What is a well known 'public secret' in the industry you work in that the majority of outsiders are unaware of?

NotSpez@lemm.ee to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 629 points –

Software Engineering. Most software is basically just houses of cards, developed quickly and not maintained properly (to save money ofc). We will see some serious software collapses within our lifetime.

Y2038 is my "retirement plan".

(Y2K, i.e. the "year 2000 problem", affected two digit date formats. Nothing bad happened, but consensus nowadays is that that wasn't because the issue was overblown, it's because the issue was recognized and seriously addressed. Lots of already retired or soon retiring programmers came back to fix stuff in ancient software and made bank. In 2038, another very common date format will break. I'd say it's much more common than 2 digit dates, but 2 digit dates may have been more common in 1985. It's going to require a massive remediation effort and I hope AI-assisted static analysis will be viable enough to help us by then.)

My dad is a tech in the telecommunications industry. We basically didn’t see him for all of 1999. The fact that nothing happened is because of people working their assess off.

My dad had to stay in his office with a satellite phone over new years in case shit hit the fan.

My dad still believes the entire Y2K problem was a scam. How do I convince him?

Well my dad does too and he worked his ass off to prevent it. Baby boomers are just stupid as shit, there’s not really much you can do.

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Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and OSX have all already switched to 64 bit time.

Tell that to the custom binary serialization formats that all the applications are using.

Edit: and the long-calcified protocols that embed it.

So they have a year 202020 bug then

I get the joke, but for those seriously wondering:

The epoch is Jan 1, 1970. Time uses a signed integer, so you can express up to 2^31 seconds with 32 bits or 2^63 with 64 bits.

A normal year has exactly 31536000 seconds (even if it is a leap second year, as those are ignored for Unix time). 97 out of 400 years are leap years, adding an average of 0.2425 days or 20952 seconds per year, for an average of 31556952 seconds.

That gives slightly over 68 years for 32 bit time, putting us at 1970+68 = 2038. For 64 bit time, it's 292,277,024,627 years. However, some 64 bit time formats use milliseconds, microseconds, 100 nanosecond units, or nanoseconds, giving us "only" about 292 million years, 292,277 years, 29,228 years, or 292 years. Assuming they use the same epoch, nano-time 64 bit time values will become a problem some time in 2262. Even if they use 1900, an end date in 2192 makes them a bad retirement plan for anyone currently alive.

Most importantly though, these representations are reasonably rare, so I'd expect this to be a much smaller issue, even if we haven't managed to replace ourselves by AI by then.

an end date in 2192 makes them a bad retirement plan for anyone currently alive.

I can't wait to retire when I'm 208 years old.

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How many UNIX machines in production are still running on machines with 32-bit words, or using a 32-bit time_t?

How much software is still running 32 bit binaries that won't be recompiled because the source code has been lost together with the build instructions, the compiler, and the guy who knew how it worked?

How much software is using int32 instead of time_t, then casting/converting in various creative ways?

How many protocols, serialization formats and structs have 32 bit fields?

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Are there currently any that are showing signs of imminent collapse? (Twitter, maybe?).

Or what are the signs to look for those who are untrained in this field?

Is a website running on WordPress? That's a system built on failed practices and is constantly attacked. It needs a serious overhauling and possibly replacement, but the software runs a huge majority of websites.

While most instances of WordPress you we'll find in the wild are insecure and nothing more than bloated garbage. The CMS is actually fairly secure with minimal intervention if you properly configure it on setup and maintain software updates as they continually roll out patches for vulnerabilities as they are discovered.

If you turn off comments and the ability for new users to self-register and throw it on PHP 8.2 with a WAF and enable file write protection it's actually very robust.

At least when WordPress breaks you have WP-CLI to troubleshoot it

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I used to be a funeral director. The majority of outsiders were unaware of pretty much everything we did. Often on purpose because thinking of death is uncomfortable.

The biggest "secret" is probably that the modern funeral was invented by companies the same way diamond engagement rings were. For thousands of years the only people who had public funerals were rich and famous. It was the death of Abraham Lincoln that sparked the funeral industry to sell "famous people funerals at a reasonable price". You too could give your loved one a presidential send off! The funeral industry still plays into this hard, and I've found many people are simply guilt tripped by society to have a public funeral.

Donate my body to the worst medical student in the collage college. I'll definitely be an F level carcass.

I did my cadaver dissection last year in medical school, and you'll probably be a better cadaver than you think. The worst one to deal with in the class was in the tank next to ours. The cadaver was 102 years old at time of death without a scrap of fat anywhere. The muscles dried out and fell apart almost immediately on dissection, and started growing mold over the winter break. The lab manager had to keep removing portions of the cadaver to try to limit the spread of the mold until all that group was left with was a head in a bucket of formaldehyde. The head, neck, and brain were the last dissections we did, so it worked out okay-ish, but I will never forget the absurdity of them ending up like a Futurama president.

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LMAO! This comment is so much better because you misspelled college. Made my day. 😂😂😂

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You didn't talk about how coffins are sold for many thousands of dollars when they are just cheap plywood boxes that shouldn't cost more than a hundred bucks and that serve no purpose other than to decay as quickly as possible.

While I do think expensive caskets are a waste of money, they're actually one of the least marked up products sold at a funeral home! Typically, caskets and urns are sold for twice what they're bought for wholesale. This is mostly because anyone can sell caskets and urns so they can't have ridiculous markups or people will go elsewhere for them. Urns for example are almost always bought off Amazon instead of at a funeral home.

The products with the highest markups were insurance based. Estate Fraud insurance (if someone steals the dead person's identity, the insurance company will pay any costs involved in correcting it) and Travel insurance (if you die on vacation, the insurance company will pay any costs involved in bringing the body home). Both of these insurance policies had real costs of about $10 or $20. They're often sold for $300 to $500.

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Not so fun story:

One of my first jobs when I was barely 18 was with one of the big funeral home/cemetery providers in the US. It was positively horrible, and not for the reasons most people think.

As a new hire, you’d start on the cold-calling phone banks, which was bad enough. Nobody wants a cold marketing call from a cemetery. But it got worse from there.

After a month on the phone bank, I’d done well enough to be promoted to field sales, which meant going to the most impoverished areas of town to follow up on the appointments the phone bank had made, basically trying to scare poor elderly people into handing over what little they had to ‘pre-plan’ for their deaths, with the pitch that if they didn’t, their family would suffer.

After a few appointments it was clear I didn’t have the stomach for that, so they moved me to on-site sales, which was somehow worse.

On-site sales included helping to host the Mother’s Day open house at the large main cemetery. They set up a greeting station at the entrance with refreshments and ‘in memorium’ wreaths that could be bought by bereaved family (on that day, mostly children of the deceased, but also mothers who had lost their children, some at a very young age). It sounds like a kind thing to do, because many young mothers/fathers coming to visit were so distraught, they hadn’t stopped for coffee or thought about flowers.

I was not stationed at the welcome station. I was a ‘roamer’, meaning I was one of several staff expected to meander through the graves and check on families graveside – to ask if they needed anything and to upsell them pre-planning packages for themselves or their other children. I am not kidding, we were expected to do that.

I had to be prodded to approach my first mark (a young couple ‘celebrating’ the woman’s first Mother’s Day at the grave of her several months old child, and I couldn’t stomach it. It felt barbaric, to even try to sell someone who could not stop crying at the grave of her young child. I couldn’t do the pitch, obviously, and backed out as soon as possible, then hid by the skips behind the main building until the end of the day when I quit.

I’ve done many jobs in my life, including cleaning bowling alley toilets, but I’ve never been asked to do anything as vile.

I’ll bet everyone in the funeral industry can guess which company I’m talking about.

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How online ads actually work.

Very simplified TLDR: you visit a news site. They load an ad network and tell it "put ads here, here and here".

The ad network now tells 300 companies (seriously, look at the details of some cookie consent dialogs) that you visited that news site so they can bid for the right to shove an ad in your face.

One of them goes "I know this guy, they're an easy mark for scams according to my tracking, I'll pay you 0.3 cents to shove this ad in their face". Someone else yells "I know this guy, he looked at toasters last week, I want to pay 0.2 cents to show him toaster ads just in case he hasn't bought one yet."

The others bid less, so that scam ad gets shoved in your face.

That's extremely simplified of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_bidding has a bit more of an explanation.

And how you're tracked online. I've worked on Google ads accounts every day for a decade and I don't see you,the user, and your data.

I just click "female, 50+, likes home decor, uses a phone" and then a little business I work with bids 10% extra on you because they think you might be interested in their new autumn wreaths they're super proud of, and Google think you fit that box I ticked.

And that's advanced marketing for most businesses. Most businesses won't even get into the audience side of things and they'll stick to keywords: they'll show you an ad because you searched for "autumn home decor" and that's all.

Google take advantage of most advertisers by saying "let us be in charge of your keywords, and how much money you spend, our AI is smarter than you and you don't have time!"And most businesses just use the automatic stuff because they don't understand it, and it's true, they don't have time... so then Google takes your "autumn wreath" keyword and shows your ads to someone looking for "Christmas trees", because they're both seasons and they're both plant related, right?

And then the small business gets charged $1 by Google to show their autumnal page to someone who wasn't interested and left right away.

