Firestorm Druid

13 Post – 381 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So it begins.

Dude, this is Shepard for me. I didn't even think about playing as a male Shepard mainly because he looks like a giant douche. Like, the standard white guy. No front to anyone enjoying a male Shepard, but not really for me. Her performance is stellar indeed, though

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I am vegan (pull out the pitchforks) and am pretty vocal about it on here and used to be on the other website. I wouldn't say I'm an activist per se, but every comment and post I make about the subject whenever it's brought up makes me feel like I'm making a difference. If the comment resonates with someone reading and leads to fewer animals and animal-derived products being consumed, I'm happy. So yea, for sure.

Same goes for the two communities I created and mod (c/sekiro and c/bloodborne if anyone's curious). A bot has recently helped me fill the communities with content since engagement isn't super high from community members themselves. Before the bot, I tried to make daily posts in both communities, thinking it's content that I enjoy so others would likely too. Since they're still quite niche and don't have a massive following, I think it's definitely a good start for people interested in the games

Cool post btw. I think it's easy to lose oneself in the daily monotomy that is life and work and stuff, so reminding oneself that participating in communities such as Lemmy is making a difference in one shape or form

The thing is, when people try to argue that "killing" plants is also killing so I might as well just eat animals, apart from being an insane take as is imho, significantly fewer plants are harvested if you switch to a fully vegan diet. The net result is a lot fewer plants needed to sustain people vs. the oodles and oodles of plants and grains needed to feed cattle, pigs, whatever. There are these charts that show how much more efficient food intake really is if you cut out the middle-man - being animals - and just eat the plants they'd be fed instead.

People just try to discredit vegan whenever they can because of their own insecurities and cognitive dissonance. People who actively oppose veganism, that is

I think they a word

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People devalue animals as a whole outside of those that have been accepted by society to be sociable, likable - pets, basically - and only see them as a commodity. They don't see the animal that dies for their consumption, the suffering they endure, and don't think about just how many animals die for food. Comparing these mass murders across the globe to the Holocaust might be a little controversial, but I don't see any other way people realise the sheer absurdity of animal AG.

Thanks for the insight. I tried my hands at Kubuntu on an old laptop of mine and didn't mind the few differences too much. From what I've heard on Lemmy, Mint seems to be a good all-around suggestion for new Linux users, though

Guys, I'll switch in a heartbeat to a Linux OS if any one you can recommend a stable OS that works on a Surface Go 2. It should support its touchscreen, of course, and a Surface Pen. Plus, a FOSS alternative to Journal would be stellar

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Holy you've been here for four years?

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Moderate stuff. Make it cool to not be a bigot. But the second you start doing goofy shit like this, you're painting a target on your back and coming across way more fragile than you must actually be.

Super hot garbage take. It's not trans people's job to make it "appealing" to you to not be a bigot, you should not be a bigot because you don't want to be a steaming pile of human garbage. You should be able come to the conclusion that ANY discrimination is stupid by yourself.

It's also not trans people's jobs to make supporting them fun for you - they just want to live their lives like anyone else here does. And it's well within their right to call out discriminatory bullshittery when they see it.

Plus, they are literally running this instance. This community wouldn't exist (in this form) if their instance were not up and running. If they're strictly against transphobia, which really isn't a hot take but basic human rights, then it's their perogative to enforce that as they see fit. Making this post and calling it out is exactly what any mod team on Rexxit ever did. How's this any different from that?

Good riddance

Boomers and their aspestus/lead poisoning entered the chat

Fuck Nestlé

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I really couldn't care less about this game, but this is a based stance to ensure the game's longevity

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Dude, I remember people going OFF on Returnal not offering any saves and people having to keep their consoles in rest mode for days at an end because they wouldn't want their runs to end. I kept arguing with people on rexxit that any respectable rogue-lite/-like has a save function - STS, Hades, Dead Cells - yet they still kept arguing that implenting saves would "ruin the vision of the game" and "make it too easy".

Guess what Housemarque did: they added a save on exit option. You can now suspend your run and finish it whenever. Not having to potentially brick your console just because you can't save mid-game sure is a boon lol. The game sure got a lot easier with this implemented. /s

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The thing is, on paper, the game seems awesome: it's a lot grittier and darker than D3, combat and skills feel weighty, the character and armour design are cool too. However, there's just not a whole lot keeping you motivated long-term unless you're a fan of battlepasses as a form of carrot on a stick.

Enemies are way too tanky, you essentially do not feel your character getting stronger because the entire world scales with your level, the skill tree is not as deep as it seems on a surface level...

I could keep going with this. Point is, the amount of monthly recurring players speaks for itself.

