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Joined 12 months ago

What yanks my short hairs is, we all KNEW (those of us not inculcated into right wing politics) that ALL the election fraud lies were lies and falsehoods, from day one. WE KNEW IT, for a fact, without question. That it takes years for the perpetrators to admit they committed these lies is sickening, and a testiment to the true evil that men harbor inside. A need to hurt and abuse others. It really has implications far scarier than just being a pack of lies.

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That Baphomet statue is so amazingly cool and so lovely - I don't see why anyone would have an issue with it. Religious freedom is protected in this country, no matter what religion or who is practicing it. Satan is also known as the bright Day Star, there is a freedom even greater within the teachings of Satanism than you'll find in any modern "christian" practice; all are welcome. Come in children, come in.

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In our small-brained baboon-butt red state of Utah, the "esteemed" legislatures just passed a bill making it illegal for trans people to use public bathrooms. I guess that means trans people can shit wherever they want to in public.

This kind of nutjob small brained bigotry is ruining our country and embarrasssing us gloablly. Other countries see these anti-human laws and realize we're crumbling and don't really stand behind our American "values" or our consitution.

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Never suggest common sense to people who are raised in ignorance. Too much of a new idea will always be a huge threat to them, though nobody knows why.

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I've been radicalized against HP for a decade now. I bought an HP printer with the guarantee of a sizeable rebate. Of course, the rebate never showed up and every time I called about it, the customer service person would read their script, "Oh we sent that out just a few days ago should be arriving soon." Uh huh. Here it is 15 years later, no rebate check and I'm sure they never intended to send one at all. I'm not a fan of HP at all.

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Welcome to the world of modern society. Actually this war's been going on since I was a kid in the 60s, it's just gotten more vicious with newer weaponry and more ability to kill children and starve people out of their homeland. What a wonderful species we human beings are.

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Yeah I don't think Hamas is any threat to us in any serious way. But I do think so called "Christian" and Maga ethics of banning books, hurting others, limiting people's healthcare rights, and taking away social programs is doing more damage to our country than any third-world outside terrorists could ever dream of being capable of doing. Like most countries, America has failed, and is crumbling away from within. Ignorance is the real threat to our continued existence.

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Legally blind is not the same thing as being totally blind. My brother is "legally blind" but he can see well enough to read and drive a car. Still you have to wonder why the court didn't take this into consideration at the time - what was motivating the judge to overlook this fact and allow this man to be incarcerated on the basis of flawed eyewitness testimony? Someone had this court's short hairs in their grips.

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Meh, leave it to Russia to bungle the whole concept of school shootings. If less than two kids get killed, that's just a normal school day here in America. And really what is so tragic about kids getting shot? Life is best to those who live the least of it.

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It's bad enough living in Utah where you're expected to "live the word of the Covenant" every day or be damned. People showing up at our doors to ask what we're looking at online to make sure we're living the word of Jesus. Jesus! For Christ's sake, what do I care about jesus!!!! Can you imagine anything more horrible than having to be monitored by someone else who thinks you're not up to the "lord's" standards?!!?!

To HELL with that nonsense. It's one reason I'm not just non-religious but actively anti-Mormon. Oh sure these mormon assholes think they're made of sunshine and Jesus' farts, but in reality they're just as sleazy, bent, evil, contemptible, and manipulative as anyone else. Moreso in fact. People are not "saints." They aren't supposed to be. And no well-adjusted mentally healthy person would ever WANT to be. So to hell with this monitoring each other bullshit.

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Nigeria has been screwed over by unstable religious zealots inculcating their heads with pernicious misinformed bullcrap for decades. This is the primary example I use when explaining why I equate missionary work with slavery and abuse in every possible way. It's far more corrupt and perverse to brainwash ignorant people into sick and unjustifiable bigotry against other better human beings than it is to perform any other act of malicious intent possible. Nigeria has been lead into the deepest darkness of all - ignorance and hate and the pernicious filth of bigotry. And that's why they totally fail as a nation.

My lifetime ban from Reddit (which resulted from saying that we need a more progressive political candidates in our country) was a badge of honor, proving my opinions to be correct and undigestible to fascists. So I had a medallion engraved with my date of expulsion which I keep in a place of honor over my fireplace.

