48 Post – 622 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yup, that's me, President of the agAdbefdsds...what, where am I?

Systemd: the Biggest Fallacies - point 1 addresses what you're talking about, but remember that this blog is almost a decade old, so by this time, it is not reflective of the current condition.

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Bath towels: Daily (I bath twice in a day)

Bedding: Every week

The new hard-fork by libretro is called Swanstation. That's what they'll be using now.

The licence thats he's switched to is CC BY-NC-ND. It does not allow modifications. The ND in BY-NC-ND means "No derivatives". It's just so stupid, he should've gone with GPLv3.

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There's shepherd for Guix, which I like, to be frank. elogind is seperated, as opposed to logind being a part of the "init" system. There's also alternatives like s6 and runit.

It has that Peppa Pig vibe.

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Remember Marak Squires, the author of faker.js and color.js? Dude is unhinged in real life, tried making a bomb, nearly got himself killed, and was arrested for arson.

The author of Anarch, Miloslav Číž, also known as drummyfish and tastyfish, is another one of those weirdos - he's one of those stereotypical - "Go read my manifesto" type of guy. He's got his own website (warning: anti-LGBTQ+, social construct denialism, pro-pedophilia). He's also unhinged in the sense that he's posted lots of weird, disturbing shit (warning: blood, naked 3D model) online.

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There was a game company called Arcade1UP. I think that they violated the license, so this guy went all nuts. Earlier, he was also being harassed for AetherSX2 under a different alias.

The Wire India, Caravan, Swaddle, Newslaundry, etc are some of the few legitimate news media in India. The rest of them shill for either capitalist kool-aid (usually, liberal media like ThePrint or ScoopWhoop) or Modi (proto-fascist brainlets like Republic TV, Essel Media-related subsidiaries, like Zee).

You can also run open-source, light-weight demoscenes btw, although some of them run purely on TTY.

I was wondering - does the enforcement of no-derivation prevent the applying of patches and file substitutions, while building projects in a substitute build farm? As someone who packages for Guix and requires ELF-patching, I would be violating the new license, right?


I'm interested to see the future of QuickJS, TinyJS and Duktape.

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You have to download docker first, then enable virtualization support from the BIOS. Also don't forget to add the required "groups" to your current user. Then run the docker command (privilege escalation would be necessary, so use with sudo or doas):

$ docker run -it -e LEMMY_DOMAIN='' -p "8080:8080"

But this is a web application, not a native client. Why do you want this? There's probably someone out there running mlmym for your instance.

Nintendo screwed big time. Now there's going to be multiple forks of Yuzu all over the internet. And on every self-hosted Git forge.

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I read the post thrice, and I'm still not sure what the fuck I've read.

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Gen-Z Indian here. It's for school kids, and they're going to be drawing gibberish anyway. Attendance is how they grade. Back then, we used to play around with Paint on Windows XP. Good thing they're getting exposure to open-source early.

That monitor on the left will have a bad fall.

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  • Vaxry: Hypr, Hyprland creator, contributes to wlroots and Freedesktop
  • Lyude: member of board,, Red Hat employee
  • Drew DeVault: Sway and Hare creator, self-proclaimed Zig hater
  • FDO: FreeDesktop Organisation(?)

Warning: Not lore accurate


Vaxry's Discord server for Hyprland was filled with edgy kids, calling each other LGBTQ+ related slurs - maybe they were from the community themselves, maybe it was a boy's locker room. It was toxic.

From what Vaxry said, a trans user was misgendering his mod staff, so their pronoun was changed to "who/cares". That was two years ago. Drew DeVault wrote a blog about it, Vaxry was pissed, shit happened. They discuss but could not come to an agreement; however there were a few changes. Vaxry apologized later about the incident, but he was not in agreement with political correctness.

Vaxry's policy according to him is that he does not discriminate PR on the basis of people. He also created a CoC (mentioned earlier), but not many were happy about it being vague. But then, he also made a blog against inclusivity in FOSS, and calls them SJWs as a pejorative.

Vaxry lost his marbles when he got a mail from Lyude. Lyude used a Redhat mail, which was seen as unprofessional, and tried enforcing FDO's CoC on Hyprland and other related project.

