Starfield install size revealed, available to preload now to – 83 points –
Starfield install size revealed, available to preload now

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On PC, the game is 139.84 GB. On console, it's 100.19 GB for Standard or 117.07 GB for the Premium Edition


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To each their own of course, but out of the 4 games you named in your comment I would definitely rank BG3 on top on a scale of "market disruption".

That said this is all highly subjective of course. One person's game of the year is another person's biggest disappointment.

To be clear, of the ones listed I only care about TOTK and BG3. I'm looking at "megaton games" by a general ascertainment of how relevant they are to the enthusiast gamers, and how much they sell. FFXVI came out and kinda did not great for an FF game so I'll concede there. No idea about Diablo 4, I assume it was middling or "as expected", while TOTK sold 18 million in its first 6 weeks; though I may largely be familiar with that due to being in proximity of Nintendo-related circles.

It really is subjective what measure we're using though. BG3's been amazing in relative terms to what would typically be expected of "DnD RPG" (maybe there's a better term), and developers have been reacting to it far more than they would most other megaton games. TOTK's no slouch on its own, impressing developers over its extremely impressive yet performent physics engine.

Anyways, not really interested in arguing my perspective though, since like you said this is extremely subjective, and honestly quite arbitrary.

All fair points. I wasn't trying to argue, just to have a friendly discourse :) My calling it a "game of magnitude" is obviously very open to interpretation.

For what it's worth what I was trying to say was that this game has the potential to be unlike any game before it, so it'd be a shame to miss out on it just to avoid a minor hardware upgrade. But that in itself is of course also subjective. Suffice to say I myself won't be missing out.. :p

Fair say! I'm personally not someone who particularly vibes with the aesthetic of bethesda games so I'll be missing out, but I hope it's as good as fans expect ❤️