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Days later, Hampton shared the written invitation to access the county’s election office with a Trump lawyer, text messages obtained by CNN show. She and another location elections official, Cathy Latham, allegedly helped Trump operatives gain access to the county’s voting systems, according to documents, testimony and surveillance video produced as part of a long-running civil lawsuit focused on election security in Georgia.

Latham, who also served as a fake elector from Georgia after the 2020 election, has come under scrutiny for her role in the Coffee County breach after surveillance video showed she allowed unauthorized outsiders to spend hours examining voting systems there.

Remember Alfa Bank? Michael Caputo? Burning that Israeli spy? 2 Billion from the Saudis? Chinese trademarks for coffins and voting machines? Oh yeah and the stripping of children from their parents' arms and locking them in freezing cages? Member?

Sources said that after Trump heard the FBI wanted to interview Michael last year, Trump allegedly told her, "You don't know anything about the boxes."

It's unclear exactly what he meant by that.

Well that’s just some quality fuckin’ journalism there, abcnews.

It can be two things.

“Do you know who I am” is also what the wide-stance republiQan said when he was arrested.

YOU get a ban! And YOU get a ban! EVERYONE gets a ban for wishing nature to take its inevitable due course! Muwahahahaha! Power Trump Mod powers - activate!

"Democrats should bail them out again"

Nope. Remember the orange rapist they cheered into a gruesome idiotic coup attempt? Yeah and Dems should help them?

NO. WE'RE CLOSED. Red state idiot bastards. Don't want to get the shit shocked out of you, quit sticking a knife in the socket. No? BZZZT. This is not that difficult.

They're destroying institutions and defying science. That is their only purpose. They have no other common goals. We should not help them at all.

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I dunno, I don’t think it’s right to defecate to another party. That’s nasty.

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I think it’d be much more lopsided if corporate news wasn’t such a disgusting insult to an informed populace. They still refuse to call him a liar, or note that he was found guilty of sexual assault. Much less point out that he used russian intelligence to violate the DNC and federal election law. Or that he obstructed justice by firing Comey, intimidated any number of witnesses, and oh yeah is utterly incompetent to handle that position.

Don’t you agree CNN? NBC? WaPo? NYT? Yeah. Her emails. Free airtime. We know how committed you are to reporting truth. Right Chuck Todd? Still both sides, isn’t it?

The site has always been much smaller than Facebook, and it only mattered because politicians, journalists, and those who currently pass for public intellectuals were using it. Whether you read The New York Times or watched Fox News, you would encounter content that began its life on Twitter.

This article is a big long hot take. Which is fine, it's kind of entertaining. But yeah if you care what the NYT and Fox News are printing on a daily basis you might feel a little untethered at the moment. Understanding that the two are linked is so close to understanding . . . something.

russia lost on day 4. The rest of this is to see how badly and in what ways. And to save as many Ukrainian lives and civic institutions as possible. Zelenskyy is focused on the latter, lives and infrastructure, as he should be. Slava Ukraini!

The Murdoch Infection Continues Apace

Corporate News is for-profit and run by republiQans. It’s really that simple. Trump showed that corporate news will never do the right thing at the right time, even in the face of the most arrogant, ignorant, outrageous lies and attacks.

It’s time to stop pretending that corporate news can be “saved” and start accepting that it absolutely can not be saved. Then we can move on to a truer form of journalism. We have the ability to publish globally in our hands, literally.

"Changes aren't permanent.
But change is."

-Stoner Headbang

Member that time when Al Gore said yeah we don’t want Bill Clinton to campaign for us?

Man if I was trying to pop enough republiQan heads in whatever states, I’d be harping on Don the Con non-stop. 100 different ads about what a lying, low-life loser he is.

Member when they went low and we went high? Red America is so far down the sewer, pretending they’re not is just a flat-out mistake. My 2¢.

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is a complete failure of justice. A continued failure. And let’s not think about national security.

[w/r/t API kerfuffle] In some ways, this makes sense: third-party apps let users skip ads, which hits Reddit’s bottom line. The pricing, however, seems steep. Why?

Well, the answer is AI. Basically, former Reddit board member Sam Altman, who departed in 2022, admitted his company, OpenAI, had trained on Reddit data. I find it difficult to believe that Huffman didn’t know OpenAI was training using Reddit’s data, particularly since Altman sat on Huffman’s board. Suddenly, Huffman is saying the API is very valuable, especially to buzzy AI companies that investors have lately had the hots for. This seems to position Reddit as being in the shovels business during the AI gold rush.

In light of Baker's reporting, Stanford University opened its own internal inquiry into the matter. A panel of scientists concluded that Tessier-Lavigne's work contained image manipulations in 2001, the early 2010s, 2015-2016, and 2021.