He sent back a passive-aggressive mail, which said "fuck off" in short. He also share Lyude's toots in the blog about how Lyude supports bullying people for missing T in LGB, as a justification that Lyude tried bringing their past unnecessarily. Lyude sent another mail. Vaxry said that they don't care, basically another formal "fuck off". Finally, FDO yeeted Vaxry.

That's it. Maybe I've missed a few details here and there. I did not read other's blog, but Vaxrys'. And it isn't looking good. In a way, this is also the abuse of power by Lyude, but looking at Vaxrys' indifference, yeah, I wouldn't have a positive attitude about that.



Edit: After watching Nico's video, I'm convinced that Vaxry is a living, breathing turd. He crossed every limit. Good on him for getting banned.

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"H...hey, what is this empty place, is this supposed to be solitary imprisonment? I didn't do anything wrong, I don't even get out of my room."

They're moving over to GTK3, so it makes a lot of sense.

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Yuck, what a disappointment. I've contributed to Nixpkg, and I never knew about this. As a South Asian, I have nothing but negative opinion towards Palmer Luckey. They're also associated with Peter Thiel's Palantir and Elon Musk's SpaceX. Red flags, one after another.

Our processors are 100x more efficient than state-of-the-art low-power CPUs. A single AA battery can power our processors for up to a decade

That's some really extraordinary claim.

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Umm, that channel has anti-vaxxer videos.

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This is a HDMI-only problem. Stick with USB-C or DisplayPort and you'll do just fine.

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15.21% in India 🗿

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Heat. It's intolerable. Add the modern Rugby suit, and you're gonna have a stroke. Also, the soil is not compatible.

From Wikipedia:

From then on, rugby in India, lingered on at a very low key. Part of the reason for this was that the British preferred to play apart from their colonial subjects, leading to a low take up by the local population. Another reason was the climate, which meant that games would frequently have to be played in the evenings or early morning, which meant that it was not too popular with the colonists themselves.

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This brings back really bad memories...and this is why I refuse to help others when it comes to IT stuff. The last thing I wanted to read was what I used to do in the past to gain others approval, and how it never worked.

I used to think that helping my other dumb grad mates with installing Linux made me look cool and I would be accepted. On the contrary, I looked like an idiot, now that I think of it. i became that weirdo support tech kid for the idiot professors, who could not tell the difference between Java and Javascript.

I only help my "internet" friends now. At least they don't treat you like shit.

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What makes this different from And with just ten people - such a small community, to maintain what, a parallel fork that will eventually be forced to accept patches from Nix repos? How does it protect against, let's say, corporate decisions? Wouldn't that seep into their project too? Not trying to demotivate them, but I fear that this could be the fate of their project.

There's Guix, which is an official GNU project. If anyone is willing to learn a little bit of Guile Scheme - look, the language is great, the project isn't contaminated with multiple scripts, project skeleton is much better, the modules are well written, so why not move over there? Sure, it's still in the early version, so some stuff will be hard to work with, but personally, I think it's a really nice hard-fork.

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Pointless over-reaction from GrapheneOS. GNU is harshly honest about the open-source stuff - blobs are obviously, proprietary, and so are Google-based softwares and services.

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I would recommend that you check Codeberg - it uses Forgejo. If you're interested in self-hosting, you can also run your own Forgejo instance.

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Spotify, more like Bloatify.

Buy an affordable mechanical keyboard instead. I don't have one, but I tried my cousin's keyboard for quite some time, and they're amazing Kalih Red switches, although I would prefer a little bit more of resistance and a bumpy feedback.

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The spammers are taking advantage of open fediverse instances - and it's not one, but instances chosen at random. You may think that banning instances would solve it, but it will block other legit users.

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Slightly unrelated, but that website is beautiful. I've been trying to create a minimal-JS SvelteKit page, and I think I'll steal some parts of it.

And I thought to myself that Bitwarden was aggressively forcing users a pro-security measure.

Is it "I'll Kill Her" by Soko?

So, of course, you were supposed to call me tonight

You were supposed to call me tonight

We would have gone to the cinema

And, after, to the restaurant, the one you like in your street

Transistors. Invented somewhere along the 50s.

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They could pivot from their fancy-futurism hand-gesture nonsense, and actually work on a device for disabled folks. Let the mobile device take all that load, and the pin do the streaming and haptic stuff. People who come under the spectrum of blindness will appreciate this, but well, fuck these founders for being so obtuse.