My job is to help these businesses actually make an advertising account that doesn't fall for all these little bear traps that Google sets all over their ads interface. They weren't there 7 years ago, but things have been getting worse and worse. Including third party sales companies like regalix, hired by Google to constantly call you and telling you to trust the automation and spend more.

It's fascinating that the enshittification is taking place on both ends of Google. I would have thought that the slow bastardization of search was for the benefit of advertizers but it's bad for everyone except Google.

It's very frustrating watching it happen as someone who is old enough to remember when it wasn't always this way. It used to be common business knowledge that if you help your customers, then your business will grow, and you'll be successful. But now these companies are so enormous, with such little competition, that their philosophy is "squeeze everyone until they're dead and then squeeze the new people who are forced to walk into your lair". It's not just the enshitification of the Internet, or the consumer market. These are companies that provide products and services so intertwined with our lives that it has become enshitification of the world, our very lives.

Google used to have really robust tools for keyword research. They were even useful for finding overlooked niche subjects that paid well as an AdSense publisher. But as far as I can tell, they've completely removed those tools, instead pushing ignorance and "trust us" messages.

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I'd be interested in the amount of electricity that gets wasted on this

My guess is that it's a couple watts while you're actively using the internet, mostly due to the extra CPU load a few bad ads cause when they're on your screen. Without having done the math I expect all the servers, data transfer etc. to be negligible, on a per-user basis, because they serve so many users.

That's another interesting thing btw. Most of the "internet thing X uses Y amount of electricity" are utter bullshit and massively exaggerating. What uses most power on desktop/TV is the screen. The second biggest consumer is likely your router (which is on whether you use it or not, but the studies usually ascribe all of the standby usage to your active usage - this makes sense if you try to look at "how much CO2 does all our digital stuff including 'having an Internet connection' cause" but not if you're trying to look at "how much extra CO2 does activity X cause, assuming I already have an internet connection because I'm not gonna live in a cave").

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I'd be interested in finding out why some of the ads I see (mostly in Android games I play where I voluntarily watch the ads for in game rewards) are so badly matched to me. I'll get ads in Spanish when I only speak English. I'll get ads for dating sites when I've been married for over 20 years.

Very few of the ads seem to be anything I'd even remotely consider. Not that I mind too much. I ignore the ads (sometimes even muting them) and do other things until they stop playing and I can get my rewards. Still, those very mismatched ads seem to be badly placed. Is it just that nobody else is bidding for this ad spot so "let's play this Spanish ad for toilet paper" wins the rights to advertise to me?

That's one possibility. It's also possible that you have decent privacy settings keeping them from knowing too much about you, or they simply use a shitty ad network that's bad at targeting. Even the major ones are impressively bad.

There also aren't many advertisers interested in these ad slots since they know people watch them only for the reward, and games are also a frequent source of ad fraud (I think), so serious advertisers avoid them.

Also, mobile gamers are likely not the most attractive audience for the high paying stuff.

It's usually terrible advertisers. They've got their account set to show to everyone in a super broad range. Like "uses a phone, under 50, in country X" and that's all they're going by.

This is combined with Google's shitty "we'll tell you how much to spend and who to spend it on, trust us!" Automation and dark patterns, which just spaffs all your money in places you don't want to. Such as mobile apps! Which used to be one click to disable but now its 200+! Or location, which now defaults to "people who have shown interest in your country" when it used to just show ads to people in the country. Or keyword matching which used to be a lot more strict, but now they keep broadening things. (One headphone company we worked with spent thousands on "telephone" keywords, that they never entered into their account)

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Inside almost every arcade cabinet is a Dell Optiplex running Windows 7, or 10 if its really recent. There's no such thing as an arcade board anymore, they're all Dells, or sometimes those HP mini PCs, usually with the protective plastic still on.

Daytona even uses a Raspberry Pi to control the second screen. SEGA intentionally ships those with no-brand SD cards that consistently fail after 3 months. It's in their agreement that you'll buy another card from them instead of just flashing the image onto an SD card that won't break.

The Mario Kart arcade cabinet uses a webcam called the "Nam-Cam" that is mounted in a chamber with no ventilation, which causes it to overheat and die every few months, so of course you'll have to replace those too. The game will refuse to boot without a working camera.

Oh yeah also all arcade games with prizes are rigged. All of them. We literally have a setting that determines how often the game will allow wins.

It’s in their agreement that you’ll buy another card from them instead of just flashing the image onto an SD card that won’t break.

Sounds like it'd be pretty simple to just replace it and not tell them. If they tell you they know it should've broken down by now, just ask, "Why, did you intentionally sell me something defective?"

Oh yeah also all arcade games with prizes are rigged. All of them. We literally have a setting that determines how often the game will allow wins.

One time on vacation, my little sister and I found a crane game in the game room of our hotel that was clearly over tuned - basically every button press was another win, it was great. We still remember it fondly. A stupid thing, but even at that age we knew these are usually scams and we we're stoked to just basically get cheap toys.

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The past decade of the tech industry has felt very snakeoil-y.

INB4 "It always has been."

If you’re good at building hype and have some connections, you can attract all sorts of investors hoping to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing.

Dan Olsen’s NFT video from a year ago summed it up well, I think (link). People with money to invest today want to repeat the insane growth in wealth brought about by computers, the internet, social media, etc. So they will basically gamble on any new ideas that have an air of plausibility to kick off the next boom.

What's sad is there are plenty of actual problems out there that could be solved with software. Most of the time they're not that 'sexy' and management is so blinded by greed that they throw away all the good opportunities.

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I think it started with registry cleaners.

Those weren't really pushed as a get-rich-quick scheme, which a lot of the hustle seems to be currently.

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Supermarket employee here. We have a "fresh" fish counter selling stuff like whole mackerels and raw salmon fillets and the like.

Each and every one of these has been frozen at least once - this is a mandatory health hazard prevention thing (to kill off parasites etc) and also basically the only food-safe way to transport them in great quantities over long distances without them going bad. They get delivered frozen solid, get thawed behind the scenes and then put on display / on ice for customers to buy. And then they're lying there all day long until someone happens to buy some .... people still treat the pre-packaged fish from the frozen foods aisle as a second choice, even tho those have NOT been lying around half-thawed in the open air for 10 hours straight.

Long story short, "fresh" fish from the counter is less fresh than the frozen stuff, despite customers commonly believing it to be the other way around.

Hold up, you mean that market in the middle of nowhere (like Kansas) with “fresh caught” fish was not caught by my local fisherman.

Shocked, I tell you 😂

Oh you'd be surprised ... by the way, the same goes for literally everything at the bakery counter. Heard a customer complain once that she won't ever buy pretzels in the store again because they weren't actually freshly made, the employees just tossed prepackaged frozen pretzels ino the oven yadda yadda ... uhhhm lady, do you really think they're kneading dough behind the scenes?! Never wondered why your croissants, bread rolls and the like always have the same shape, size and weight? It's almost as if they were made in a factory or something ...

....yet these, too, are treated like first choice over the frozen bread rolls you can bake at home, because "a real baker made them" ...

The bakery part hits me especially hard, I'm living in germany, where many people are proud of the bread culture, and you basically need to look for artisan bakeries to get stuff they actually made themselves instead of having frozen stuff delivered and just baked in the store. The saddest part is most people don't realize, while still writing comments online about how "american bread is just sugar"

If you're ever in San Francico there's this hole in the wall Bob's Donuts on Polk Street, go there after 8pm and order whatever was just made. Eat a five-minute-old donut.

Bob's supplies most of the cafés and donut shops in San Francisco, and tapping the source is a fast way to becoming a donut snob and addict.

The Bay Area is actually pretty good for fresh made food. You can watch someone take the crab off the boat and then make it for you.

Most of the US is not like this.

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Hear, hear. Another bullshit part about this is that they often explicitly ask for baker apprenticeship and/or certificates in the job description, and you still end up just tossing factory-made frozen dough clumps into an oven. Why do you first need to prove that you can make cakes and doughnuts and the like from scratch, in order to be allowed to toss frozen clumps from a factory into an oven? It makes no sense.

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I have a micro-bakery (I run it completely alone) where I make everything from scratch, and every day I get customers who enter and immediately leave disappointed because I only have 6 or 7 different breads at most, when the big-name franchise store in the main street has literally dozens of varieties. Once one woman asked me why I wasn't baking fresh baguettes every hour like them. I don't know, lady... maybe because my baguettes take more than 3 hours just to do the first proofing, while they simply have to put industrial made ones in the oven?

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In the UK that's not true here. I work at a supermarket distribution centre and fish comes in chilled not frozen.

Given that the UK is largely surrounded by the ocean and is a mere smudge in comparison to some American states (Texas, California, ...). The logistics of the fish coming in chilled is feasible. As you move more inland in the United States (Arkansas, Tennessee, Kansas). Freshwater fish coming in chilled is just not possible or safe, unless shipped via overnight plane (very expensive!)

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Along with this, just because you are going to a shoreline restaurant, doesn't mean you are getting fresh seafood. The same frozen fish that gets deep fried in that quaint shore town is the same frozen fish served 6 hours inland.

