People who have died and came back, what was your experience? to – 172 points –

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Technically it is possible if the reason for cardiac arrest was hypothermia. The longest documented time between cardiac arrest and resuscitation is almost 7 hours. That's where the old adage "No one is dead until they are warm and dead." comes from.


“Most survivors had a favourable neurological outcome.” Fascinating. I suppose I stand corrected on many points here. Thanks for the link!

For the record, I still roundly call bullshit on OP’s claim here :) Feels like dying in a snow drift or something would be a detail they’d include.

I didn't want to include the cause of death because it seems even more outlandish and unbelievable than the duration of death, and the cause of death essentially deanonymizes my account. But I guess this username is already toasted from being used too much so I added evidence to my op.

Dude. I stand corrected and I apologize. I am generally incredulous on the internet as a rule, and I figure my defenses were particularly high given the sort of woo-woo shit that comes with a post like this.

Sorry. If it counts for anything I learned a metric fuckton from this exchange.

No worries bro. I got way more upset than I needed to. We're good, my friend.

I really should start lying and say I saw the matrix or something. Give the woo-woos an aneurysm.

It's also possible if you get cpr the entire time like we did.