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I sound agree price isn’t always the best factor to determine a monopoly.

Walmart use to go into a town, sell everything cheap and drive everything else out of business.

It’s one of the many reason I hate Walmart.

Growing up we have a cool downtown area. It wasn’t big but had a bunch of small stores. They all closed within a year of Walmart.

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Wal-Mart does a lot of things I don't agree with. Their labor practices along with their sourcing and many other things make them the last place I will shop.

I’ll admit I’m a high income earner. I’ve never had to watch watch what I spend but recently even I’ve noticed increases in everything.

Groceries have doubled from what I paid in 2019. I buy almost the same thing every week and I compared.

Dining out has become much more expensive. Places I used to consider a good value are now expensive.

I ordered a basic meal the other day at a local place. A cheeseburger. Fries. Drink and my friend had a salad. It was almost 59 dollars. Six months ago it was around 30 dollars.

So now I have to watch my spending as everything has increased

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Because they don’t want the Palestinians either.

Same reason Jordan hasn’t done it.

It’s been suggested and rejected.

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Remember: Pretty much every Lemmy instance is run by volunteers that don’t have legal departments

One lawsuit can shut them down.

I stopped using air bnb. I use to use them for more obscure places that didn’t have hotels. I don’t like they take homes out of the market. I get for vacation areas this is less of an issue but for places like ny city, San Francisco, etc it’s taking homes out of use.

I hate the cleaning fee. It’s become obscene.

Just everything about the model bothers me now.

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I grew up in that time frame. Normally people would swarm around the machine and give advice.

Arcades were very social when it came to certain games.

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I’d switch at that point. I’ve only not switched because the pain isn’t worth the reward right now. I’d have to learn a bunch of new apps and hasn’t been worth it.

Start charging a subscription fee. I’ll learn to use whatever tools a priority.

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This is my favorite one I’ve seen about it so far

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I don’t care where you stand on this topic. This is funny as hell.

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Until the merger, Boeing was engineer-driven. They were well known for safety first and design over cost.

There are hundreds of articles on this topic and you rant without knowing the topic.

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Some have. Some have said otherwise. The truth isn’t as clear yet about who he was

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I think it’s easier to name the people who have been decent in tech. Woz seems like a decent guy.

Ted Waite all in all was decent. Not perfect but decent.

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The markets are insane. There is no way Reddit is worth 5 billion.

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I didn’t realize America has banned them. Good. I just figured they were a fad.

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Most states have medical prisons to detain those with special needs.

Here is an example of one.

Sometimes they’ll be paroled if they are Low risk. That way the tax payer isn’t financially responsible.

Ironically medical care is a right to prisoners but it’s not for everyone else.

Good knives. Well worth it.

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My groceries for 3 people for one week was 250. That would have been 89 bucks before Covid.

This is a good thing. Almost all countries need to reduce their population. We just have way too many people on the planet and it’s stressing the system.

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That is the thing. We funded the Chinese build up. Stupid to fund a hostile nation.

We shouldn't do business with China, period. Not only would our economy grow like crazy, but China would decline and become less of a threat to the world.

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It’s the functionality that’s patented. It’s not the code. Code is copyrighted.

I’m a capitalist and I would never do free work for a public company. Now I don’t mind a hobby but a public company isn’t a hobby.

Nothing new in the case. People have moved on to other things.

I still find that a strange case.

The level of subscriptions has become insane

My cousin did it because she wanted to help someone have a child. She didn’t do it for the money. When it’s a financial transaction, I see the issue.

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I’m all about personal choice and laws like this conflict me.

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To me it’s a sign of how out of whack the stock market is right now. Lemmy created the Reddit experience at a fraction of the cost. Yet Reddit spends millions a year doing it.

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I am not a lawyer but I’ve worked with stock as part of my compensation for years.

Typically you have to schedule your sales on a schedule. Say every 6 months I’ll sell on x date.

Unless legal tells me to change it. It buys or sells on that date. Period. I can’t adjust it on a whim.

If he’s following a schedule then there would be no violation.

If he sold ad hoc, it could be a violation.

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This. There is a lot of variation in normal. We all don’t look exactly the same

I have a plumber look at something once and he said, “ that’s interesting. Never seen it done that way before.

People shouldn’t have to work sick. If we learned one thing from Covid, shut spreads around the office.

If someone is slightly ill let them work from home or take a day off.

And this is the correct answer. I’ve heard some European countries send you a filled out form you sign.

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Stallman is a notable figure in the industry but he was never the leader of a large tech company. That’s probably why he’s a decent guy

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It can’t be seized. Florida would have to allow it.

They’ll seize New York properties.

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I have Tesla and their old design I could do easily while driving. They did a UI update and not everything takes several clicks. Anything that is critical to running the car should have a manual control. If touch screen isn’t available, you need to be able to operate the car, if nothing else to get to a repair center.

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If the government funded the development, the government should own the patent or at least own a portion of it.

They should be paid for their investment and those funds use to fund other healthcare.

Sounds like SS told him that. He said security doesn’t want us here.

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This didn’t age well. Israel attacked Iran

She was put into solitary because she refused to be transferred.

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All politics aside. Those are some ugly shoes.