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Shameless plug: /c/Sekiro, /c/Bloodborne

Doing my part :)

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Go vegan

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Playing League > MAGA. Not surprising

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I hate these fuckers so much. Ever since I started my new apprenticeship two months ago, it takes my SO and I a little longer than usual to do some basic cleaning around the flat, eg. it takes us a little longer to take out the trash, put dishes away and stuff like that. I swear, we have fruit flies here that have been here since before my apprenticeship started. We've tried a bunch of tips to varying degrees of success, but if we don't pay attention to them for another day or two, a billion more of them pop up out of seemingly nowhere.

I know that it's our fault by not taking out the trash more often and stuff, but it's just been so difficult these past few months to have any personal time at all, let alone take care of these little fuckers. Sometimes I just snap and start vacuuming them up out of pure rage, just to have a few days with them not littered across the flat.

Sorry for the rant

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I feel like all of these are valid concerns to raise and posts to submit. If you're not interested in the subjects talked about, unsubscribe from the communities or don't browse in "all". Apart from that, just brush it off and move on.

I mean, that just sounds like your average 4chan user

This is such an amazing undertaking, we as a collective should all be taking part

( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆ )

The description of your TV's problem and the chain of events you'd need to take to have it fixed made me stressed and uncomfortable. Thank you

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I just Googled my reddit handle and it's appalling that I found websites on the internet that archived a bunch of my posts on there including pictures I posted. I'm not sure what I expected, but it's still kinda annoying. Even though I deleted my comments after editing them and deleting my entire account

Am German and am living in my second apart now since moving out. This is absolutely not a thing. You pay your rent on time and that's it. Anything else on top would be inappropriate.

Edit: In case this is a whoosh moment, we do absolutely pay a tip. Like 20%-ish

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Veganism can help you not clog up your arteries (as bad). Even reducing your meat intake is helpful

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Thank you for you service o7

If any of you guys have a PS4 lying around gathering dust, consider jailbreaking it. Depending on the firmware, it is pretty easy to do and opens up a lot of possibilities. Surely better than being neglected :)

Edit: Firmwares up to 11.00 are jailbreakable as of recently. 11.00 is from around late 2022, so if you have a console that hasn't been in use since then, there's a good chance you can jailbreak it. Base model, Slim, or Pro - doesn't matter

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Did you know that having a constantly open mouth as a child is really detrimental to the development and growth of your mouth's palate, your overall posture, your nose, and many other parts of your facial and bodily structure?

Physiologically speaking, your mouth should be closed most of the time. If it is, the crown/tip of your tongue should rest right on top if your alveoles, ie. just before your upper front teeth. This leads to your palate being formed and molded as a child into what you should know today. If for some reason you only rarely have your mouth closed as a child, this can lead to a deformed palate, making it more difficult to speak in the future, breathe etc. Furthermore, you are more likely to get sick since you're not breathing through your nose where all of the bacteria you passively inhale through the air are filtered out by your tonsils. Additionally, your nose may be malformed by its irregular use as well since the air your breathe in and out helps form your nose too.

Potential reasons for not breathing through your nose might be problems with your jaws (overbite/underbite) or teeth, inflamed tonsils that hinder your ability to breathe through your nose, a too short tongue frenulum that hinders the ability to properly reach your palate, and more.

Happy breathing. :D

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Have recently jailbroken my PS4 and am now contemplating rooting my TV as well. We bought it a couple of years ago and have never connected it to the internet, so the model plus WebOS version should be compatible with the root.

It's kinda insane that the pentagram has been adopted to be a symbol for Satan (not that that would be anything bad) and be associated with all kinds of bad things. Its original use was to be a protective ward and stuff; not sure how its meaning could be tarnished so much.

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Go vegan, my guy. You're almost there.

I'm not sure if this is stretching it, but this comment thread is just so awesome. It's like one of those moments on reddit that would be referenced for years to come

no tities

"Go fuck yourself" would be the non-verbatim translation

Dude, this made me angry

vegan btw

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Recommend KRS' Sound of da Police. This is literally the second verse:

Now here's a likkle truth, open up your eye

While you're checkin' out the boom-bap, check the exercise

Take the word overseer, like a sample

Repeat it very quickly in a crew, for example

Overseer, overseer, overseer, overseer

Officer, officer, officer, officer

Yeah, officer from overseer

You need a little clarity? Check the similarity!

The overseer rode around the plantation

The officer is off, patrollin' all the nation

The overseer could stop you, "What you're doing?"

The officer will pull you over just when he's pursuing

The overseer had the right to get ill

And if you fought back, the overseer had the right to kill

The officer has the right to arrest

And if you fight back they put a hole in your chest

(Woop!) They both ride horses

After 400 years, I've got no choices

Absolute chadness. Salute. o7