32 Post – 398 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't have an only fans or anything, I just like showing off πŸ’œ

I'm not arguing with you. Your opinion is just wrong and irrelevant. Not understanding a medical treatment and wanting it banned because it makes you uncomfortable makes you a small minded, bad person. I hope you take the time to either reevaluate your life or go away.

There are also plenty of peer reviewed papers that say you're an idiot.

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That's frickin adorable and I love it

Yeah, also why can children consent to any medical treatment? Not dying of treatable conditions is altering their body, and that's literally bad. I'm so smart and compassionate, I'm basically literally a doctor.

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So if I'm looking for Baileys...

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Shortly after I started transitioning i had to use the bathroom and someone saw me go in. They waited outside for me to leave and glared at me while I did.

My manager later pulled me aside to apologize for the incident and assure me it wouldn't happen again, the person had been talked to. I didn't realize how it could have been even more mortifying until then.

I don't expect to be alive by that point

Washington should turn around and issue an arrest warrant for this idiot if he keeps on with trying to violate HIPAA.

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Take another rip while throwing up the horns, establish dominance

So she was transferred to a men's facility from a women's, denied any opportunity to appeal, and thrown in solitary for not going willingly. I wonder, are they going to keep her in solitary for the rest of her imprisonment, or are they going to release her and put a woman in with the men at the prison? Either seems like a completely fucked up option.

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I made a therapy appointment

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That sounds awful! If you're gonna bring something to class, you need to bring enough for everyone.

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Gotta say, I didn't see this coming

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If I ever go to Mississippi I guess I'm gonna have to piss on the governor's mansion instead

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Depends on the color of bandana you're wearing

There's no ethical way to kill someone who doesn't want to die. This applies to more than just humans.

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I'm of the opinion that if you don't want people performing sex work, you should be enacting measures to improve people's quality of life to where that's not their only option. The workers themselves should have legal protections and be permitted to perform their job like any other worker is.

I suspect some people would prefer that as a regulated option anyway, and they should be defended in their choice to do so. Sex work is work.

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I don't envy her having to deal with her potential coworkers

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I hope they can get some reforms through, take some power away from the Republicans who own justices. I don't have a lot of hope, but maybe this time there's cause for some?

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Strange thing to say when anti-abortion policies are shown to increase infant mortality

Baby killer.

Personally, I love hugs. I love them from friends, coworkers, and anyone who wants to reciprocate that I feel any attachment to.

This is such a weak attack. But then, that's kinda the Republican mantra, isn't it? Being weird and weak.

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Why did you post the same picture twice?

I'm so sorry to every trans person trapped living in a red state. I fear it's only going to get worse before and if it gets better.

Never needing to work again and actually having energy to do things would probably do the trick.

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Now this is the kind of high quality content I come here for

Selectively enforcing for a certain segment of the population an unadvertised rule is total copshit

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Aw, you're sweet! I just figured I probably wasn't the only one that could use some positivity today

And for the record, it takes a lot of pancakes πŸ˜‰

I have both put my penis in a vagina and had a penis put in my vagina before

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That's exactly why I never block anyone

Yep! That way they can be used for slave labor for the owner class.

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I really hate that she goes by mtg because it always takes me a second to determine politics or card game

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You're talking about Kyle Rittenhouse, the murderer?

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That's wonderful! Congratulations ☺️

I think bookkeeping is a nice, woody word, both visually and spoken

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Don't forget about magnets!

I hope he stubs his toe in every room he walks into for the rest of his life

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I feel like government should be there to improve the lives of the population, in short. We're all paying into it with our taxes for that reason. They should be implementing social programs, regulating hazards, addressing crises, and generally be there to help everyone.

I'm on cup one of coffee this morning though, so I'm sure this could be better articulated.

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She has a hella spotty record on trans rights, I'm really not more thrilled with her than I would have been with biden. Unfortunately, the alternative is worse by far, so my hands are pretty much tied to vote for her if she's the nominee. One is pretending to care at present, the other explicitly wants to eliminate us from public life.

Someday in my lifetime, it'd be really nice to get a president that clearly cares about everyone in the population. And while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony.

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That was some weird ass rambling, ngl

I'm sorry, come again?

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