Footage inside a Ukrainian Humvee when a mine exploded. All crew members survived. Donetsk region. to – 99 points –
Footage inside a Ukrainian Humvee when a mine exploded. All crew members survived. Donetsk region.

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Absolutely. In a perfect world, we would supply enough MRAPs, Busmasters and similar vehicles to Ukrainian infantry.

Unfortunately we don't have enough for our own needs. The Australian military still has G-Wagons. We do have plenty of M113's and Humvees.

Sure, they're not as good as the bigger troop transpors, but: what are the alternatives? Usually unarmoured technicals. Realistically speaking, we don't even have enough of those! I donated to NAFO's 69th sniffing brigade to buy vehicles.

If I was there, I'd rather sit in a Humvee or M113 than in a technical.

You say "our own needs". Who are you referring to? What countries with MRAPs are participating in active warfare right now? Surely somebody could spare a few (hundred)

You don't want to be without caught equipment in a potential war with china

Right because an Army of tanks in America is super relevant to a war in China