3 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Indonesia is just bizarre. They've got the most draconian and nonsensical laws. The only step up is a full on fascist country like China or russia.

Other than being cheap, I don't understand why so many digi nomads want to live there.

15 more...

Maybe doubling down will help . . . Getting this platform to disappear 100%!

Yeah, In russia that’s very typical, I’d like to make that point.

It will deliver death by PowerPoint

mRNA? Oh boy the anti vaxxers are going have have their heads explode.

Great news though as that's a pretty common cancer.

I'm not sure about ATMs, they often ran OS/2.

Windows CE often ran media centres or UI panels in things like John Deere tractors or the Fiat 500.

It was also the OS that ran the Dreamcasts UI.

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We have to draw a line to Putin's bullying of the world and threatening world hunger somewhere.

Escorting ships from that terrorism is IMHO A-OK. If putler decides to attack those ships and trigger Article 5, that doesn't mean we strike with Nuclear weapons. Article 5 simply means, respond accordingly.

If putler wants to escalate to that and beyond, that's on him! Send escort vessels out.

Edit: fixed typos because I suck with at typing on touch screens.

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Überall auf Lemmy und super aktiv auf r/Place πŸŒˆπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸžπŸ˜πŸš’πŸš„πŸŒ­

Reading through the comments, almost everyone missed the elephant in the room. The big problem with long term support is not on the phone or chip manufacturers.

...::: It's GOOGLE! :::... Just compare the history of Android with Windows. Windows 10 is still supported for another 2 years, yet it was released in mid 2015. Every Windows 10 capable device is still receiving updates till then.

Contrast that with Android. Android 6.0 came out in October 2015. Yet very few devices from that era are supportable today. Why? A large part of that is based on Google's never ending -> breaking changes <- and random new requirements that make older devices incompatible.

This got me personally when I bought a Sony Z3 with the intention of having a "future proof" phone. It was openly advertised as being a dev device for Android 7, so much so that a preview release was downloadable for it.

Only for Google to drop a new requirement for the GPU to have minimum OpenGL ES 3.1, while the GPU only had the instructions for 3.0. WTF?! I might add, the specification for 3.1 was only released to the public 2 years prior.

I seriously hope that some alternative to Android will establish itself again. We had Windows phone, which Microsoft utterly butchered. IOS is not an alternative as that's tied to one manufacturer.

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Louis posted a video on a much bigger problem that Google has with ads. These campaigns seem to completely neglect.

In short: it's fake views. That's were advertisers pay for viewed ads, but the view happened to a bot. Ad block at least doesn't discourage advertisers since they don't pay for unviewed ads.

Aw crap. Glad they survived. Also shows the value of actual military vehicles over shitty technicals.

Not sure they would have fared as well in an unarmoured Hilux, Navara or Triton.

Something that surprised me is that there isn't a better way to collect used cartridges from the machine gun at the top.

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Those motors are just incredible. That they can haul a drone of this small size while carrying a heavy round t speed without melting is just mad.

Unless rates change in 5 days till we exceed 1/4 million fatalities and 5000 artillery pieces.

Fuck AFD. The fucking cunt should be sent to do community service for a good long time.

The symbolism is just fucking evil on Ukrainians since they were invaded by Nazis.

A wake up call for us as well.

Almost 40 artillery units destroyed?! I really hope that russia is going to finally grind itself down with this stupid endeavour.

That shit sucks. When blue LEDs became a thing all sorts of electronics adopted them and they were effin everywehre.

This makes you appreciate professional equipment which is less likely to have those ridiculously bright ones. Lenovo usually have pretty discrete orange LEDs on their professional equipment. The large professional Dell monitor I use at work, while fitted with a white LED, has a very dim one.

Activision is big enough. Microsoft is big enough.

We need less mega-corporations, not more. Competition fuels innovation.

Looks like we're going to reach 1/4 million liquidated personnel from the second best army in the world.

Have you used a gpu intensive application in a VM with good performance?

Adobe software quite heavily relies on cuda or OpenCL.

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I buy a lot off eBay. Not that they're perfect, but at least they're not owned by Bezoz.

Not quite the Ukrainians changing focus. Russia launched a big assault on Avdiivka.

A lot of that is equipment that russia sent into the meat grinder.

I was hoping the ratio was even higher. 1/4 would mean over 1000 artillery pieces and therefore personnel lost.

Nice. I was wondering why it took so long.

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C'mon Poland. That shitty deception is not doing you any good.

People will fond out and it will reflect on you. That's a holdover from the communist era we don't want to relive.