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If that doesn't merit the terms "murderous" and "brutal," what in hell does??? I do agree that both terms are a bit too lenient and lighthearted for what they are actually doing. But, I'm sure the next generation of Palestinians won't be already amassing arms in anticipation of a bloody retaliation necessitating further non-"murderous" responses from Israel in the future. Right?

Stardew Valley expanded?? What is that? Is it something that is available to us long-term SV users? I bought Stardew Valley when it first came out and people looked at me like I was crazy for buying such an obviously casual and pixelated game.

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Good to know. Shit, shit shit, shit! Hey you're right. This - this changes the whole game for me!

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But this can't be true. Israel is a shining beacon of innocence in all this, they haven't fired a single shot in this whole war, according to what the U.S. government wants us to believe. Oh my no, somehow all those Palestinian kids got their brains splattered all over the pavement because of errant "Hamas missiles." Oh yeah israelites are just wonderful folks who certainly have never raised a finger in violence to anybody, ever.

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I think most of that is true, (born in 1959 myself), but I'm not remembering them being such happy days. Maybe less well informed days would be a better way to put it; before we had instant news of every bad thing happening, we lived in a kind of blissful ignorance.

Everyone on earth is racist, make no mistake. It's hardwired into our brains to see other certain groups of people as lesser or less deserving. Maybe it's a holdover from primitive times, we're not that far out from having been cave-people, maybe being tribal was a way of protecting ourselves. At any rate, everyone has some racism and/or phobia about others inside themselves.

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Yeah it's always the same. In Utah this past week, the passed a law to disallow trans people from using public bathrooms. I mean,t here's probably TWO trans people in the whole state. Now, one of the women on our Board of Education is in trouble for harrassing a student over possibly being trans (the student isn't trans, she just thought she might be).

What the FUCK is the problem? I've never seen trans people be a threat to ANYBODY ANYWHERE - yet, white moronic privileged idiots are threatening all of us with blocking all of our basic rights to exist. It seems to me the real threat to humanity is wherever bigoted white people gather together.

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So he's morally bankrupt, misogynistic, full of bluster, doesn't know shit about finances, and has no ethics. Sounds like he's perfect for the Senate.

Clean cut my ass. Anyone who thinks this shithead is fit for political office should be imprisoned as a lunatic.

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Shit. Shit. Shit shit shit. I knew some asshole stunt like this would happen. I said it at the very beginning - trump will never pay for any of the despicable things he's done, and he'll never ever set foot in prison.

I do not know what sort of strings he has attached to other people's spines, I do not know what sort of tremendous fear they have of him or what strange powers he must have - but I knew, I KNEW some horseshit like this would come along and fuck up the whole fucking process.

THe judicial system in the U.S. is an utter piece of total crap.

This is heartening in some ways, at least it's good news for certain people in that area of the U.S. Here in Utah, tenants have NO rights, and they are told that whenever they sign a lease. There are no options for tenants to retalitate against anything a landlord decides to do.

Of course, almost 100% of our "esteemed" legislatures here are landlords, so they are the one who pass the laws. And in Utah, a landlord is allowed to enter your premises and abscond with any item of furniture or equipment they so desire (if they want your stereo, it's theirs) and there is nothing a tenant can do. Tenants aren't even allowed by law to contact a landlord's place of business, under penalty of fines and jail sentences.

Our legislatures are strengthening landlord laws this session, so things will only get worse and worse for renters here.

Dehydrated water is great if you're going on a trip through a desert wilderness, carry some of it with you. You never know when you'll need it.

Just add water, to fill the whole can up, and voila, you've got instant water! It's amazing. : 0

I've seen many documentaries about this statue and from the first, I found it beautiful and engrossing. But then again, I've never been a christian - my family's pagan roots go back to the very beginning of time. And to honest, I sometimes find "christian" churches and cathedrals "terrifying" in their preservation of a dark-ages kind of sad reverence for spooky dieities and weird rituals. And paintings that are mystifying.

Biden has actually had a lot of successes, it's just that people refuse to acknowledge them and one of the biggest faults of his campaign is focusing on "Bidenomics," which has worked, but hasn't really done much to help people with food costs or stretching their paycheck. What he really needs to focus on is the disastrous ruination of the country if trump ever gets back into any sort of public office. Because if that happens, america will not only no longer exist, no one in this country will survive at all.

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Nice! I'm glad this turned out to be a positive experience for you. Keep having those!!

