2 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

not stuart little

I'm imagining your shock when I tell you the cost of my entire wheelchair, which is a manual wheelchair with push assistance (like an e-bike).

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Sure thing: invacare is the company, the wheels are Alber e-motion M25. Their argument is the wheelchair is usable without the add ons, which I not only disagree with but why are these wheels 8k if they have an app only usable by upgrading? The older model is cheaper and doesn't have an app which works in the same way then.

I am curious if something will get out of this! It's difficult to explain but there's so many hoops I have to go through, I literally can't contact invacare myself. I have city council to grant me an indication of what I need, a company that delivers the stuff to me and does maintainance (but theyre extremely lacking), then there's a company that imports the invacare stuff and deals with the company that deals with me.

We truly need to get some hard rules down in the Netherlands. I'm tired of it all.

Capitalism thrives off mobility aids. Anything decent, even a decent backpack, cost an arm and a leg just because it's made for the cripples. I hate it here lol.

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This is the play store link and honestly: wow. You offering to pay is making my head spin. That's incredibly kind of you. However I truly don't want to buy it overall since it's tied to the wheels, which I don't own, and I might get other wheels in 5 years and then... I can start over. It's the principal that I get a device with "cruise control" so I can cover more distance on my own but then the cruise control alone costs 100 bucks.

I'm in a country where people assume disabled people are taken care of. Quite the opposite.

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Yea the fun stuff is that it's actually manually operated but it straight up blocks at the 6km or the 8,5. The 8,5 is decent enough but even when turned off the wheels feel 'blocked' so I can't do a quick running contest with my husband. Not the wordt but at 6km it's just average walking speed which means I can't take a sprint when crossing the road.

Fun fact: it was stuck in 2,5km/h for months before I finally figured out the manufacturer manual because the actual wheelchair company didn't know how it worked.

Thank you for the detailed reply! Details:

  • Android (pixel 8)
  • play store link
  • When buying the pack, the functions are tied to the wheels itself so not a google or other account

I did find the mechanic manual a few years back so I could get into the "professionals only" menu and I was able to tweak the push sensitivity which my provider couldn't figure out ironically. The packs however are a different add-on. The only thing I can find online are people asking if it's worth the money, or people who bought it. Not really a popular hacking device it seems.

It sucks that I'm not technical enough to open up the wheels - i also find it a bit scary since I literally need this thing everyday and my provider is already neglecting their customers.

cries in women's pants

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It may shock you but: the Netherlands

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And here I am in the Netherlands, taking trips to the Midwest sometimes and crying everytime because it's so accessible and the ADA and what not. All from a tourist perspective, which is just.... I can get into a restaurant and use the sidewalks.

I am blessed to have a ramp. And now I'm realizing I say blessed when we're just human beings living our regular human being lives trying to get out of our house. I hope the regression will be a slow one for you and remember: a wheelchair isn't something to be ashamed about. Ambulatory wheelchair users exist so if you feel like you can profit off of one, so you may take a longer hike in the mountains or whatever, don't feel ashamed.

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Family vloggers

Oh my god empress, I fell down that rabbit hole a while back hahaha. I mean I "cracked" the app now with luckypatcher but that's only locally on my device, I'm not a true hacker even if the boomers I know in real life think I am lol

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I find it sad for all the useful information on that website ( which, if you come across, do repost it on a lemmy community! ) and the subreddits dedicated to helping others out. It would be great if we could build that on the fediverse, but I can imagine wanting to reach as many people as possible when you're helping out veterans for example.

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Or I can just use the setting 1 and setting 2 nu carrying a remote control on a lanyard constantly while there's an actual app available but nooooo

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I figured it out!!!! I updated this post. And yea the app is like a student programmar trying to build something lol. Even the navigation part doesn't work but I just use maps for that anyway.

That's why I updated the post with the link which version does work, just in case. There probably aren't a lot of disabled pirates using this specific model wheels and that's why there's no solution on the Googles. I truly wish I was smart enough to learn all this crap just to start a community of helping people hacking their accessibility tools.

300 for a button: very normal.

I have something in my eye. This community is so incredibly wonderful.

  • pirate media: shows, books
  • bulk buying toiletries / cleaning supplies when there's a good deal somewhere
  • use this contraption for toothpaste and other toiletries
  • skip lunch often
  • take care of appliances by fully cleaning them often
  • do dishes and laundry at night
  • YouTube the hell out of things that break to figure out a way to fix it myself
  • use a heated blanket during the day to keep the heater on 16 C°
  • cut my own hair with the help of YouTube
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It's so we can keep up the act of being a country with social security without actually being it.

The irony that I absolutely despise Amsterdam and try to avoid that city at all costs since it's once of the least accessible cities in this country in my experience. If I do have to go I absolutely need my husband to go with me to push me around which is dehumanizing and makes me feel like a burden. The cobblestones are an attack on my joints as well.

It's why I often say my disability isn't making me disabled but society is.

qbittorrent because I love the search engine

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I am very grateful for the Lemmy community and specifically the pirates. Wonderful community!

A mattress

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I got a lot of my freedom back by getting a chair. Good luck, friend!

That avril Lavigne was replaced by a clone is so incredibly silly and I honestly thought it was a joke first, but people are really obsessing over it. She recently did a podcast and acknowledged the conspiracy and laughed about it, what fueled the believers even more.

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I'm the Netherlands where everyone and their mom rides bikes and we have bike lanes everywhere, escooters / ebikes / regular scooters all go on the bike lane. It's less dangerous to go a bit slower than a fast biking person (like a grandma on a regular bike) and just staying on the right, than the dangers on the sidewalk.

I hope one day you wake up in the body you were meant to have, stranger 🤎

I've rode one of these badboys on my honeymoon in Colorado and I've felt incredibly American as an European hahahah

These are the Alber e-motion M25 wheels so if you ever need more help in the future don't be shy to dm me :)


please spare some ADA for us thanks

That's what I've tried but the store just opens as a blank page still

I thought it was reversed after they got major backlash? Apparently not

Game advance SP or the Nintendo DS lite..

Yes and no. I'm opening Lemmy instead of Reddit to scroll / for fun, but with searching I still have to rely on reddit unfortunately.

Wanted to Google good books about Diablo (the videogame) lore and it directed me to a reddit thread with PDF's to the book that some share has on their Google drive. Hopefully Lemmy will get there in a few years, and searching will be easier.

Booted it up for the first time today to play local co-op with my husband. Or so I thought. After fighting for 15 minutes to make an account, which already pissed me off, it turned out they removed the local co-op option. Not interested anymore.

Not greeting the bus driver

I realize that I have read every single NoSleep ebook that exists, buy ebooks from NoSleep writers, build my own 1000 page ebooks and I've been doing this for 8 years and I can't remember any title. Can't even remember most stories. I do read them right before falling asleep. Am I fried? Lol.

I do remember a story about a staircase in the middle of the woods, that one was creepy.

Edit: there was also this story about god knows what that involved calling a certain phone number and people on the NoSleep sub tried it and it actually worked and they got a very creepy voicemail or something. That one had me in a chokehold for a week.

Been trying to figure out which bird I keep seeing on my balcony, I'm gonna try this out!

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That's a smart one!

My hands don't work the way I want them too (read: I'm disabled) so I'm always on the lookout for handy dandy contraptions, ghehe