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Joined 1 years ago

There's nothing wrong with hoping an unethical company goes under.

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Many Republicans would support Hitler today. They like his ideas if you replace Jews with immigrants.

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Someone who isn't me has successfully submitted the entire Bee movie script over 350k times to various snitch websites related to reproductive health or gender affirming care. 👀

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Nothing says, "we've done nothing wrong," quite like banning journalists who disagree with you.

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One of my hobbies is the social deduction game Blood on the Clocktower. Heavy social deduction games will draw certain types of people. Many of the people are very nice and inclusive. Others not so much.

I just played a game with a new group the other night - games usually take about 90 minutes in my experience. These people are all about playing super optimally rather than having fun. I made a sub-optimal play as an evil character, solely to create chaos. This led to mass confusion toward the end of the game. When my play was revealed at the end, people were literally yelling at me.

No one cared that it worked, and evil won, and that I completely followed the rules. I just did something no one would expect because I knew it would cause confusion. Some people take all the fun out of the game.

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Potato salad is delicious. Fight me OP

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The complete history of Israel forcing Palestinians into ghettos and systematically slaughtering them? The fact that they told civilians to flee to the south and then bombed the very area they claimed would be safe? The fact that they claim the right to self determination but refuse to allow the Palestinians the same right? The fact that netanyahu funded Hamas to destabilize the region so that he'd have pretense to carry out his war crimes?

I don't condone the attacks by Hamas, but to pretend that Israel isn't trying to carry out a genocide is crossing a red line for me.

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The fuck are you smoking? Thomas talked about overturning Obergefell in his Roe ruling. Fuck off.

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And all this because LMG started the war by calling them shit. You get what's coming to you eventually, I guess.

It was two months post surgery.

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I've never regretted doing that personally

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I stick to this instance, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is another person calling anyone who doesn't blindly support Israeli genocide efforts antisemitic.

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Don't worry. The supreme Court will find a reason that their existence is unconstitutional soon

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We worked around this at my old job by getting VirtualBox installed on our PCs and just running CentOS or Ubuntu VMs to develop in. Developing on windows sucks unless you're doing .NET imo.

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My parents and I don't speak at all. They're very Mormon, and I'm incredibly gay. I was excommunicated at 15 and kicked out of my home - living out of a car (illegally) or on friends' couches. My mom still occasionally reaches out to me and tries to explain that if I just don't act on my "urges" then I can be part of the family again. So uh, yeah.

It's made it very difficult to rely on anyone or really trust people in general.

Don't worry, they'll blame the Democrats and their base will eat it up with a spoon.

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Tom Scott does great stuff, and I found him through Computerphile years ago.

If you like board games, check out No Rolls Barred.

Veritasium and Smarter Every Day are good educational channels about science. Nile Red too.

I can give more if any of these are hitting for you.

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I worked with this guy when I was a sysadmin. There were usually three of us on shift. He refused to do anything and would encourage us to ignore tickets as well. He tried to be the manager once the manager was out for the day cuz we worked a swing shift. I already disliked him, but one day the first shifter came back from vacation in Miami. He asked if the first shifter "saw any of them [slur for gay people]"

I'm gay myself and immediately went to HR and he was fired on the spot. For the next couple weeks, if I went out for a smoke, the chill as shit security guard would stand outside with me, cuz this guy definitely had anger problems. He was worried he might try to come back and hurt me.

What a fucking nightmare. And I thought the US was bad about trying to encroach more on privacy.

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I forgot about Bitcoin when it was still mostly worthless. I got rid of my old laptop when it had a ton of issues. I had around 8 btc left in a wallet after spending several hundred on um... An ancient trade route lol.

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The fuck are you talking about? These are surveillance satellites, not some unity communications empowering satellites or something.

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Unfortunately, drug treatment has become a very, very lucrative industry. Being an alcoholic who needed medical detox recently, the horrors of finding an adequate facility I could afford was rough. Too many predatory companies out there are just looking to make a quick buck off the vulnerability of others.

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Could have been performance anxiety honestly.

I mean plenty of people bitching are doing what's within their power. This is a reductionist and bad faith argument

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I just recently got to the third interview for a software engineering job. 5 minutes in, they asked about my requirements for compensation and I gave a conservative range for a senior engineer role. They said "thanks for your time" and ended the interview. I spent 4 hours total on this to be told my comp request was too high. So fucking sick of this bullshit

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Judith Barsi was a child voice actress who played Ducky in The Land Before Time. She died in a murder suicide perpetrated by her father.

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You: I don't understand American politics around queer people but I'm gonna tell you that you have nothing to worry about. Fucking idiot.

Bandcamp has been great but I fear the enshittification coming. Half the staff was fired by Epic Games last year and then it was sold to a music conglomerate.

You realize that most people voting for Biden are just voting against Trump right?

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This made me think of a movie I really enjoy called Wristcutters: A Love Story

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How is PiHole not built for custom DNS? It literally has an entire management page for that.

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One of my exes did photography, first as a hobby, then did some weddings and stuff. He went to a class to learn more, and a lot of the more experienced people gave him shit because his camera was "basic". It was a Canon or Nikon DSLR. Sure nothing amazing or super expensive, but he knew how to use it and no one ever complained about his photos they paid for.

People in any hobby that requires equipment draws these people. There were a couple cool people I met that he made friends with though. They had nicer gear, but weren't assholes about it. Let him try them out and taught him about the benefits and use cases and stuff too.

I wish list stuff until a Bandcamp Friday comes around where artists get all the money. I've stopped buying physical media, so waiting on a digital purchase isn't an issue for me.

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For sure. My mother suffered brain damage after a heart attack while I was in high school. She nearly immediately became super conservative and scared of everything and everyone that wasn't white because of Fox News.

So glad that I got to finish my high school education and move away to college and cut contact with her. I can only imagine if I had been younger. Growing up, she was a progressive person who even advocated for easier legal immigration and same sex marriage when it was super unpopular to do so.

Not saying all conservatives have brain damage, but...

It's really just Mastermind with letters instead of colors. And they didn't even create Wordle either, they bought it from the original creator and tried to lock it up behind a paywall. I still sometimes get told I have to subscribe to play. I've mostly given up on it because it's lost it's appeal for me anyway.

The sad thing is that they're probably just gonna shut down shop there and hurt these workers. Not justifying their low payment at all. Just fuck. Capitalism is fucked up.

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Fuck Israel, but you can't conflate all Jews with Israel

I have a friend in cyber Sec that's working for a different casino brand. They're all on super high alert this morning. There's so much of the same software across brands that they're all scared as shit.

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I left an old job after automating it. It was insanely tedious and boring, so I built an automation platform. Went on to a job that I liked even less. About a year later I got a call asking me to come back and rebuild the automation engine into an official product for the company.

It was awesome and I got to make it a lot more robust. And since it was built directly into the platform instead of made as a hacky layer on top of it, it worked so much better. That was a lot of fun for me.

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When it made it to Netflix, it had a resurgence. It probably reached a wider audience, and it's honestly a good binge show. I think it's fun, albeit super unrealistic.

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