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CD Projekt announced on October 5 that the expansion starring Idris Elba cost a hefty 275 million Polish Zloty (around $62.7 million) to develop and approximately 95 million Polish Zloty (around $21.6 million) to market.

I'm not saying repairing and adding missing functionality isn't a good size portion of that cost, but calling it a $125 million cost based on the cost of the expansion and marketing which were already planned regardless of how well the initial release did is miss-leading at best.

“Consistent starting pay results in consistent staffing and better customer service while also creating new opportunities for associates to gain new skills from experience across the store and lay the groundwork for their career regardless of where they start,”

Ok miss PR person. Please explain your rationale cause that shit makes no sense.

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Bethesda is guilty of not giving away their game for free? I really hope I’m misunderstanding what you are trying to say.

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We are nowhere near AI writing our software unattended. Not even close. People really over estimate the state of AI.

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You see, when someone is known to make bad choices it makes sense to approach what they do with apprehension. This guy not only has a history of bad choices, he's also the CEO.

You're free to do as you like of course, but I'd say it's hardly fair to say the article is unconvincing.

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I reeeaaally wish people would stop drawing a direct line between eating vegan and eating healthy.

Just cause I don’t want to eat animals that doesn’t mean I don’t want to stuff my face with good food.

Most restaurants just throw a salad at you or something.

I'm getting old .. what does this mean and why is it objectionable? Google suggests it means they have strong character, which seems like a fair assessment.

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Translation: Zuckerbot wants to generate some noise and there's nothing better to do that than AI doom and gloom.

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ITT: People complaining about an automated email that gets send to a huge largely uncurated mailing list. This is so very obviously not an email someone at reddit personally addressed to Andrew Tate, let alone personally selected him to be added to the mailing list.

Seriously, people, there's plenty to complain about without making up new stuff.

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The person who committed these crimes and the person who his friends describe cannot coexist. One is a fraud, an image he means to project. It’s not hard to figure out which is which..

Of course you don’t want to admit to yourself or others that this person you care about is a monster. I feel bad for his friends and family, and of course the victims.

If I were a mod that hadn't left yet: this would definitely put me over the edge.

How insanely tone-deaf.

I'm looking to upgrade my iPhone 11 for no reason other than the battery life is starting to bug me. None of the features released since the 11 hold any interest for me, I literally just want more battery life. Looks like that'll cost me about $1000 if I want to stay with iOS. Absolutely insane.

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Given their crypto functionality uses a third party which has been found to skirt the legal system I'd be a lot more concerned about this integration even if I don't intend to use it.

Keep in mind the stuff you read about is only what has been surfaced so far. Who knows what skeletons are still hiding?

Personally, I don't see any point risking it when there are perfectly viable alternatives such as Firefox. Granted the same guy infected Mozilla, but they stood up and ousted him so credit where credit is due.

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Whether or not it was his idea is irrelevant, he's the one who approved it.

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I LOVED the original Delta Force game. Still have fond memories. Second was pretty decent too. All went downhill from there.

This looks more like Battlefield than Delta Force. Delta Force is meant to be tactical and realistic while still being accessible.

Always great to have more options! But this seems very similar to Mlem in terms of goals (Apollo like). Why not combine efforts?

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True, but given that:

  • The animal was considered healthy days prior.
  • No details were released as to the cause of death.
  • This happened in Brazil.

I’d say the odds are that it was human fault.

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I think your original question stands. Self-hosting != federation.

Sure. And whether he was a sacrificial goat here is not for us to know. But let's not pretend that the CEO had no responsibility.

Nowadays, when I see news about some new law that's gonna ruin the web I just have a sad chuckle. That ship has sailed. And they didn't even need shitty laws to do it.

Go and have a look?

Being open-source doesn't automatically make you secure or reputable. Especially considering the open-source ecosystem in particular is a big target for exploitation right now. And auditing a software project of this size by its source code alone is no small feat.

it is also the most private and secure, open-source, mainstream* Chromium browser

"Mainstream chromium browser" is doing most if not all the heavy lifting there. Fair enough if that's what you're after, but mixing "private and secure, open-source" in feels disingenuous.

