Nearly all my GameBoy Games to – 237 points –

Took all my games out of their protective cases and dumped them out on the table. Sometimes it's just satisfying to rummage through a bunch of carts, hold them in your hands, and admire the label art. Does anyone else periodically do this with their physical games?


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I want to know what the game genie cheat codes are for the game boy King James Bible.

Me too! Unfortunately, the cart won't fit into the Game Genie. It has a significant hump at the top that prevents it from going in backwards (like carts have to for the Game Genie).

And a good thing, too. If it could go in, you'd unlock God's cheat code for free energy— Which sounds like a good thing, until you realize that it means any old vandal can just create infinite energy in a finite space and collapse the universe into a singularity.