But the panel dismissed any allegations of fraud or misconduct on the part of Tessier-Lavigne himself. Instead, they conclude that the "unusual frequency of manipulation of research data" in the neuroscientist's lab "suggests that there may have been opportunities to improve laboratory oversight and management".


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Right-wing mentality cannot allow being wrong. Its a huge problem affecting everyone.

So jenius.

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What they said

One case in point was a very big dispute, in 2009, played out in the public forum about how Facebook was handling accounts and posts from Holocaust Deniers. Some employees and outside observers felt that Facebook had a duty to take a stand and ban those posts. Others believed that doing so was akin to censorship and sent the wrong message around free discourse.

Willner was in the latter camp, believing that “hate speech” was not the same as “direct harm” and should therefore not be moderated the same. “I do not believe that Holocaust Denial, as an idea on it’s [sic] own, inherently represents a threat to the safety of others,” he wrote at the time. (For a blast from the TechCrunch past, see the full post on this here.)

In retrospect, given how so much else has played out, it was a pretty short-sighted, naïve position.

Yes how can we horrify children


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Okay, I read the article. It isn’t “essentially” a no. It’s “let’s believe that google and apple wouldn’t let this data be misused.”

As well as several paragraphs about a three-person study (wtf), and an inconclusive one, for no apparent reason other than to underscore “we just don’t know”. Then they give paragraphs over to Apple and Google for them to repeat their claims that everything’s just fine-and that’s it. That’s the article.

So it’s “essentially no” if you believe google wouldn’t harvest your data or that intelligence agencies and hackers can’t or wouldn’t listen in.

TL;DR, go into the Privacy settings of your phone and disable everything that uses it - that’s the best you can do.

It’s a never ending battle to get people to quit using bad media. Never. Ending.

Holy Flurking Schnitt. So . . . no one understands exactly how it works or even how it works past the first couple of abstractions.

That explains so much.

In the early nineties the term "droolproof" was, well, if not popular then at least existant. "Droolproof" instructions would be something like "do not expose your laser printer to open fire or flame".

Mastodon needs droolproof instructions. A private company like Twitter creates a series of gates for users to jump through and rigs things on the back end to make it so that people are unable to screw up too much. It's like a Fisher-Price chainsaw versus the actual chainsaw of Mastodon.

It's easy to forget how many people are active on social media who have never read a manual or a FAQ or who even know how to google very well, or at all. It's a huge proportion. Twitter serves them all by being, well, what it is. People give up their privacy and data patterns in exchange for a corporation making the experience droolproof.

There needs to be a youtube of some photogenic person happily showing how to use it. Srs. If we want to kill Elmos Fascist Tea Party we need that.

So more batshit-rightwingers-take-over-things-and-break-them?


Typically that's called manslaughter

I mean, the snark is absolutely warranted but for anyone who’s not clear - yeah. That’s the whole idea. Poor people die working cheaply, then the next crop who don’t know shit yet get promoted and continue happily working for cheap. Capitalism is inherently built to fail in just this way. It’s better than some alternatives, i.e. monarchy, but the end stages are just - this - over and over. No healthcare, more guns.

Bad news for 63%

Yet Trump wouldn't have been as destructive without it. Covid wouldn't have been as destructive without it. It was dead to anyone who knew what it was yet here we are, hoping the millions stuck in Apartheid Clyde's Magic Funhouse can escape.

It definitely is. This is just watching what happens when republiQans blow up your society (in this case: schools).

No need!

They’ve lost the popular vote for President in 2000 and 2016 but the slaver’s College saved them. 2000 only won thanks to a crooked SCOTUS.

Anyone seen the unredacted Mueller report yet? That we should have? Anyone? Beuller?

This is getting posted a lot which is too bad because it’s worse than useless.

Do people not understand how technically useless 80% of users are? They CAN NOT REMEMBER THEIR PASSWORDS. (No, they didn’t write them down. Password management software? lol.)

I’m saying the height of their technical ability is to remember their password. And we want them to switch platforms, away from a fascist right-wing brainwashing troll factory to- what is it called again?

Yeah. It needs a guide with this title, but actually useful. Well-written, with the context that people reading it are already well above and beyond in making an effort.

Why are so many people still on Xitter? I have a fucking idea.

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Member in the 2016 RNC when Rude came out and lost his goddamned mind in front of the world for trump? Obviously he was a piece of shit then for manipulating the SDNY FBI to “re-open” the hEr EmAiLs probe 2 days before the election, but I still was like wtf dude, what happened to you. (Spoiler: Scotch and greed is a helluva drugs.)

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You’re fooling yourself!