That said, I primarily use Vivaldi because of its customizability and added features, something Firefox seems to reduce with every new version.

Last time I played with either Vivaldi or Brave you had to literally monkey patch the source code in order to customize things further than what the extension SDK allowed you to. You could do the same thing with Firefox, except they make it slightly harder because much of the source code is shipped in archives.

That said it's been years, maybe this can now be done purely through the extension SDK? It'd be news to me.

Gotcha.. From reading all the responses, it sounds like the word and meaning itself isn't really objectionable, it's more the people that use it. Which isn't something a search engine tells you.. 😅

To be fair people who pay thousands are probably perfectly fine with Starfield, although they may have to be satisfied with 120fps instead of 240fps.

The ones mainly hurting are the ones with similar budgets as console gamers. And console gamers are hardly unfamiliar with performance issues.

Being a pc gamer has much more to do with what ecosystem you get to tap into, rather than how much you’re spending.

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Why not then post the personalized emails? This particular email just doesn't look incriminating to me. Sure it is POSSIBLE that someone at Reddit specifically added him to the email list, but that's hardly the most likely explanation.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is getting worse. It's not "real" intelligence that "understands" your questions, and unlike more targeted solutions like GitHub copilot they don't have a strong use-case focus that can guide their progress.

But I think it's also that people are coming to terms with what ChatGPT actually can and more importantly cannot do. It's crazy sometimes to hear what the average person thinks the current iteration of AI's is capable of.

You do realize storage drives aren’t exactly expensive?

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Aw damn.. I really like how bare basic their interface is and how they're not constantly trying to upsell me shit I don't need. Anyone have any good recommendations for alternatives that fit this bill? Google is just giving me the worst possible options.

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It is nearly impossible to find good product comparisons these days. Nearly all of them are generated off of Amazon reviews, which are terribly unreliable. I used to just append Reddit to the end of my search but now that isn’t much of an option anymore either..

No new map, no new hero, no real meaningful change. Just skins and questwatch, which is literally just you unlocking audio clips and.. not much else.

Oh and the three new "gamemodes" is just an arcade mode with 3 ways to queue up.

What a joke.

Those all sounds like generic automated emails to me.

Lol.. it definitely reminds you of how old you're getting. But I'm sure the generations preceding ours felt the same.

Yeah that’s fair. It might even be worth waiting a year so the community can fix all the bugs :p I know I’m too impulsive to wait that long though. Played through Cyberpunk at launch and loved it!

To each their own of course, but out of the 4 games you named in your comment I would definitely rank BG3 on top on a scale of "market disruption".

That said this is all highly subjective of course. One person's game of the year is another person's biggest disappointment.

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All fair points. I wasn't trying to argue, just to have a friendly discourse :) My calling it a "game of magnitude" is obviously very open to interpretation.

For what it's worth what I was trying to say was that this game has the potential to be unlike any game before it, so it'd be a shame to miss out on it just to avoid a minor hardware upgrade. But that in itself is of course also subjective. Suffice to say I myself won't be missing out.. :p

Yeah that's fair. I'd say it falls into the same boat as the argument against the CEO; they haven't done anything clearly malicious, but their bad decisions are enough to give you pause and reconsider.

So it’s basically just the climbing part of Tomb Raider games plus some exploration and narrative? To each their own but the climbing parts were always my least favourite. It’s also why I couldn’t get into the Jedi games. It just feels unrewarding cause of how on rails the experience feels.

Curious if this sets itself apart somehow or if that’s really all it is and it’s just not for me.

All great reasons! Thanks for doing this.

I can't wait to try out part 3 for 2 hours before deciding this still isn't for me.

I want a good and immersive Jedi game so bad. These games just feel like you're in an amusement park that's channelling the game you want but not really trying to deliver it, it's just a vehicle to get to the next bouncy mushroom or conveniently placed wall jump.

I’m guessing one of those is Baldurs Gate, but I’m struggling to think of two more. There’s been some decent games for sure but none other that I’d put on the same scale. Diablo 4 had the potential but squandered it imo.

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