Yep, I always ask for the bag of frozen shrimp, and smack my husband upside the head when he buys the thawed stuff. I've TOLD you, over and over, get the frozen bag!!

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I have an allergy to a bacteria that grows on fish during the freeze/thaw process. I can definitively say that if you don't catch it yourself, or witness it being caught and prepared, then it's been frozen. I've tried a few "fresh" fish places, and the result is always a sleeve of benedryl and being itchy for 3 days.

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I’ve worked with massive customer databases of over a million people multiple times in jobs I’ve had. And while each company has spent tens-of-thousands of dollars in cyber security to protect that data from outside hackers, none have given any fucks at all about who accessed it internally or what they do with it.

I’ve literally exported the entire customer database in two different jobs, dropped the CSV into my personal Google Drive (from my work computer), and worked entire databases at home.

No one has ever known I’ve done it, cared, or checked if I have any customer personal data when I quit.

Sounds like they didn't spend any money on Cyber security's team to properly implement it then....data exfil %100 would have been picked up by any real DLP solution and even barebones heuristics based EDR would have thrown a red flag as well.

Haha, please. You’re talking about machine learning when the best any business is using is antivirus. You forget, Boomers are still running big business and IT departments are running security.

It’s perfect world vs. real world my dude, and real world puts out tender for the cheapest solution.

It sounds like you've been working for Mom and pop shops then, and they're not having audits done. Companies with millions of customers will usually either have in house secops or an mssp handle everything. Point being is, without audits then insurance usually will not be approved for PII loss or they flat out will not work with the company at all. It even more so with HIPAA laws.

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Sounds like the company doesn't have a clue about cyber security then. Tens of thousands is a piddling infosec budget for anything but a tiny company. Also, Insider threats, malicious or otherwise, should always be on an infosec professional's radar.

Companies not giving a shit about cyber security is probably not a secret but it is still pretty common, I think, so nobody should be surprised when there are major breaches.

Infosec is usually seen as an expense that cuts into profits. Assuming top level management and the board give a shit about security that's great but often the risk isn't fully appreciated at the top or is managed poorly.

Adequate infosec requires a company to have very mature processes across the board in IT (and likely beyond). C-level "buy in" isn't enough. If the C level management and board doesn't actively demand it, infosec will lose out to myriad other priorities every time.

The big tell is the org structure. If the CISO reports to the CEO, great. If they're reporting to the CIO, CFO, etc., that can cause conflicts of interest. It can still work. If there is no CISO or they are the same person as the CIO, or if infosec reports several levels down in the org--beware!

Yeah, if I did what he did, I'd be in jail. I would be caught quickly.

There are only a few ways to get immediately fired from my employer, and that's one of them.

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That sounds highly illegal depending on what's on the databases.

Lol same here. Some for ecomm, but the most egregious was underwriting PPP loans. There was a database none of us could access after the loans were underwritten and sent to processing. But most of those documents came in thru the portal and we had to download that package and combine it with anything we got in email... Tax forms, IDs, and all the most sensitive personal info as a lot of businesses that applied were sole proprietors. All those documents say on my local HDD and I catalogued them in case they were needed again.

None of that was handled securely, it was on my home network with no VPN, and after the project was over very suddenly I sat on that laptop for 6 months until they sent a return label. I was a good worker but it was a mass hire and not a lot of vetting that happened.

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IT in the EU:

Due to some EU laws, there has to be a "cookie consent" dialog on every website that uses cookies. I would estimate that more than 50% (probably too low) of these popups are cosmetic only and it doesn't actually matter if you click accept or reject.

Wow that suck. I always spend time turning off every legitimate consent button. So I get cookies anyway?

You could set your browser to clear all cookies when you close it. That does mean you have to keep logging into sites every time you open the browser again, but with a password manager that's not really a problem.

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gdpr is a different thing than the cookie law, refusing consent is a real thing that everyone in the industry spent a hell of a lot of time and effort implementing to the letter because the fines for companies are way too large for anyone to ignore

There's plugins that will do it for you (with the max privacy settings so you don't have to worry about getting tricked by phrasing).

I even have one on my mobile browser.

Is there one for iOS browsers? I mostly use firefox on ios

No, it's only for regular Firefox, and Firefox on iOS is just reskinned safari (so no plugins).

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Most of these consent pop ups are designed to be insanely annoying to the point where you just click accept all on a long list of cookies for individual things and they are not even grouped

it's illegal, there should be a "continue without accepting" link everytime, and in the selection of choice, all non essential should be disabled, but yeah, there's still some website not playing the game correctly, hopefully UE will give sanction at some point?

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That doesn't sound realistic. There are real fines for non compliance and it's trivial to find out what cookies you have.

You usually first get an injunction with some time to fix the issue, little risk of immediate fines.

So there is little reason to implement a working consent dialog unless you get a legal notice to do so. When the law came out we got a lot of such notices over the lack of the dialog, but after a usless dialog was implemented, it stopped.

Guess lawyers aren't that tech savy or have better things to do.

Security theater.

EU, can you just make that shit go away? I am so goddamn tired of clicking cookie dialogs I could puke. kthxbye

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Outsourced IT provider here:

90% of businesses have basically zero IT security. Leaked passwords in regular use and no process or verification for password resets. As soon as someone complains that 2FA or password rotation is difficult it gets dropped. Virtually all company data is stored on USB keys, plaintext hard drives and on staff's personal home devices.

The reason they're not constantly having their data stolen is because no-one cares about the companies either.

Isn't password rotation a horrible practice because it makes people use passwords like "MyNewPassword15" since it's the 15th password reset they've been forced to do?

password rotation is generally not considered a "best practice" but not doing something because it's not a best practice is only a good strategy if you're actually going to follow the best practices. password rotation is less effective than a good password manager and long randomly generated passwords that are unique to each site. requiring passwords be rotated can be an impediment to using strong unique passwords, which is why it's not a good practice.

but a freshly rotated "MyNewPassword15" is a million times better than your password being "password", or being the same thing you use on every sketchy website whose database has been breached a dozen times.

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We have a custom backend website I have to log in for my work. You don't have to use a password, just an email address. The only "security" is it's on a weird URL that people wouldn't likely know if they weren't given it.

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I have worked in the gaming industry and let me tell you that in some game studios most of the people involved in making the games are not gamers themselves.

Lots of programmers and artists don't really care about the final game, they only care about their little part.

Game designers and UX designers are often clueless and lacking in gaming experience. Some of the mistakes they make could be avoided by asking literaly anyone who play games.

Investors and publishers often know very little to almost nothing about gameplay and technology and will rely purely on aesthetic and story.

You have entire games being made top to bottom where not a single employee gave a fuck, from the executives to the programmers. Those games are made by checking a serie of checkboses on a plan and shipped asap.

This is why you have some indie devs kicking big studio butts with sometime less than 1% the ressources.

Afaik even in other "similar" industry (e.g filmmaking) you expect the director, producers and distributors to have a decent level of knowledge of the challenges of making a movie. In the video game industry everyone seems a bit clueless, and risk is mitigated by hiring large teams, and by shipping lots of games quickly.

A lot of the same things you mention about game development are also apparent in open source software which is why it is usually so terrible. Someone that can program some complicated visuals for a 3D modeling program does not mean that same person actually does 3D modeling, which is why the interface for so many open source programs are abysmal.

I have a friend who has been coding various things for years and they are never successful because he builds interfaces he understands how to use. No one else does things his way.

Yup! That right there. You give a technical person a job that requires some level of "soft skills" and that is what you get.

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This is probably true of many many other industries. I work in automotive and while a lot of us care about delivering a quality product, the majority are not "car people" and have never changed a part on their car.

Yeah, it is kind of the default isn't it. It kinda make sense for the programmers and artists, but it is still kinda weird that the actual designers don't really understand why people play video games. You wouldn't expect a movie director to not like movies, or a car designer to not like cars. I guess it must be happening everywhere at least to some degree.

Nowadays I would compare some game studios to what some boys bands were to music. You start with some guys with money who are neither musicians, nor sound engineers, nor anything really. They pick singers and musicians based on look and market research, they hire a large team of specialized workers, and then they spend millions on marketing to flood the space with their new album. The indie developers in this scenario would be Pink Floyd.

It wasn't always like this, at least for video games. I feel like in the 80s up to the early 00s it was mostly dominated by passionate workers, but there just isn't enough passionate workers for the demand. As the industry grew, big players started building those "soulless" projects to make good return on investment. Not to denigrate the individual contributions of the workers, but sadly the people who own those business don't really care if they're making games or cars or selling cigarettes. They care about r.o.i.

I've been a game programmer for >10 years and I would be fucking miserable if I spent most of my free time with video games as well. Isn't that what we call work/life balance? And from my experience, most game devs either stop being "gamers" at a certain point, or they burn out and quit the video game industry.

That being said, almost everyone I know from gamedev is really excited about video games, and they have a ton of experience, even if they are not playing games in their free time anymore. It could be because I've only worked for indie projects and small publishers.

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I'm not sure what kind of role you had in the industry, but I'm not sure what you're saying is entirely accurate... although there are some bits in there I agree with:

Lots of programmers and artists don't really care about the final game, they only care about their little part.

