push better agendas and vote true left next time. Because I can guarantee you if Trump wins, you won't be voting any more.

There are several frontends available if you search...

Not a big fan of MS Teams but... it's worked for me before in the past. PEBCAK.

Sure seemed like one from the amount of fucking goddamn hype it got.

OT lightsaber fights looked like people who practiced the idea of "less is more" combat and knew pointless flailing and twirling around was useless against a similarly skilled opponent. This MADE SENSE. Everyone in the prequels flipping around and going nuts with the lightsabers and all that -- it was laughable. Even Luke in the OT who wasn't as skilled as some of the so-called "masters" from the prequels used at least some restraint and thought when fighting.

The prequels are garbage and I'm sick of people who think they're good just because we made memes out of them.

It was dumb, but at least it was semi-fun dumb. Thank goodness they never made any more Matrix movies after the first one.

shut up shut up shut up shut up no they didn't shut up shut up

The fact that it's optional now is irrelevant. Most people aren't going to disable AI and will thus use a horrible, broken feature that has never been proven to work reliably. And what is "optional" now becomes the standard later. Best to kill it now before it becomes the complete ruination of the tech industry.

You... do know how computers connect to each other, right? I hope this is sarcasm. But these days unless it's specifically stated, it's usually not, just a bunch of dumb kids who can't understand how the internet works.

And then the dumb kid realizes he's dumb and says "uh yeah, sarcasm, duh, didn't you know i was joking, hahahahaha, yep, I knew, of course I did!" when he totally didn't.

But regardless of the fucking point, no one wants to use these big business trash that is ruining the internet.

Have you seen how many garbage query returns people get? It's completely ineffectual unless you just treat it like a simple non "AI" search engine query, in which case, why bother wasting time with AI?

And do you realize how much power and time is needed to create a local LLM? The reason AI is generally implemented online is because it's so incredibly complex and computationally heavy to do it locally for any decent amount of data. So unless you're a fucking pervert with 20 overpowered PCs paying thousands a month on electricity generating AI porn art, what's the point?