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That person and their neighbor should have had the cats fixed

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They should start taunting him that he’s scared and call him a chicken.

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The Man from UNCLE. And because of Armie Hammer it’ll never happen

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Wasn’t ELI5 a line from the Office?

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I tried watching one of his movies and I found the characters so insufferable I couldn’t make it past like 30-40 minutes.

The NYTimes Daily podcast did a recent piece on why bodycams haven’t had as big of an impact and it sounds like a big part of the problem is that even if video is recorded the police retain custody so it’s super easy for them to bury the footage. I don’t know why it’s not standard operating procedure for an unrelated body be the ones to maintain custody of the bodycam footage.

I remember those days. I was so sad when it went away.

Wanna say they’re $2.79 where I’m at. I know for sure they were just under $3

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Never seen a sandwich topped with an olive in real life

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A similar problem would happen on r/ELI5 that drove me nuts. Originally the kinds of questions you were supposed to ask were things like “the origins of the Gulf war” or “the rules on how to play poker”. But instead there were too many questions that were like “what’s going on in my stomach when it growls”.

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Yep. I still like owning Blu-ray’s for this reason. When I tell people I have a Blu-ray collection they make fun of me.

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It’s actually kinda the premise of this old Chinese drama from like the 90s. It’s called the Plum Blossom Birthmark. This woman gives birth to a girl but decides to give her up because the show takes place in old times and she felt her position was threatened because her husband had taken on a concubine so she decides to swap out her baby girl for a boy. She brands the girl with a plum blossom mark on her back so that she can maybe find her later. Years later the little girl and boy grow up and fall in love.

So what’s the best search engine these days? Duck Duck Go?

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Pretty sure this is a copy and paste from a post on Reddit that went viral

What kind of dip do you usually get?

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Not fell in love per se but I had a dream I was getting married and it was clear my partner and I were really in love. There was a sense of happiness I felt that made the dream feel so real. Was sad when I woke up.

If anyone has a good app to learn Korean I’d love a rec. at best duo just helps me with vocab.

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Can we call you little Bobby tables?

Same. I miss Apollo.

Even more reason to call him a chicken

There was a whole sub for this on Reddit where people posted magazine covers like this. I hope that starts up again on Lemmy.

Ferrero Rocher and Andes chocolates

Any preferences (food, flowers, human names, favorite movies/shows)?

If human names maybe Sally or Ellie?

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Man I totally forgot about that guy. I’ve had him blocked for ages.

The Simpsons

The Magic School Bus


Honorable mention to Sailor Moon

Those cheesecake bars made by Philadelphia cream cheese.

The Mickey and friends popsicles

Ice cream bin bons.

The fruit snack variety boxes you could get from Price club. I think it came with 4, Garfield and Odie, Dinosaurs, Airplanes/fighter jets, and I wanna say the last one was unicorns?

I’m assuming you’ve done a pirate costume at Halloween for at least one of the years you had him

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I think practically it’d have to be earth. Water nation might not be too bad cuz u like the cold but idk about being surrounded by snow everyday of the year. Air nomad would be nice to have a sky bison but I’m not vegetarian and I don’t like tattoos.

The first thing I thought seeing all those people crowded together was a bunch of them are gonna get it or give covid to others. With the cases raging recently there was definitely people there who were already infected. I really hope anyone who’s particularly susceptible/immunocompromised took proper precautions

Assuming you’ve brought up the danger the first or second time she found something, how is she still picking dangerous locations?

It doesn’t look like they offer Korean. Shame.

In general dark chocolate. more specifically the dark nougat from Sees candy.

Ranch. Or whatever sauce comes with the blooming onion at outback.

You sound like my friend. She owns multiple editions of the same books because there was a fancy cover but then the books had matching covers with related books but oh look they made an illustrated edition!

Bottled ranch dressing from the store is never good in my experience (even the bottled hidden valley ranch). You need ranch from a restaurant (which can be hit or miss depending on the place) or make the ranch at home. You need hidden valley ranch powder, buttermilk, mayo, and sour cream.

I wanted to learn how to make karaoke subtitles on music videos. But not plain subtitles, ones with effects/animation. From what I could gather I would’ve needed to learn how to use adobe after effects and some sort of subtitling program. But (at that time) I could never find any tutorials that started from square one and assumed you knew nothing of the process so that didn’t really go anywhere. And can’t really try to get into it now as my copy of after effects is really old and I wasn’t able to get it to install on my new computer.

Yeah I tried their coffee for the first time and it sucked. Shame because there’s one down the street from me so it’d be super convenient to do coffee runs.

This is great. I miss r/kittykankles

I haven’t been on neopets in years and now I can’t login anymore. I think at a certain point they changed their login system and my email got lost so I can’t do password recovery anymore. Such a shame because I had put in a lot of work into that account as a kid and had millions saved up.

When I first started using external drives I always used WD. I had two fail on me. Switched to sea gate and the one drive I got is still kicking. Will never use WD again.