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I don't know how anyone can genuinely believe that Republicans are for small government and say the competition is good when they're using government to stifle competition.

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She shouldn't be anywhere near a Congressional seat.

What whiny fucking children.

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Why would you pause the gag order?

Ffs throw orange Hitler and his ilk in jail. They've proven that they're dangerous, petulant children.

The only way to repair the US healthcare system is to ban the for-profit, rapaciace, mafia middle men that are private insurance companies and replace it with a single payer system. Anything less than that is not repairing anything, it's just prolonging the broken system.

We are long past the days of proprietary charging ports on phones, my guy. You can use any charger that came with any phone you've owned in the past like 10 years.

Cut the price down to $249 and maybe I'll bite.

Big red flag

Crawls back out from under her stuffy old bridge to make a buck and stroke her own ego.

And yet she still can't fathom that she lost in 2016 to a reality TV host because of her unlikability. Nope, couldn't be that. Must be sexism, the Russians, Bernie bros, hell throw bigfoot in there somewhere.

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Looks like 35% of Americans still have yet to wake the fuck up.

If it doesn't disrupt anything, can it even really be considered a protest?

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Writing this on a phone 2. No nfts here, so no idea what they're talking about.

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The reaper must have been in the crowd again. You can't run from the reaper, mcturtle.

No we don't lol. The DToM flag is fine, altho admittedly right wingers and libertarians fly it without understanding it at all.

The only flags that should be banned are those of enemy powers and traitors that the right wing loves to fly, such as the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag. Those two literally serve no purpose being flown in modern America because 1 was the flag of genocide and the other the flag of traitors and slavery.

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Anything that hinders the GOP is a government PsyOp. Anything that helps the GOP is God's will.

Delusional fuckers.

Nothing. They're cultists. They support the exact opposite of what Jesus stood for, and just want the world to burn so they can be raptured to heaven, to hell with everyone else.

Fuck them.

A little of column a, alittle of column b.

Republicans won't elect him lol. He's not Christian, too young, and last but not least he's not white.

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Idk where this is all coming from, because trumps numbers have only gone up compared to the rest of the Republicans and DeSantis has seen a nosedive in his numbers.

Whelp, I was keeping the sub purely because the games they give you monthly and so my ex could still play online, but nvm. Gonna cancel because it's not worth the cost. The games they give out monthly are usually mid and the online services haven't improved since the PS3 days when it was free.

Still don't have a PS5, and definitely not getting one now. Fuck off, Sony.

I work at an AWS data center as a DCO L3. Fully support this strike.

Right wing terrorism

Idk, last I checked he's Hindu. But who knows, maybe tomorrow he'll say he's Christian. And the following week he'll say he's Catholic. Then Jewish.

He just wants power.

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You're the fuckers that broke it. Now you're trying to get outta dodge to avoid the blowback? Fuck off.

A hate rally, a rally for genocide.

Every last one of them are unamericam pieces of shit. Literally had a speaker that said Hitler was a gift from God. And they cheered him. Van Jones mentions peace and they start chanting "no ceasefire".

Fucking Nazis.

I'm a man and a leftist.

Wtf are you talking about lol. The left isn't hostile towards men. They just aren't hostile towards women, poc, lgbtq+, etc like the right are.

I don't even need to watch it to know it was a shit show.

Unfortunately warren also played spoiler to sanders, helping Biden win..

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So solid that polling says the opposite, the media is starting to catch on, and there is a report that dem strategists are freaking the fuck out over how shit Biden's chances are. CNN miraculously figured out that, surprise surprise a lot of it has to do with Biden's handling of Gaza.

Sry, but you're delusional if you seriously think that the Israel thing isn't a huge factor towards why Biden has lost so much support. We are literally seeing a democratic president aid Israel in commiting a genocide.

Whoa hold on, you're making too much sense.

They do stand for things.

God, guns, and white supremacy.

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A lot of fuckwits vote, unfortunately

Apparently she's fighting with other members of the house over whose idea it was to (and fail at) impeach Biden. She peaked in middle school.

Not just gen x. Millennial here, and I remember college being pushed on us as an idea in middle school up to high school graduation as a "make or break" thing for our futures. You either go to college or you end up a deadbeat.

Bamboozled we definitely were.

Don't bother. Right wingers will do anything and everything to act like victims.

I wish the right wing had never adopted the gladsden flag. They fly it without any real understanding of it's meaning and give it a bad name.

First of all FF7R shouldn't be considered as remake, it should be considered as its own spinoff / sequel

Fucking finally someone gets it!

US presidents have told Israel to cut the shit and stop or else multiple times in the past and Israel has listened. The same can and should be done here. Eisenhower did it, ford did it, Reagan did it, and h w bush did it.

Trying to voter shame people when they feel so strongly about this really isn't going to work or help you. I agree, Trump really should not be allowed to get into office, but at the same time you can't act as if these voters don't have a right to be angry. For these people, it goes further than just voting.

... you clever bastard..

Except "progressive" doesn't appear anywhere in the article..

Maybe you should read the article you're telling others to read before you say that.. maybe this part of the article kinda would explain why the Gadsden flag has a bad rap today

In recent years, the flag has become the symbol of the American Tea Party political movement and has also been adopted by far-right extremists.

In 2014, a Las Vegas couple who espoused anti-government, pro-gun beliefs killed two police officers at a pizza restaurant and draped over one of their bodies a swastika and a Gadsden flag.

As an American, I find it funny when I see other Americans shit on the French. Idk, when I think the French I think of the French revolution, which was bloody.

The French did not fuck around when they had to get shit done, whereas we Americans bitch and moan but never do shit because idk, it's inconvenient.