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Joined 1 years ago

Business class laser printers are where it's at. I don't get why people still buy inkjets.

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Seriously. I don't think I can buy another switch device. Next time it'll have to be a steam deck or clone.

I'm sad that they had to monetize sky the way they did to keep the service up. It's clearly what they wanted out of journey but couldn't accomplish the first go. If you like journey, play sky, children of the light

Without the philosophical overtones and the anti military industrial complex theme, I don't think I'd want to play it.

I'm sure this could never backfire.

Right? Like, doesn't dolphin already do this?

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I can't recommend it enough. it's a fantastic game . The story is haunting and it's legitimately difficult to get the good ending.

...And charge pennies on the dollar!

Or, as soon as the mfgrs stop making parts for my car, I should get a refund of a certain amount of the purchase price of the car.

When my phone goes out of support, I get a refund of %x of the cost. The mfgrs can keep the money in the mean time and earn interest.

Disincentivise planned obsolescence.

I want to know what the game genie cheat codes are for the game boy King James Bible.

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I love that this is pronounced Arr Poo (ARPU)

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Maybe they should have just done a dollar a month subscription that goes along with the game or give that as an option now to keep the server alive.

Even if it's a couple bucks sure the most faithful adherence of the game would not really mind paying it. The biggest problem for me here is that they're totally removing the consumer's agency, their choice.

I agree with what someone else said in this thread that if the support goes away then the server's code should go open source. By law.

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It is at Amazon, at least now. Twice I've gotten used for new. I'm not shopping there if I can possibly avoid it at this point.

Like the sith.

And today I love a stranger. Wonderful!

TrackerControl may work for this if you must use the stock app, newpipe is probably the best solution and finally, you can also use ad blocking dns and there may be VPN solutions as well.

Good luck

If it builds and runs for me, I may build a Windows installer for it...


I just use Kinkos or the local drug store for the rare photo print. Let them worry about their inkjet drying.

FF3, US version.

There was magic in that game.

I'm running PS5, but I will 100% try that!


I would love to know the answer to that. It's an interesting solution to be sure, but it surely has some kind of holes.

Also, it doesn't work with electron apps. Found that out the hard way.

Yes. That is it. It's been since before I had kids... Everything before that is a little bit fuzzy.

Rom play would be good. That would make sense, but I think it would definitely be a mistake to not fully leverage the FPGA and make it do other things. If you have the ability to change your processor into a different processor on the fly, and don't, you should be using custom chip design instead of FPGA. In the long haul, that should be cheaper.

No, if they're using FPGA, and advertising it, the consumer should expect this box to be a chameleon. Anything else would be a disappointment, just looking at their earlier work.

Still, it'll be interesting to see what they do with it but I already know I can't afford it.

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Huh. I remember playing perfect dark at high res on my PC. Guess I forgot which emu that was. Thanks for the heads up.

Now get off my lawn! Lol

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Yeah, it was probably project64 I was using. I get th FPGA is fantastic and allows for, basically reprogrammable hardware (think re-flashing all your firmware at the rate of a few KHz) but isn't this a solution seeking a problem? I never had any real issues emulating N64, and it didn't cost anything.

I'm not really seeing where the benefit of this product is. I hope the sell the crap out of it because it sounds cool, but I would never invest in the idea.

Hope I'm wrong for their sake. If I can't remember the name of an emulator I used 13 years ago, hopefully that means I'm wrong about this too.

I wonder what they're selling it for. FPGAs are about 150-300 off the shelf. Looks like the pocket is selling at 500-800 by scalpers, and I can see the demand for that. Maybe if the 3d plays all PS1, N64 and PS2 games, all in Super sharp 4k?

Regardless, this will be interesting to watch for further developments.

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Interesting. My understanding of field programmable gate arrays is that they were field programmable and therefore programmable in the field. Perhaps I'm mistaken. I'm just thinking that it would be foolish for them not to leverage this for higher profit. Their handheld has a MIDI sequencer.... Something tells me that maybe they were leveraging it there too.

I recognize this sounds sarcastic but I don't mean it to be. I've just never done any in-depth study into FPGAs, just a little bit of an intro to them when I was back in college an Eon ago. 😂

I wonder when I'll be able to load save games again 😭

This is the way.

I've played it and still don't understand the popularity. It's neat that you can do just about anything to just about anyone... You can kill major plot characters if you want, steal shit and get sent to jail... I dunno.

I just hope that next time I try to load a game, it doesn't hang the game. I'd like to continue playing it.

I definitely didn't get my money's worth!

Users paid, and no longer play.

Seems kinda theftish.


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Surely. I'd wonder if it is deemed enforceable by a federal judge. I guess it doesn't matter with this supreme court.

Good bot

Perhaps a class action lawsuit could set that precedent.

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PS5 actually. It's apparently a known issue and apparently it's isolated to the PS5 because it has something to do with the second players game not loading right when you're playing multiplayer couch co-op.

It's a known issue with multiplayer on the PS5. I haven't looked into it in a couple of weeks because I've had other things I had to deal with and have kept me from gaming but I plan to look into it again soon.

It could definitely still be a me issue. It could be some sort of weird corruption with the save gamer something like that. I'm really not looking forward to trashing the entire safe game and starting the game over though.

Super Mario RPG can be wolluped in 20. If you go hard, I bet you can do it in 10.

Pretty fun and rather full of Easter eggs if you want to keep at it.

I don't even like act 1, none of my save games load without hanging the game.

Poor UX. Literally unplayable.

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