95 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.

He has seen his birth and death many times, he says, and pays random visits to all the events in between.


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The obvious answer being that you are far more likely to be closeted if you're Mormon and it might be the only school you got a scholarship (they give very generous scholarships at BYU) to or your parents will pay for you to go to, but probably many more reasons than that

I installed freetube in preparation of this, haven't used youtube itself all week either freetube or invidious and both work well for now, would recommend both if you're open to them

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Or was it that poor Cuba never had a chance to stand on their own because of the evil Americans blockading the island and forcing them to stand on their own?

You're so close here, but yet so far lmao

I do wonder if this is specifically what got them, would probably take a lemmy lawyer to unpack it, but I would have to imagine if they didn't have a patreon and basically a company, it would have been much harder for Nintendo to do anything about them. And I would also imagine in retrospect whatever money they got was not worth it when it ends like this.

I always assume when people operate services like this, that they host it in a country like Russia that's less likely to care about takedowns by western corpos and done anonymously as possible. Even though it's just an emulator, you would think they wouldn't be so brazen as to have a patreon which I'm sure requires someone's identity/billing info. They probably still could have been tracked down if they took crypto donations or something like that, but you would think that would be the first choice over putting a giant target on their backs. Patreon is obviously just gonna hand over whatever info they are asked to give when served a warrent, and so is Discord for that matter if they had any personal info on there too.

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This guy would probably explode if he found out someone said he was inspired by Karl Marx

I think it's an error on their part then because if you click the article the headline still says 62, but over a 1 person error I won't change the title for the post it is close enough

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I really only use matrix/element I just was just shocked they're paying 6 mil a year for phone verification and they aren't completely underwater

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I get you like this article but posting it 5x is a bit much, you can just post it to if you want everyone to see it almost everyone is federated with them.

Yeah like is the New York Times in the room with us right now? God forbid the US officials/media are hypocrites, anything but hypocrisy! Just an excuse to not engage with the article.

Fixed it, the main one was always the right one don't know where the mix up happened for the other one, thx

I wanted people from instances banned from popular instances like world ie grad, hexbear to be able to give their take on it, but I guess the mods couldn't handle trying to reach the widest audience, won't be posting similar things there again, especially given the moderation, removed from two comms with the information "rule 1" when one of the comms doesn't even have a "rule 1", doesn't even have the common curtiousy to give their actual reason for taking them down or dm me about it, really immature and petty from my pov

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they have not blocked it and they probably won't block it bc it involves signing in with your twitter and since it's just an android app it's not gonna get as big as nitter, I don't think it's really helpful to tell people to "just accept it" as an individual you're not gonna be able to successfully lobby everything you follow to change to bluesky (which I think you can get rss feeds from) or masto (which you can get rss feeds from), like for example your city's local government/services only posts on facebook and twitter, no rss, this is still useful for things like that

If you're asking this you should probably use one to be more safe if you're exposing stuff to the web, there are other ways of doing it including just VPNing into your home network or using a VPS or cloudflare tunnels, but using a reverse proxy manager in combo with cloudflare DNS is a good place to start and is probably good enough if you use good enough security with it: long unique passwords, two factor, security keys, etc.

Yeah I've seen almost no movement against Tumblr while everyone got very riled up about Meta federation ie fedipact, probably a blindspot bc users have positive associations with tumblr, but it's still an ad/data company all the same.

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ghost archive link if you don't want to login to the intercept

They both definitely wish/wished there were no muslims in their respective countries so they have that one in common.

Even if it wasn't


The obvious difference being my/others mastodon posts aren't showing up on wordpress and being monetized. One way federation to masto doesn't matter bc it isn't data farming / putting ads on masto content.

I don't like all the defederation drama even though in many cases they started it, I prefer the reddit approach where I can interact with pretty much everyone, my instance is only defedded with the borderline illegal gross burggit stuff and the openly racist one and I think that's preferrable to leave the user to block individuals or communities they don't like other than the heinous stuff, I would rather have my posts reach most people on the site rather than smaller subsections personally.

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Maybe to an extent but I would say a lot of other people are "brainwashed" in a different way, you drop a Canadian super pro China guy into Beijing and they would not stand out as much as if you dropped some super pro US guy there, your conceptiοn of "brainwashing" lies entirely based on being in a vast majority English language site with vast majority North American and European users, there's a lot more people in the world than only westerners and or english speakers and a lot of them have opinions you wouldn't agree with and they aren't any more or less brainwashed than you, you would only see them as more brainwashed because they take heterodox opions in your corner of the internet

Regardless of bringing up the holocaust (which is not something that should generally be said) going straight into you're a cow these words rhyme with cow is just a lazy bodyshaming misogny 1 2 punch, and in that sense the joke is definitely the problem even if you excuse the bringing up concentration camps because they're both Jewish, an aide to the most progressive LA councilman shouldn't be calling anyone a cow on the timeline

Then an admin or mod will tell me to stop doing it, you are just a fan of IP not an admin or a mod, if it becomes a problem I'm sure I'll hear about it from them directly

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If an admin tells me to do so I will, but you don't need to backseat my posting, I will not make people open the article to read it if they don't want to, I'm gonna assume you're not a lawyer or an admin for that matter, just a fan of cooooooooopyright, like oh no, I totally believe in intellectual property, such a cool concept and I'm sure the people at TruthDig are big mad their work is reaching a wider audience

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Until the next republican runs on making it one (or this case goes all the way up to the current supreme court), it's not a stretch that they could become one given that veterans already are, I know they aren't now, but that can change quickly

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yeah but if they want to do that they have to say "no cops" not "no cops who are currently carrying guns"

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I'm sure the cops can find a way to sue them if they don't have it explicitly written down or will show up just to intimidate them at anything lesser than being asked not to be there, but we'll see

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I wouldn't be surprised if groups are already trying to spin stuff like that as anti veteran discrimination, although this article says "armed and in uniform" implying by that language they would serve an unarmed cop in uniform, so I guess they just have to ask everyone in uniform if they have a gun or install a metal detector if they actually want to enforce it

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There is no such thing as the "North Atlantic" it is a nonsensical organization, there is no logical reason for the US and Canada to be in a millitary alliance based on the made up polity of the "North Atlantic", not saying that European countries shouldn't care about regional defense, but that has nothing to do with the US or Canada. Nato is just an excuse for the US to park it's nukes and bases in Europe and extend it's millitary power, no one needs nukes, and people especially don't need foreign nukes in their country.

edit: also Trump would never pull out of NATO, the farthest he would ever go is threaten and then coerce European countries pay more of a share of the budget and say he made a "better deal", but he's quite obviously bluffing

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veteran status is though in a lot of cases so I would not be surprised if there was movement to take it in that direction

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