The greedy repair work for the leopard 2 servicing counts here too.

How about some Dance Music?

Kerch Bridge on Fire, your defence is terrified!

I've been using Vivaldi for a while That's run by a team of ex Opera Browser engineers.

The thing that annoys me with these articles is the wrong emphasis on the value of those munitions. Too many people think that America just gave that as equal in cash to Ukraine.

In truth, probably the largest amount of that value is in the labour, which is done by skilled Americans. Those Americans then then put that income back into the economy by buying American products.

They're also getting rid of old stocks of weapons that need to be de-commissioned at a real cost to land and the environment (those cluster munitions for instance).

The evaluation of these systems is based on a replacement cost with new ones. Perun said it well with his analogy: "If a tradie was to write off his 25 year old ute at the cost of a new one, that would be classified as fraud."

I wonder how the modernised polish Shilkas stack up since I feel that Poland hasn't been getting the press they deserve for their donations as their economy simply isn't as big.

Yup. While I have a sceptical opinion of Ubuntu, it did find it sad that it didn't gain any traction. A possible contender is still Tizen OS. It's essentially an entire OS build around Chromium, while not owned by Google. Samsung use that a lot in their smart TVs.

Sure, it's not as performant as running native Android.

But boy have we seen some massive improvements in browser tech and performance increases on mobile devices. Developing web-applications is certainly a ton easier than native Android and IOS. Wrapper toolchains like React Native aren't helping much.

Unless you really need calls to some device APIs, there isn't too much left that a Browser can't do compared to what the native OS permits. I've been developing web-apps for robots and also developed equivalent native apps in Android. In the browser you now have access to some impressive 3d capabilities, which are extending further (BabylonJS). You've got the ability to interact with files via tool-chains that are not too dissimilar to what you see in native Android (Google has been clamping down file-system access to app devs quite heavily in recent releases). You can also gain decent API access to the devices battery and GPS status. Add some nifty UI libraries and you can provide a more pleasant experience, faster than with an actual native app. Even video streaming works remarkably well since you can interact with multiple cameras, microphones and even the screen (Google Meet does that).

It's now that we're seeing PWAs (progressive web app) to gain traction. I'm using Voyager for Lemmy, which works lovely in Windows and my phone.

In the browser you only miss on some native capabilities on some hardware component and a few legacy systems. Mainly serial communication and native UDP support. Although the last one will see some more improvements with HTTP3, which is gaining traction.

Successful denazification and demilitrization

Of Russians.

Thanks for your efforts. I know that Lemmy was put in place rather quickly as a Reddit alternative. But I'm genuinely hopeful that this will be a good alternative.

It's mostly been put as a rumour. They're mostly founded on the fact that Iran still produces 100mm shells that fit.

How to fire? I'm not a tanker, but I'd imagine similarly to mortar with a spotter drone in the air.

I suspect the failure rate goes up. Have you seen the video of the Russian AA missile pretending to be a boomerang πŸͺƒ and flying back to its launch point?

That's what can happen with old rockets.

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Absolutely. In a perfect world, we would supply enough MRAPs, Busmasters and similar vehicles to Ukrainian infantry.

Unfortunately we don't have enough for our own needs. The Australian military still has G-Wagons. We do have plenty of M113's and Humvees.

Sure, they're not as good as the bigger troop transpors, but: what are the alternatives? Usually unarmoured technicals. Realistically speaking, we don't even have enough of those! I donated to NAFO's 69th sniffing brigade to buy vehicles.

If I was there, I'd rather sit in a Humvee or M113 than in a technical.

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Still heavily chipping away at artillery. Are they also counting T55's that were converted to be makeshift artillery cannons?

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That's a link to Louis's video:

Sad really as I also like the idea behind it. I've been running Cyanogenmod on 2 old phones in the past and just installed LineageOS on an old Tab S2 to breathe some new life into that old but still good tablet.

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Yup. One issue from long storage is that the fuel in solid fuel rockets can start to separate. Ryan McBeth did an explanation on a possible cause on that AA missile failure.

As you mentioned, some explosives also become unpredictable. The Takata airbags sending shrapnel into drivers faces comes to mind.

Reiterating why I find so many magazine to be trash nowadays.

Overly set up for SEO, poorly researched and often just crammed with shitty ads. That they completely neglected the formats used by pirating and home content speaks volumes.

That's why I now often prefer to just look up stuff on enthusiast forums, Reddit or to some extent Lemmy. The last hasn't gotten as good of an integration with search engines.

Well done. Very smooth operation.