I was born in 1959 - that was over 225 years ago! And I sure feel like it. Only good thing is, I've seen a lotta stuff over the years, and I can tell you this - the world today is no better or worse than it was back then. War was raging the middle east, people were protesting police brutality, and Russia was threatening war to everyone. It seems like the more we progress the more we stay the same.

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All this monitoring and over monitoring of what people are looking at online. Honestly if people aren't trolling for underage sex hookups or trying to encourage gross behaviors online, who the hell cares what people look at. Covenant Eyes - that name just says it all about the hypocrisy of religious zealotry. You can be happy! You can be free! Just do what the hell we tell you and don't you DARE look at anything we don't approve of, you born sinner and miserable wretch!!! WE'RE WATCHING YOU!!!!! Because Jesus would want us to.

You can get all the iron you need from vegetables and certain meat or even taking supplements. There's no need to go about eating rusty metal. In fact, my doctor has advised me not to eat nails. I have to trust what he says, he's printed out several impressive medical degrees.

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He's a liar, a cheat, a blackmailer, and a woman hater. Sounds like a perfect congressman, if you ask me.

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As a lifelong democrat, I have to agree. The DNC is running scared, just like the RNC, but for different reasons. And yes I could be called a geriatric.

But I believe the problem is that we need to stop worrying about stepping on toes, maintaining a status quo that has never really worked, and has always favored the rich. I think we need a real, true blue, dyed in the fur ass-kicking braying Donkey to shake things up and say, "to hell with pleasing the moderates, we're gonna lead this nation into the 21st century whether it likes it or not." We need someone willing to be extremely far left enough to shake up people and wake them up and get truly progressive on their asses.

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The media doesn't have to be hard on him when just reporting on what he says pretty much condemns him entirely.

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You could go up and start mounting the other dog's owner multiple times.

They could've just said, "If you want a double-ended male plug, go check out the Adam and Eve store webpage."

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Meh, civil war schmivel war. Until then we can still get drunk off our asses and accuse each other of being commie pinko liberal camel-f#ckers. I mean what's the point of life otherwise. Also, as a pinko liberal camel-f#cker, I know a warm place I can hide in if war breaks out. (Ummm you can use your imagination).

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They always just double-down on their fascist tactics such as gerrymandering and taking away more and more voters' rights. And yet still act surprised when people aren't pleased with their actions.

Actually the commandment is, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." The first and foremost commandment that God gave to his people. I'm not religious at all (actually atheistic) but, that commandment does not carry with it any exceptions. Sure people would naturally defend themselves when assaulted, who wouldn't - but that doesn't mean you can ever be redeemed afterward. Just the opposite. Even Moses was disbarred from heaven for killing an Egyptian who was whipping a slave. God means it when he hands down that commandment; it applies to everyone.

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I know I remember seeing a documentary about all this and how surgeons who frequently did autopsies at that time would often cut themselves, develop a fever and die from septic shock, never having learned that they maybe should wash their hands after playing with dead tissue. Germ theory wasn't even a theory then, because people didn't have any idea there could be such a thing as germs.

It makes me wonder what would people in the Renaissance or middle ages say, if we were to travel back in time and talk about dinosaurs. I'm sure they'd lock us up as mentally ill. How could there ever have been such a thing as gigantic mega-lizards walking around on earth!

From the micro to the macroscopic it's funny how we humans always have to learn things very slowly and only after making many incorrect assumptions.

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I agree absolutely, healthcare choices are a very personal matter and should never be restricted or abolished. People don't have abortions because they want to murder kids; they have them because of personal healthcare issues and complications that often arise. Even nature itself causes spontaneous abortion, quite often in fact. So for any group of men to delude themselves that they are morally superior for taking abortion off the table is not just ludicrous but in fact as immoral and unnatural as anything people can ever do.

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Thank God there are coalitions being led by people like Al Sharpton to fight against this sick tyranny and actively driving black people to get registered to vote no matter what laws stand in their way. I hope most black people are incensed enough already by white treachery that they will fight like hell with tooth and claw to get their vote cast this upcoming election - because their own histories and livelihoods are under threat by fascist erosion.

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I only wish it wasn't this way. Nobody asked, but I'm gonna say it anyway - (looks around to make sure no spies are listening) - my favorite book is "Lost Horizon." Yeeee heee there I said it. YES, YES I'm A PACIFIST and even more alarming, I'd rather live in a peaceful and friendly world than a war torn one. (I know how insane that sounds but it's true).

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