Anon meets a girl to Lemmy – 228 points –

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Nowadays I read so much stuff on the internet that I wish wasn’t not true. I hope this one is.

PS: not OP, check username difference please.

Yeah, it is a nice story that I also hope os true.


— I always wondered whether this 4chan style of writing is real, or just parody

— now I wonder if ChatGPT can do it

Edit: yes it can! In honor of this post, I asked ChatGPT to write a love story in 4chan style, and it did!

It's both for sure. People have discovered real live green text authors (people give out too many details, and yes there have been some very creepy "sightings")

If Jessica is real, it's very likely someone found Anon. There would likely be like 1.5 Million ppl within 3 degrees separation. Assuming American, that's probably 1.3 M Americans (to underestimate). If you remove people over 55 and under 13, that means that ~1% of the people you know have seen your greentext.

There was a whole subreddit dedicated to AIgreentexts, it was quite good sometimes