28 Post – 406 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The way I see it, all of us who migrated here won. Enshitification is eventually going to kill reddit, the only question is when. I’ll grab some popcorn when it happens, but for now won’t worry about it and just enjoy my time here on Lemmy.

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‘Mom, can we have an r/place?’

‘No, we’ve got an r/place at home.’

r/place at home:

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Closed. This can be lifesaving in case of a fire.


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Nooo my TrIcKlE DoWn EcOnOmIcS is the only thing that works. If we allow affordable housing, what’s next, can people marry a toaster!?

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I will. But I do want to say that it’s my personal opinion, that yes, we definitely should grow as a community with more reddit refugees, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing to grow relatively slowly. On the technological side, we need the infrastructure growth to match the user base growth. Maybe even more importantly, I think most of us will agree we want to take the good of reddit with us, but definitely not the toxicity. Copy pasting the whole user base to the fediverse could lead to also copy pasting the culture that exists over there now. The thing I most enjoy on Lemmy is definitely the general vibe over the content for now, and that is pretty special on the Internet.

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I think it really depends on what subs you are subscribed to, some people are almost noticing nothing at all. Other places are a real dumpster fire. Just went back yesterday to see if my GDPR request had gone through already

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Or ol’ Donnie knows his shrivelled up dick is extremely well protected by his overhanging belly.

Ironic how he wants to nail her, but now the prosecutor is going to use her to nail him for fraud.

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LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. The fact that a statement like this can even be politically divisive amazes and disgusts me.

The middle part of the canal is 26 meters above sea level, and the canal is way too big for them to pump sea water into it.

This image kinda illustrates it

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Can’t wait for him to rebrand xvideos to

To be honest, when I was back there yesterday I missed Lemmy. I either had forgotten about the amount of toxicity that is over there, or it has gotten worse because of all of the issues.

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To me the right has become mostly a meme

Blocking political process is now the main theme

The SCOTUS taking bribes left and right

Gerrymandering going on day and night

Most democrats have the appeal of The Simpsons’ Flanders

He’s getting pretty old but I like Bernie Sanders

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Wow that suck. I always spend time turning off every legitimate consent button. So I get cookies anyway?

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Yeah so there is still a lot of activity. However, >2000 subs are still dark, 18 others have gone full john oliver and many more are less moderated than before. BotDefense are leaving. So it’s definitely not that nothing out of the ordinary is going on, although I think that is exactly experience that reddit as a company tries to give you when you visit the site.

Eitherway, I am a lemming now and very happy to be here and not there.

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Gerrymanderule shouldn’t exist.

Mrs TotallyNotSpez, what a pleasure to see you again! Just a shame about the circumstances, hope your day is salvageable despite of the early start.

Imagine general grievous with a bunch of dildos instead of light sabers. 

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I don’t know man. I’m kinda starting to think this guy is unfit to be president…

Nah this time he’s learning his lesson. We all really believe that.

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Sure, that can be a new unwritten rule ;)

Hmm. Almost like the company doesn’t genuinely care about the users.

Who’s willing to bet that if it does start to look bad, this guy will suddenly appear as a frail old man in too bad shape to properly face justice. No more make-up or hairdye.

Reminds me of a Pink Floyd lyric:

And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown

And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone

And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around

So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone

Dragged down by the stone

It’s so disappointing that politics has reached this peak level of cringiness in our time

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I thought us leftists didn’t want special bathrooms just for trans? They can just use the ones they most identify with right?

I would definitely hit that sex before marriage lounge

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I think this is the best advice. These kinds of social gatherings take the pressure off socializing, you’re there because of something else and socializing is a side-effect. That feels nice for all parties. Choose something that is close to a honby or interest of tours, that way you’ll be more likely to meet likeminded people. Good luck OP and remember, you’ve got years to do this, you dont build up a social life in one or two weeks.

Edited to add sports, they’re great in melting the ice. Board game nights if that’s your cup of tea. Fantasy sports leagues

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Also, getting distracted doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.

noticing that you got dostracted and getting back on track for a while until it happens again is what it is all about (if you ask me)

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To be fair (and you can probably see by my username I don’t like reddit anymore), I think it makes perfect sense to dispose of a fair portion of your shares in this situation. Firstly, these asshats get paid part of their salary in shares, it’s natural to want to get more security on part of your income. Secondly, with how hard the price rose in the first couple of days, it makes sense. But people are welcome to disagree, of course.

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Thanks for sharing. Too bad this stuff is metastasizing all over Europe.

Nowadays I read so much stuff on the internet that I wish wasn’t not true. I hope this one is.

PS: not OP, check username difference please.

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lighten up man, it’s just a joke

The one and only reason the legal bills are very high, is because these douche bags are pleading not guilty for a crime they obviously committed, so no sympathy here.

As usual, cilantro haters trying to destroy the internet again…

My brother/sister/non-binary sibling in Christ!

Asking the Internet for medical advice is never, I repeat: never a good option. The best advice possible that you can get here is go see a doctor. I say that, because there is no way anyone here can do a proper assessment of your situation, so that is the only safe advice. of course, statistically speaking, it’s not likely to be something that will kill you, but we simply cannot tell from here.

My advice: don’t be alarmed too much by all the horror stories you can find, but take it seriously enough to let a qualified health professional take a look at it.

The sad thing is, poor people for Trump could also be in this picture. But there are more than enough voting for him anyway.

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We just left. That’s what counts for now. I like this place better anyway, despite way less content. I do hope that in general discussion in the comments picks up a bit more.

Welcome to your new home :)

scared laughter

Is that a new meowtherboard?

Play that long enough and you’ll get a third hand to help you out.