Meta's decentralized social plans confirmed. Is Embrace-Extend-Extinguish of the Fediverse next? to – 227 points –

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The fact that W3C defines the protocol doesn't stop large companies from doing whatever they want. Have a look at Google: their web browser has become so widely adopted that Google effectively controls what is considered part of the spec, not W3C.

If Meta's platform grows to become the biggest fediverse project, they will control the spec and others will either have to follow, or risk dropping out. This is just like how Firefox is forced to follow Google to ensure all websites work properly on Firefox, even if these sites don't comply with the spec.

others will either have to follow, or risk dropping out

Honestly, they should. Drop out of the spec if Facebook gains control over it, I mean. Fuck em, I don't care if I can't federate with Instagram, in fact I prefer it that way.

Probably yeah, but then Meta will have made yet another walled garden, and for some reason so many people seem to really love Meta and they will stay there. Then we'll be exactly where we are today. So the way I see it, this new plan from Meta means nothing, but I'm curious to see how things will go.