Accurate. And that's ok. A programmer whose job it is to optimize the physics of bullet ricochet against thirteen different kind of materials can go really deep on that, and they don't need to (or have time to) zoom out and care about the entire game. That's fine. They have a job that is often highly specialized, has been given to them by production and they have to deliver on time and at quality. Why is that a problem? You use the corrolary of film, and nobody cares if the gaffer understands the subtext of the Act 3 arc.... it's not their job.

Game designers and UX designers are often clueless and lacking in gaming experience. Some of the mistakes they make could be avoided by asking literaly anyone who play games.

Which one? A game designer lacking in gaming experience likely wouldn't get hired anywhere that has an ounce of standard. A UX designer without gaming experience might get hired, but UX is about communication, intuition and flow. A UX designer who worked on surgical software tooling could still be an effective member of a game dev team if their fundamentals are strong.

Investors and publishers often know very little to almost nothing about gameplay and technology and will rely purely on aesthetic and story.

Again, which one? Investors probably don't know much about the specifics of gameplay or game design because they don't need to, they need to understand ROI, a studio's ability to deliver on time, at budget and quality, and the likely total obtainable market based on genre and fit.

Publishers -- depending on whether you are talking about mobile or console/box model -- will usually be intimately familiar with how to position a product for market, what KPIs (key performance indicators) to target and how to optimize within the available budget.

This is why you have some indie devs kicking big studio butts with sometime less than 1% the ressources.

This has happened. I'm not sure it's an actual trend. There are lots of misses in the game industry. Making successful products is hard -- it's hard at the indie level, it's hard at the AAA level. I would estimate there are a thousand failed Indies for every one you call out as 'kicking a big studio's butt.' Lots of failed AAA titles too. It's just how it goes.

The same, by the way, is true of film, TV, books and music. A lot of misses go into making a hit. Cultural products are hard to make, and nobody has the formula for success. Most teams try, fail, then try again. Sometimes, they succeed.

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you expect the director, producers and distributors to have a decent level of knowledge of the challenges of making a movie.

But not about the source material.

Adaptations nowadays suck ass because there's no fans in charge.

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Private mental health providers in the US are pretty unsupervised and have a conflict of interest in that they make more money by keeping their patients/clients unwell, which can lead to negligence and abuse. The only thing keeping in line is the possibility of someone informed and insightful enough to report them to the licensing board or pressing a lawsuit.

For example, if a provider has poor integrity, it is in their best interest to not treat depression, but rather help the patient/client feel good for the moment. What the patient/client experiences is that they feel better when they see their provider, so they become dependent on their provider. This ensures the provider a reliable source of revenue.

Another issue is that masters level therapists, while capable of providing treatment for simple cases such as a clear depressive episode, are not properly trained to conduct thorough assessments for complex cases, meaning they can misdiagnose quite easily. Complex cases would be better treated by a well-trained psychologist that can conduct thorough psychometric assessments that are quite sophisticated and take lots of time to analyze. These services are costly and the vast majority of insurance policies won't cover them.

Relevantly, yet another issue is insurance for mental health. Most insurance policies that pay for mental health services pay low, so the care you receive can be substandard since the more effective providers are charging what they're worth in a market economy. One example that comes to mind is Better Help. They pay providers insultingly low, like around $30/hour, while effective providers are charging ~$150/hr out-of-pocket. That means that when someone uses Better Help to obtain care, they're getting the bottom of the barrel therapist.

Lastly, the majority of family and marriage therapists aren't properly trained in narcissistic emotional abuse. This can mean that therapy would not only be a waste of time, but can make things much worse as they can help the narcissist abuse the victim even further. Narcissistic abuse is quite complicated and requires a relationship therapist that specializes in that to properly assess and help the victim escape.

Tips: If you have been seeing a therapist for 12 sessions, and you haven't realized any considerable long-term changes, find another therapist. Also, if your therapist doesn't call you out on your bullshit, let's you ramble about tangential matters, or focuses on helping you overcome specific weekly struggles, rather than helping you develop skills and restructure deep cognitive matters to address them yourself, find another therapist. An effective therapist would develop a clear treatment plan with you that aims to meet objectively measurable goals within a certain time frame.

Note: I am not a therapist. I have just worked in the mental health field and have friends that are therapists.

An effective therapist would develop a clear treatment plan with you that aims to meet objectively measurable goals within a certain time frame.

This is a great point and true for non-therapists as well. A good measure of whether or not someone helping you is providing you value is if you are progressively improving in measurable ways.

True for doctors, meds, physical therapists, coaches, you name it

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This is very accurate. I worked 5 years in a BH Insurance company. We saw shitty providers all the time, and we were constantly having to play the game of deciding how much we (and our members) could tolerate before cutting the providers out of the network. Cutting too many providers doesn't correct bad actors or replace providers for people who need them and can cause backlogs if other providers aren't available to take on their patients.

The only thing we were able to do to correct many providers by changing their pay to a value based model, so providers would get paid more for better outcomes (and sometimes only paid when patients improve). It would increase pay a lot over standard rates. But providers fought that big time. They just wanted to do things their way and cash a check of a set amount with little or no oversight.

Better help is used by providers as a way to supplement their income, and they typically pay a bit less than conventional appointments because of the digital channels. However, Ive heard they have some issues with data security on their platform and their matching system is pretty flawed due to their network being somewhat ephemeral.

If you do want to seek therapy, remember you have multiple ways to get it covered. Your health insurance probably has some coverage, and your employer (in the US) likely has an EAP program which will have coverage for therapy for at least a few sessions (typically 3-12) sessions. It's worth looking into that before paying out of pocket.

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One example that comes to mind is Better Help

During the pandemic, this company was heavily advertised across Twitch. Not surprised they pay shit wages. Wonder if they originally paid 2-3X market rate during the hype, but slowly clawed back the teaser rates in favor of the dog shit rates.

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I have lifelong major depression, and got myself integrated into the mental health system of San Francisco (one of the better municipal systems available in the States). Since my insurance was government or state, it typically meant that I'd see interns for a year before they graduated and started their own practice. A friend of mine and I would joke that we were trainers in that our life drama was severe enough to convey to our trainees that life shit is real and that sometimes there are real risks (suicide, stalkers, toxic violent parents, etc.) but we personally were not likely to become a danger to ourselves or others short of natural disasters.

I also got to crush egos because it's not like the movies where the patient has a good cry and then is better. I've done a lot of crying and I'm still depressed as ever (more so as the world is literally burning, which limits my hope for a better future). I can manage my symptoms more or less, but I'm never going to be a happy self-sustaining good little citizen. And curiously, some of them see that as an end goal: You get Will Hunting to have a good cry and he's fixed. Not so much.

I eventually got lucky, and was able to find one of my old interns and resume with her while she was working on her PHD. I was a case in her thesis and got an ASD diagnosis out of it in my late forties (it's not helpful yet for navigating benefits, but is useful regarding directing my own symptom management). But most of my career as a patient is spending more than half a year getting my therapist familiar with my case and then the remaining months squeezing a bit of process out of it...

...Or just goofing off, since I absolutely have personal demons that don't want to be closely scrutinized, so it becomes too tempting to let my therapist get distracted by details that are entertaining to them. (My history in the BDSM and my burgeoning queerness are fun topics, as are my awareness of issues like the climate crisis, the plastic crisis, the police state, the surveillance state, the transnational white power movement and its uprising and takeover -- all of which were still commonly regarded as conspiracy theories / fringe hypotheses when I was in session.) Sometimes, we patients are so terrified of what our closeted shit says about us that we're not ready to open those doors. And sometimes the therapist doesn't want to look either, so we negotiate a diversion we can agree to distract us until later.

I stopped going to therapy shortly before the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak and lockdown so I get to start all over again in Sacramento. Hopefully, I'll find a permanent therapist (and a good match) early, but I suspect I'll be back to seeing interns again.

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Many European language versions of anime and games are being localized not by translating the original Japanese, but the English.

Lots of translators also seem to use Google or DeepL, which makes the issue even worse.

The English language version often don't even translate, they write their own version, calling it "creative liberty". This leads to a completely different version than what was intended, with others, such as the German or Spanish version, being even further from the original.

That's why claims of people of having "learnt Japanese from anime" are dubious in the best of cases.

Source: Am Japanese, working in game translation in Tokyo. I'm also trilingual, which makes it even worse to watch this. Ignorance is bliss.

Well that just sucks. So if you’re a die hard fan of [anime name] and happen to be European how would you find something close to the source material?

I noticed that “creative liberty” first with the Dragonball series. I grew up watching the dubbed versions then one day discovered a little import store that sold tapes of the series with the original dialogue subtitled into English. There were a noticeable amount of differences in the story and it was slightly mind blowing to me at the time.

It's not exactly what you're looking for but the website https://animelon.com lets you use English and Japanese subtitles at the same time. And you can look at definitions of individual words. It is probably only useful if you are beyond a beginner level though.

I think using Japanese subtitles would be the way to go in general assuming you can read them but have trouble with listening.

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I'm currently learning Japanese at the moment and if I could tell my younger self that it's stupidity learn Japanese from English substitutes then I would

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This pertains to the US:

A lot of people are unaware of cancelation lists, and a lot of providers don't really advertise that. When I was a casemanager for adults with severe mental illness, I would always ask to have my clients added to the cancelation list, and this would often get them in much sooner.

