Why 'people of faith are crucial' to protecting democracy: op-ed

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -36 points –
Why 'people of faith are crucial' to protecting democracy: op-ed



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Ah yes, all news comes from the state department. Every single bit. Did they send you your tinfoil hat too? You're an absolute conspiracy theorist trying to pass yourself off as anything knowledgeable.

Edit: prove yourself. Doxx yourself and show us your credentials. Otherwise you're just another dipshit trying to frame ALL news as propaganda.

I didn’t mean to imply that all news is from the state department. All government departments have Public Relations. For whom? The CIA. The State Dept.. This is how it works .

They cannot afford to have reporters and cameras at all places where important stories may break. Economics dictates that they concentrate their resources where significant news often occurs, where important rumors and leaks abound, and where regular press conferences are held. The White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department, in Washington, D.C., are central nodes of such news activity.

Newsworkers are predisposed to treat bureaucratic accounts as factual because news personnel participate in upholding a normative order of authorized knowers in the society. Reporters operate with the attitude that officials ought to know what it is their job to know…. In particular, a newsworker will recognize an official’s claim to knowledge not merely as a claim, but as a credible, competent piece of knowledge. This amounts to a moral division of labor: officials have and give the facts; reporters merely get them.

Maybe a trusted news source can explain it better than me.

Source: the crack pipe I just smoked!

Trusted news source is a random user on medium where literally anyone can post? Lol. Again, if you have credentials to back up your knowledge, show us.

And Noam Chomsky? Does his opinion not matter? I’m nobody. I’m just a monkey with internet who can read. Even if you don’t think what I said is 💯. The fact that it may be true is worth considering.

So you're unwilling to back up your initial claim to knowledge that you based everything upon? Got it.