Also butted heads with a receptionist last year when my client was literally experiencing congestive heartfailure and she wanted to schedule him like 1.5 months out to see his specialist about having a defibrillator implanted. I said it was unacceptable and said he needed to be added to the emergency openings I know the providers reserve. She got a look on her face and said "But I need to get provider approval for that.." I told her "I think you better talk to the doctor then."

Specialist eventually came over to scheduling and asked what was going on. The receptionist said what we wanted and asked if she would approve it, with a real dismissing inflection. The specialist said "Oh my god, yeah of course he's approved for the emergency list.."

Some of these things are just so overlooked/unknown by the general public. And sometimes you've got to be assertive and stick with your guns to be treated fairly and get the attention you deserve. Especially now more than ever. Our healthcare system was bad before, but it's been so strained ever since covid...

The healthcare system can be a nightmare for average people functioning well. It is so much worse for the population experiencing severe mental illness/with cognitive disability. This barrier for care plays a significant role in the reduced life expectancy in the disadvantaged population I worked with.

Patients suffering from severe mental disorders, including schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorders, have a reduced life expectancy compared to the general population of up to 10–25 years. This mortality gap requires urgent actions from a public health perspective in order to be reduced. Source

If anyone reading this has family or friends with severe mental illness or trouble with intellectual functioning, you may want to offer some support for doctors appointments. Honestly, everyone would benefit from having another person in their appointments for support and as a second set of ears.

Anyone reading this with severe mental illness, don't be afraid to reach out for support. If you don't have a social support system, there are services out there to help. Try to find social services in your area to get some help navigating thru all the bullshit. And don't give up hope.

Always like to share this website with free evidence-based resources that I used all the time with my clients. I personally benefitted from the material as well.

Also butted heads with a receptionist last year when my client was literally experiencing congestive heartfailure and she wanted to schedule him like 1.5 months out to see his specialist about having a defibrillator implanted. I said it was unacceptable and said he needed to be added to the emergency openings I know the providers reserve. She got a look on her face and said "But I need to get provider approval for that.." I told her "I think you better talk to the doctor then."

Specialist eventually came over to scheduling and asked what was going on. The receptionist said what we wanted and asked if she would approve it, with a real dismissing inflection. The specialist said "Oh my god, yeah of course he's approved for the emergency list.."

I'm not sure I understand what happened here. Was this all just because the receptionist didn't want to ask for approval because it seemed like a hassle?

Yep.. at least that was my guess. Didn't want to pull the specialist back out of what she was then doing/didn't want the hassle. But I was adamant that we weren't going anywhere until she checked.

Some people are just finicky and I can't really say for sure what her deal was, but her demeanor was just rude and like she didn't have the time of day to give us...

What a fucking bizarre attitude to have when working in healthcare. Laziness in that area can cause deaths.

It's more prevalent in the industry than you'd like to think.. Burnout is often linked with lack of empathy.

I worked exclusively with adults whose illness was severe enough that they were residing in various residential care facilities (RCFs) and assisted living facilities (ALFs) in my region.

I was a 3rd party and a mandated reporter and I can't tell you how many times I hotlined facilities and did internal/DMH/DHSS reporting/assistance with investigations. Misallocation of Client funds was a common problem (especially at specific RCFs), medication errors/stealing Residents' meds, neglect of facilities/cleaning, improper nutrition, and abuse and neglect were all too common...

At first I thought the same thing when I started that position, wondering why someone like that would even take those positions. But people are complicated and often shitty. Some people like to power trip, some people want to take advantage of the disadvantaged, some people's self-care is so neglected by being over-worked that they no longer have the capacity, and some people are just assholes...

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Reduced mental function definitely includes dementia; my mom had Parkinson's disease and definitely needed my help and advocacy and memory.

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Accounting is a goddamn mess. There's lots of mistakes in accounting, finance, banking, etc but we're supposed to act to outsiders like they never happen. Publicly traded companies (US) get audited every year, but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade. New grads are funneled into working for public firms - the 10 or so companies that cater to the world's audit, tax, and consulting needs. They're supposed to teach discipline, but in reality they only teach you security theater. You're worked to the bone until you either burn out or agree to perpetuate the system to keep your job.

And the only reason it continues to work is society's social contract agreeing that it has to work because we don't have any other options. All it takes is the rumors that the idea is failing - like in the silicon valley bank run - and we're all out of luck. With the speed of information these days all it takes is a few minutes for a situation to spiral out of control. It's bonkers.

I got into accounting because I enjoyed bookkeeping in high school. Now that I'm in it I refuse to work for anything larger than a mid sized, non public company.

So basically, everyone is full of bullshit and lying to keep the system working.

Why am I not surprised?

Social security would be a ponzi scheme if it wasn't done by the government. System only works because new younger people are "convinced" to put in money to pay the old in hopes that new younger people will pay them in the future.

The social security liability is currently 23 trillion. If no new people started paying in and everyone wanted to cash out, they couldn't get a dime.

We are 33 trillion dollars in debt. 33 trillion.

If we as a country ever tried to cut spending and save money to pay that down, our economy would collapse so fast.

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Bro this is the fucking world! It’s just smoke and mirrors. Like the commercials. Everyone at McDonald’s smiling and happy and loving their job. Then look at reality.

That’s every job, every field. It’s just held together by duct tape and bubble gum.

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I work with financial analysts and accountants at work. we swing from "holy shit the sky is falling" to "wow we have more budget in this than we realised" in a few months, meanwhile the guys in the field do the exact same job and the relatively fixed revenue stream keeps coming in

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Accounting, just like economics, likes to pretend it is a hard science when in reality is it close to reading tea leaves.

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The USA is run by unpaid 22 year old interns being supervised by underpaid 24 year olds.

Old people in charge are definitely a problem (McConnell, Feinstein etc) but the people in their offices doing all the heavy lifting are basically children.

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Burning waste qualifies as recycling.

I used to work for a specialty waste company. We would brag about our ability to recycle better than any of our competitors. Because we would burn most of the waste.

I'm in the industry, at least in the US, and this is not technically accurate... especially not using the language and common understanding of the layperson.

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Technically not my industry anymore, but: companies that sell human-generated AI training data to other companies most often are selling data that a) isn't 100% human generated or b) was generated by a group of people pretending to belong to a different demographic to save money.

To give an example, let's say a company wants a training set of 50,000 text utterances of US English for chatbot training. More often than not, this data will be generated using contract workers in a non-US locale who have been told to try and sound as American as possible. The Philippines is a common choice at the moment, where workers are often paid between $1-2 an hour: more than an order of magnitude less what it would generally cost to use real US English speakers.

In the last year or so, it's also become common to generate all of the utterances using a language model, like ChatGPT. Then, you use the same worker pool to perform a post-edit task (look at what ChatGPT came up with, edit it if it's weird, and then approve it). This reduces the time that the worker needs to spend on the project while also ensuring that each datapoint has "seen a set of eyes".

Obviously, this makes for bad training data -- for one, workers from the wrong locale will not be generating the locale-specific nuance that is desired by this kind of training data. It's much worse when it's actually generated by ChatGPT, since it ends up being a kind of AI feedback loop. But every company I've worked for in that space has done it, and most of them would not be profitable at all if they actually produced the product as intended. The clients know this -- which is perhaps why it ends up being this strange facade of "yep, US English wink wink" on every project.

A couple decades ago I worked for a speech recognition company that developed tools for the telephony industry. Every week or two all the employees would be handed sheets of words or phrases with instructions to call a specific telephone extension and read them off. That’s how they collected training data…

I'm not surprised tbh. Having perused some of the text training datasets they were pretty bad. The classification is dodgy too. I ended up starting my own dataset because of this.

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Cars produce more harmful airbourne pollutants from their brakes than they do from the tailpipe. Copper is being phased out and the ultimate goal is to abandon friction braking entirely in favour of electrical regeneration.

How much from tires when braking? I was under the impression that tires (edit: cats!) produce more pm2.5 from tires than brakes, which in turn account for more than the exhaust.

I always understood tire deg to be microplastic/rubber not pm2.5. Brutal for the ecosystem around roadways and water bodies. Ultimately adding to the micro plastic pollution globally.

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Cars produce more harmful airbourne pollutants from their brakes than they do from the tailpipe.

That's why you never live nearby a freeway or major highway.

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As a paramedic, if you can't remember your name, address, and social security number, we'll take you to the hospital but you probably won't get a bill. Unless you tell the hospital, then we'll get a face sheet. Stay Safe, John and Jane Doe.

So if the paramedics take me to the hospital for a broken leg or something... and I claim that I don't remember any of my identifying information, they'll just treat my leg and let me go? They won't keep me around to get to the bottom of my sudden amnesia?

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[in the US] your insurance dictates your healthcare, not your disease, deformity, symptoms etc. If your insurance pays for an allergy test, you're getting an allergy test (even if you came in for a broken arm). If insurance pays for custom orthotics, you're getting custom orthotics (even if you came in for a wart removal). We will bill your insurance thousands of dollars for things you don't need. We're forced to do it by the private equity firms that have purchased almost all of American healthcare systems. It's insane, it's wasteful. The best part is the person who needs the allergy test or the custom orthotics can't afford it, so they don't get the shit we give away to people who don't need it.

I would gladly kill myself if it meant we got universal healthcare, but private equity firms can't monitize a martyr so it would be pointless.

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Restaurant manager here, been doing this for a few decades. You do not want to know just how much leeway we get with basic sanitation. Seriously, be very thankful that you have an immune system.

IMO, for the average, healthy customer, the sanitation requirements are overkill. But not every customer is, so the rules help protect the less healthy customers.

The biggest thing about food, is most of it is pasteurized by the cooking. Raw foods like salads are the ones that need a much higher standard.

I can guarantee you that many of the rules keep even healthy guests with solid immune systems from getting sick or even dying. The FDA Food Code is like 700 pages. There are A LOT of rules. Many seem overkill from a layman's perspective, but they protect against unlikely but serious consequences. There are a ton of ways that contamination can occur, even after the food has already been cooked.

That you don't notice is just a good sign that you're eating at safe places.

Not a restaurant manger, but I worked for Sbarro's back in college. The one on campus wasn't bad, but the one in the mall? We had pizzas sitting under heat lamps for 6 hours or more before they were bought, tossed in the oven for a second, and then handed to the customer. They had to search for gloves because I was the only one who wanted to wear them.

At one point, I needed to put pepperoni on a pizza.i told my manger I couldn't because the pepperoni was moldy. My manger reached into the bag, pulled a small handful of moldy pepperoni out, threw it out, and declared that rest of the bag perfectly good (without even looking at it).

It's been 30 years and I still can't eat at Sbarro.

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I am a researcher studying diseases. You have no idea how many mice get killed without generating any data. There's a rule in place whenever you want to work with animals that you need to plan ahead and only use as few animals as you need to get the data that you're looking for. But things in research basically never happen according to plan. It could be due to a variety of factors: unexpected failures, overlooked factors, technical errors, or just simple negligence when performing an experiment. A lot of data and samples obtained from killed mice are discarded for one or more of the above reasons.

I get that mouse experiments are important to prove that our findings can translate to actual living animals, but I personally will not touch a mouse because, frankly, the "useful data per mouse" ratio is way too low for me to justify using mice.

While you didn't get the data you were looking for, at least in many of those cases you mentioned you did identify a flaw or failure and learned how to design an experiment that does.

I wouldn't consider those mice as dieing without teaching you something. It might be a failed experiment, but you learned something.

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I was in the field for years. A lot of the mice we had were maintained with one copy of the gene of interest and crossbred to produce experimental litters (there are a lot of reasons for it, some technical, some practical). But OMG the numbers of mice we went through just to maintain the lines. Forget about failed experiments etc.

but I personally will not touch a mouse because, frankly, the "useful data per mouse" ratio is way too low for me to justify using mice.

Are there any alternatives you work with, or do you abstain completely from those kinds of experiments?

Good question. You may be surprised to hear that my stance isn't that uncommon in research. If I recall correctly, somewhere around 50% of researchers personally will not use mice in their experiments. In these cases, we would either use a lower lifeform (fish or fruit flies), or use immortalized cells. Immortalized cells are aggressive cancer cells that happen to retain some of their cell properties. For instance, immortalized lung cells tend to act somewhat like actual lung cells. It's not a perfect model, since you're experimenting on cancer cells instead of actual cells, but the ease and low cost of growing and using them makes them extremely valuable for a lot of grindwork experiments, where you just need to burn through tons of different hypotheses quickly.

For me, I prefer to use immortalized cells. It works out for me anyways, since I prefer to focus on the mechanism of disease (which tends to be easier on immortalized cells) rather than practical effects of disease (which tends to require animals).

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New home construction materials are the lowest possible quality that will meet specs. The allure of a new coat of paint and modern design masks the cheap quality and low durability. Some doors are basically slightly stronger cardboard. My theory as to why American homes have gotten so huge is that for the same budget you can get a much larger volume of materials than in the past.

There is a golden period from about 1985 to 2000 where houses were built without asbestos but with real building materials. I only buy property built in this window.

Every property I've inspected built after 2010 that's more than 5 years old is either splitting at the seams, sinking into the ground or both. They're built from polystyrene with a coat of plaster. They're built to palm off to naive new homeowners who don't understand or landbankers who don't give a fuck and I pity anyone trying to live in one for more than a few years.

My parents just sold their rock solid old house to have a new one built and I was so pissed off. Now I'm going to have to inherit this piece of shit when it's falling apart. It's less than a year old and already has a ton of issues they're just living with because the builder refuses to fix anything and they apparently signed something that says there's nothing they can do about it.

Never buy a brand new home. Get one that's at least ten years old. All the mistakes made during construction will have been found and hopefully fixed correctly. It's still new enough to not have a lot of the old code issues that crop up in pre 1990s houses

I used to work as a contractor for an environmental remediation firm. All the waterways that you joke about not swimming in are actually full of some awful carcinogen. Old industrial plants dumped awful chemicals for years and years. Some of these issues are being slowly addressed, but regulation is always well behind the science. But often, if the liability is significant enough, companies will spend millions of dollars a year to kick the can down the road doing studies and monitoring so that they can avoid what would be hundreds of millions to actually remediate the problem.

Restaurants are 100% more disgusting than your own kitchen.

It really doesn't matter which one unless it's like super high end. And you've almost definitely eaten something that was dropped on the floor.

I was a chef for 10 years and worked in multiple kitchens. This just isnt true. At least its not a blanket rule.

Ive worked in cheap places with immaculate kitchens and posh places with grotty kitchens and vice versa.

Its luck of the draw sometimes but ive never EVER served food that fell on the floor or witnessed it happening.

I think you have likely worked in some bad places.

I concur. I've been in restaurant kitchens and most of them were more sanitary than the average home kitchen. They almost always have better ventilation, and they are cleaned regularly.

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Worked in commercial refrigeration for 10 years. Even the super high end ones are almost always disgusting....

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Magazines are routinely reprinting articles from the last year every year again, slightly changed. Especially timeless stuff like "Why is tick season so bad this year?" or "This is how you bake the perfect apple pie".

There are stock news site that churn out "why did $STOCK move in $DIRECTION" filled with bullshit speculation. I bet it was mostly automated even before chatGPT and has gotten much worse now.

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Taking an ambulance to the ER does not ensure that you will be seen faster. A decent chunk of ambulance patients go right out to the lobby to wait like everyone else because everyone is triaged based on their illness or injury, not their mode of transportation.

Isn't this just an expected correlation? Most people who take an ambulance to the E.R. will be seen quicker because most people who are in an ambulance have an emergency so they have a a reason to be seen quicker.

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It's still strikes me as weird seeing billboards with live ER wait times advertised. It seems counterintuitive. And ER is for emergencies. If it's an emergency it doesn't matter what the wait time is. It's not like you're picking and choosing. But clearly people do. And then hospitals advertise their live ER wait times on a billboard, they want people to come to the emergency room now? I just don't understand it

A broken arm sucks ass but an extra half an hour drive to get seen 2 hours sooner seems like a good trade.

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Phone systems that give you the prompt, "Press # for more options" etc are called Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems. If you encounter an IVR that asks for credit card info, social security number, etc, don't enter it in! If you stay silent, you will usually be routed to an agent, though that varies on whichever system you are calling into.

Even if the system is designed for completely non-nefarious purposes, the IT people who maintain the phone system can analyze call logs to pull electronic keypresses (DTMF) and reconstruct every digit entered to capture your data. Most IT people would never consider abusing this access, but some organizations contract or sub-contract their phone support out to the lowest bidding third parties and might not do a great job of vetting their techs.

Giving this information to a live agent has its own risks, but if you initiated a call to a documented telephone number for the organization you are trying to reach, it is generally a safer option than keying in sensitive digit strings to an IVR. It is much harder for anyone outside of the call center to scan recorded audio for information like this. (Though technology is closing that gap)

Hey, I work with contact centers!

It's such a niche tech space. To play a bit of devil's advocate, a properly designed IVR will have "DTMF clamping" which veils the dial tones (the same ones you hear your phone play when dialing a number, did you ever notice the tones are unique?). The IVR should also disable logging completely. When on a call, they should be disabling call recording.

This is part of a process called PCI compliance, and it's fucking huge, because the penalties for it are insane, tens of thousands of dollars per month, plus extra for each incident of non-compliance. Some companies do transactions in the millions, at a $50 fine a pop. British Airways was fined $229 million back in 2017 for exposing data.

So really, companies are always going to do their due diligence to make sure your financial data is safe. It's too expensive not to.

Holly shit, I did PCI IVRs! We were quite paranoid, like you can quess card number by side channel attacks like timings. It's very niche, but fun part of tech world. PCI audits, security, HSMs, etc. Anyway, I never give my CC number 😆

As it should be. The moment it becomes cheap enough to ignore the law, consumer rights get shoved out of the window.

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When your favorite band cancels their gig because the lead singer has "come down with the flu", that's industry code for "got too wasted, and is currently too busy getting alcohol and possibly drugs out of their system to perform".

I even worked one show that had to end after 20 minutes because one guy in the band was visibly under the influence, refused to play, talked to his hallucinations, then spent a few minutes talking to the audience about how his foot was evil and wanted to kill him, before the tour manager could drag him off stage. Then he tried to assault several backstage staff for not allowing him to cut off his foot. This was on a tour that promoted alcohol free rockshows btw, so we didn't provide alcohol to the artists backstage. God knows what he might've purchased from our local street dealers lol.

The next day in the papers, the headline says "[the band] cancels first week of reunion tour after flu outbreak" 🙃 Yes, of course

I always wondered why Paul Westerberg caught the flu so much. When I finally got to see him live a few years ago he definitely was coming down with the flu on stage.

It is virtually impossible to remove yourself from advertiser's rolls.

Thanks to the new CPRA regulation, you can ask companies to delete everything they know about you. Great!

Except that the way the law is written, that often includes deleting the fact that you asked to have your data removed. So the next time they get your data from a broker, (or the next time a broker gets your data), you're right back at square one.

In theory, if you managed to send simultaneous requests to every company that's holding your data, you could wipe the slate clean...until the next time you used a website.

There are so many data sets out there that we are all a part of. And if your data is in just a single one that didn't get wiped, everyone will end up with it again as a matter of course.

So, someone just needs to create a service to send these requests. Surprised someone hasn't at least tried to make something like that.

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Sysadmins have no idea what they are doing, we're just one step ahead of the rest of you at googling stuff.

Heck, when Google first came out, we switched to it from AltaVista and the rest because it actually indexed the manpages, Linux Documentation Project HOWTOs, and other useful references.

The job is systems integration and maintenance, not "computer person". Using the right tools to find the right tools is just ... normal.

Same with all of the tech industry. We have some amount of experience to rely on with how to troubleshoot things, but almost every problem we face is something new to everyone, at least the specifics. We just learned how to figure it out faster than average and happen to actually get some amount of satisfaction out of making and/or fixing stuff.

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Most automotive technicians in the US are paid 100% commission. The idea of being sold something you didn't know you needed is how we make our money. Also shops will employ more techs than they need because it doesn't cost them if we're sitting around, waiting for the next job.

Fun fact: that's illegal in many jurisdictions

Another fun fact: most places in those jurisdictions do it anyway

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Wild. I worked directly with techs at a dealership, they were paid estimated time like postal workers. If a job was estimated at 8 hrs, they got paid 8 hrs whether they finished it in 16 or 4.

I have two friends that are auto techs and they've never had a job that pays like this. Where do you live?

Like another guy said, they get paid based on the estimated time it takes to repair. I think there's a specific term for this but I forget. One friend recently switched to getting paid a minimum of 45 hours, but could still end up collecting much more depending on how many jobs he can finish.

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Many software developers care even less about security than the people who use the software. Their attitude is that it’s just more work to do things in a secure manner. It’s only after a major security breach that they fix their security holes.

many software developers

Most individuals care about security, but most companies’ reward structure does not reward proactive security measures. Alice will get a much bigger bonus if she spends 20 hours straight fixing a zero-day exploit in the wild than if she had spent a week implementing proper safeguards in the first place.

That's not fair. I care about security a lot. But implementing security takes time, and hiring me for more hours costs more money. So most entities that need software developed want the solution that costs less and is faster to develop, they don't really understand what "security" even means. And the reality is, if you really want security in your software, you're not hiring a dev to make a piece of software, it is a continuous expense to keep the software patched and secured, which is not what most companies want. I'm billing for the hours either way. You just need to point me to the guy who's willing to pay.

And I also don't know anyone who feels incentivized to fix security holes. It's the software equivalent of having to fix the leaky mystery toilet in a dive bar. Yes, the pay might be high, but it's also extremely stressful and you're taking on a lot more responsibility - because it's already too late. Plus it puts a strain on the relationship with the customer who paid you to develop the software, even though we both know they were the ones who didn't want to pay to prevent this in the first place. If you think I'd rather stay on high alert 24 hrs a day thursday-monday to fix some preventable shit, than be at home with my family on the weekend, you're insane. The bonus might make it tolerable. I'd still rather not.

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Worth pointing out this isn't usually down to developers choosing not to do it. But management either via direct decision making or deadlines.

It's not that they don't care, not at all. But when you have a road map and hard deadlines you don't have the option. And it's hard to sell security as a priority to leadership when the other option is features that can increase revenue.

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It’s only after a major security breach that they fix their security holes.

I had a feeling based on constant news of data breaches.

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every restaurant job has free food. only the good ones have management endorsement.

Not every "smart" software solution is smart nor is every "AI powered" software having AI.

AI is not a meaningful term.

If you ask people if a piece of software that never loses at tic tac toe is AI, most will say yes. Everyone I've asked that didn't already know why I was asking said yes.

I cannot separate that piece of software from any piece of software.

I've literally had this conversation with the marketing department. It's marketing. Tell me what you want to say is AI, and I'll give you a justification.

I think the waters have been muddied for a long time by referring to NPC behavior trees and state machines in games as AI. You can apply that to just about any software that takes input and makes a decision. Then you have the movie version of AI which is sentient computers. So decades of use without any actual meaning have made the word useless in actually communicating anything

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Loading animations on websites and some apps that give you a percentage and messages about what's going on are usually faked with animations. The frontend for things like that usually just puts fake messages and animations because it's not easy to track the stages of complex steps happening on the backend. It's possible in some cases but I don't think I have ever seen a real working version of a loader like that in my 15 years of experience.

What's interesting is how humans react to things like progress bars.

I remember designed Google Flights come back with results instantly by spending absurd amounts to pre-compute and cache results long before people requested them. Some of the other flight shopping websites had progress bars that suggested they were doing a deep search for the best possible deals. People trusted the slower website with progress bars more because it seemed like it had worked harder, even though the reality was that it was just slower and less thorough.

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The one that pisses me off more than any other is the stupid animations and fake meters that tax software uses. They throw up this animation of a magnifying glass searching through your tax return as if it is actually doing anything. Ugh, it infuriates me so damn much.

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I have to submit weekly files to a vendor every Tuesday, but I can't see the vendor-side result until a report generates. They show us a 10 minute timer that I'm positive is just that, an animation. Some days the countdown skips from 9 minutes to Donev every try. Other days the timer hits zero and gets replaced with a "We're still working..." message for another 5-10 minutes.

I'm positive the timer is the vendor's way of forcing people to have at least 10 minutes of patience.

My older teammate reads that timer as gospel and flips their shit the moment it hits zero when really they just needed to give it a couple more minutes. One of their calls I overhear all the time is to the vendor saying "Oh, well it's finished now, after I called you."

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Depending on the state ( in the US) security guards can have all the same powers as real cops. Literal rent a pig. Also depending on the state, security guards are little more tham unglorified receptionists. The exact same job responsibilities, plus being cpr cert'd, for half or less the pay.

Which reminds, y'all be nice to receptionists. That job sucks. be dicks to security if you want to, most of them are only there for 3 months, and the ones who stay longer are probably bootlickers, so, y'know, you do you.

security guards can have all the same powers as real cops

So you're saying I can hire a security guard, have him shoot my neighbours dog and he'll just be suspended with pay?

He’s talking about the USA, so the guard could shoot your neighbour and be suspended with pay. If he wants to be extra cautious, he could yell stop resisting after shooting him.

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Monocultures in Agribusiness. One 'public secret' many outside of the industry might not be aware of is the prevalence of monocultures in crop farming. Vast expanses of land planted with the exact same genetic line of a crop. While this makes farming operations easier and often more profitable in the short term, it's a ticking time bomb for pests and diseases. One well-adapted pathogen could wipe out an entire crop species in an area (look up citrus greening in Florida), because there's no genetic diversity to halt its spread. But hey, it keeps the costs down...until there's no food to eat.

This happened with bananas, and is still happening. It basically wiped out the most popular kind of banana globally decades ago, and it never recovered.

Apparently that wiped out species is the one that you slip on for comedic purposes in cartoons.

Also, the banana aroma in sweets is an incredibly accurate representation of what that strain tasted like.

and is still happening.

Don't just brush past this. A new strain of Panama Disease now infects Cavandish, the current strain of bananas. It's spread across the globe now, even to Colombia where most bananas are harvested.

The closest replacement will be plantains. No other strain can be reliably mass harvested for global demand.

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in the Lemmy industry, some people try to accumulate meaningless points and drive "engagement" by reposting bad posts from the website that everyone here claims to hate.......and it works.

Just like real conversations, it's about the people you're having them with, not where you're having them at.

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Manufacturing here. We dont have a trained QC person looking at our units before sending them to the customer. Its just some guy that checks physical dimensions. We have electronics that comes in for RMA and never gets retested on its way out. Most of our customers dont install the pieces for months so the process control gets muddied by time. Literally everyone in our company knows this. We just got our ISO 9000 cert anyway, because no one really cares about doing things right. We just put untested parts in shit and cross our fingers.

ISO9000 is a joke. They don't care what you do, they only care that you do what you said you're doing. So if your inspection process is "we play peek-a-boo with the widget and if it's still on the table when we open our eyes, it's good to ship". ISO only cares that you have a peek-a-boo procedure and your inspectors are trained on how to play peek-a-boo.

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Those little widgets that show that something is hot, trending or for a limited time are time based tags and don't represent any real analysis.

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For those in the US: no medical office dealing with insurance has a clue what they're doing. Why can't you ever "shop around" and get a price for your procedure? Because nobody really knows the price until they submit the claim. It's basically impossible for a human to keep track of the policies that change daily across dozens of insurance providers along with the hugely complicated calculations needed to get a price. And that's before they have software try to rearrange your claim to get the most money possible from insurance companies. And good luck figuring any of this out yourself; even if you manage to track down the policy data, it's written completely in medical insurance jargon and might even leave some room for interpretation.

Basically, even with the insane amount of work medical coders (people who process and interpret medical claims and policies) do to try and stay on top of it all, at the end of the day, you have to just submit the claim to a black hole and hope that it gets accepted. The patient's cost is whatever it spits out.

Also, dozens of doctors across the US get fired, banned from practice in their state, or have their licenses revoked every month. Some of them are unfortunate, like doctors being forced into retirement due to old age or physical inability to do their job, but many others get in trouble for practicing without a license, sexual harassment/assault, and, of course, prescription drug abuse. This data is all publicly accessible, but being on atrociously designed and maintained government websites, it's nearly impossible to keep track of who's in trouble without paying for third party software to do it for you. If you don't happen to catch it, it's pretty easy for a medical provider to move a few states over and set up shop like nothing happened.

Edit: Oh yeah, our company was very serious about HIPAA training and treated patient data with extreme caution. Some offices... really didn't. It got to the point where we'd straight up have to reject ticket requests for having identifying information. Our ticketing system was secure on our end, no telling what was going on outside of it.

As a side note, for the trans people out there, don't accept that you have to be misgendered on your medical records without a bit of a fuss. There's special modifiers that specifically override restrictions on sex-based medical procedures when your reported gender doesn't match their requirements. Unfortunately, whether your provider knows about or uses them is a bit of a toss-up.

On a brighter note, as stupid as it is that every single diagnosis has to be codified specifically for the insurance industry, there are some funny codes in there.

Some favorites:

Now there's a new standard coming into effect, ICD11. The biggest complaint with ICD10 was the overly specific codes they had to keep track of. They did change things so that you didn't have a completely different code for every single type of, say, dolphin injury, but they did add many more animals.

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Your PC runs firmware written by some companies with really sloppy engineering and security practices. Whenever possible opt for a computer that runs open source firmware (coreboot).

Windows vendors make extra money by putting spyware on your machine. That's a big chunk of why a Dell machine is cheaper than a machine from a trustworthy Linux vendor: they have a secondary revenue stream that is adversarial to you as a person.

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They don't clean the planes. Like you may think when they go in for maintenance they get a deep clean or whatever? Nah. Between flights? It might get a wipe down if it looks too dirty but probably not. Every now and again someone has to wipe the lavatories and the galley, but that's it.

False. I briefly worked on a crew that cleaned commercial airliners between flights. We cleaned every single seat, deep cleaned the lavatories etc. We were required to inspect every single seat to make sure nothing was left behind that someone could use as a weapon or could endanger the next passengers.

In other words, the answer to the question "Is my plane clean?" is maybe.

You would absolutely know if it was cleaned properly.

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The disease risk in airports and airplanes is not rooted in sanitation. It's rooted in having thousands of people who come from all over the planet mingling together, where nobody got to postpone their flight just because they were feeling sick that day. So if George from New York was sneezing that morning, he still gets on his plane and flies to London because it would be $500 to postpone his trip. And now his germs are in the plane ten hours later.

When your immune system tells you to take a break, but the economy tells you not to, the economy is on the side of pandemics.

Last minute refunds are a public health concern. It should be federally regulated to always be able to fully refund your tickets, and non-refundable tickets should be prohibited.

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I wouldn't say they're a scam! They are submitting your name automatically to everyone at once - or at least everyone who follows the law.

It's just not a long-term solution. Data Brokers are incredibly incestuous. Any data that one owns will find its way back into all the others.

If you want to try to clean up as much as possible, unsubscribe from as much as you can. Close every account that you reasonably can.

Then setup a monthly reminder to ask incogni (or similar) to nuke your data from the web. It'll work, just not forever.

It's going to be an eternal effort against a constant tide.

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After the staff are done drinking coffee for the night, we only brew decaf. If you want caffeinated coffee close to closing time at a restaurant, ask for an Americano or other espresso drink.

That's some bullshit. Why?

So we can have minimum cleanup at the end of the shift. And because while decaf won't hurt a regular person, caffeine can be debilitating or dangerous to those who can't have it.

I don't really drink coffee at night. But that last sentence is such a bullshit excuse. By that logic, bars shouldn't serve alcohol at any time. A person may be counting on the caffeine boost for a long drive home. So, by making the decision for the people who can't have caffeine, you also made the decision for the people who should have it.

It's not an excuse. We're lazy, we decided to only have one, we picked the one least likely to be an issue. You didn't think all these industry secrets would be positives, did you?

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In Germany: Big car manufacturers do have round-table sessions where they share research informations with each other. However, they do not co-ordinate pricing.

When you feel like car manufacturers release models with similar specs within a short time frame, this could be why.

Another common one that I hear is, "Why do all cars look the same?" The truth of it comes down to two general factors, safety and improving aerodynamics to improve fuel economy.

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That replacement infrastructure being installed in your area was PE stamped decades ago. It is quite possible he/she who did it has died at this point. All the mistakes they made are still in there and getting replicated with each upgrade. If anyone tries to fix anything it will be an uphill battle. Parts are specified that don't exist so without eBay nothing would get shipped.

The person managing the project is in sales and their degree is probably in English Lit. Sometimes you get lucky and it is a construction worker. Their boss is the mayor's nephew and has the contract because of a rule that stuff used in local area must go through a local company. An example: a replacement part that we sold last month was for 2,200 dollars. The local company charged 11,500 for doing nothing except repackaging the part. A big fuck you to the Arizona tax payer.

All your infrastructure is using way more electricity than it needs. We can't get anyone to shift over to more efficient systems because that would involve effort on their part. We also can't get them to upgrade the service, instead we just have to find by trial-and-error what parts can deal with under voltage. Code has to be designed to deal with the frequent brownouts because no one wants to pay for a generator. Speaking of code the number of times I am asked to give people a printout of code is much higher than you would expect.

Global warming is ripping us a new one. Everything is flooding that shouldn't be flooding plus heat is everywhere. Waterproofing and heat upgrades are taking time because the original specs have to be updated. Which can't happen because they don't want to get the PE in to stamp it. Because that would make the project cost more eating into sales.

In short everything keeping you alive. Your water, garbage/recycling systems, sewage, trains, traffic signals, and roads was designed by better minds who are now dead. Everything now is a mixture of nepotism and short term self-interest trying to blindly copy what didn't even work that well to begin with under new conditions. If you want a job for life go work in infrastructure, if you want to be happy with your life go work in anything else.

Oh you might be wondering how is it we all haven't died from choleria and rabies infected garbage rats by now. The answer is simple. The very lowest paid people, the operators and maintenance crews, are actually good at what they do. Perfect? Hell no, however they get the job done. Which you wouldn't know given how hard the government is working to cut their pensions and not increase their salaries but there it is.

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When IT says that an issue was caused by something someone else did, it's often them just passing the blame around. Source: I am an IT Director.

Gaslighting your users into thinking they broke something should be taught in school.

I had to stop myself from reflexively doing something like this today actually.

I was troubleshooting a severe performance issue in a test environment that was causing timeouts and crashes when large data files were processing for someone who isn't even on my team, so I could have easily passed the buck off on a random "someone". There were several factors, but I tracked down the biggest issue to a script that was taking like 3-4 minutes to run and even on that big of a file should have maybe taken 30 seconds max, though probably much less but only that much because it's a slow test server.

I found that the script was writing some text to the "standard out" log to basically help "someone" trace the flow of the complex logic (usually done as a fall back with scripting since there's no debugging capabilities). Basically it was just writing a couple of words for each record in the file. This file just happened to have a heck of a lot of records, so with the slowness of the system disk, it was exponentially increasing the time to process data that was all in memory at that point.

This is kind of a pet peeve of mine (log spam). Letting those kinds of things get into production causes nightmares when the huge volumes of production data are getting processed. It slows the system , causes the disk to fill up and crash applications, etc.

Then I looked closer at the script and realized that I'm the only one on any of the teams with the particular knowledge to have written that logic. I checked the git repository logs and sure enough it was me. I mean it vaguely looked familiar at first glance and I easily understood what it was doing, I just don't remember writing it. It was definitely in my style of writing though. I must have been really desperate to have used that tracing method and really tired to have forgotten to take it out. It's been a busy...decade....

So I had to admit to the person I was helping that the "someone" was me, and I'm planning to write up a "lessons learned" email tomorrow that only like 2 people will read, but it's still worth it if even one person learns from it.

Since I've been a lead, I've realized that the best way to get people to admit their mistakes and learn from them as well as be willing to ask for help in learning from them, is to admit your own mistakes. But it's only possible because I have a supervisor who gets me and understands that mistakes happen. In the past I've worked in such toxic places that making a mistake gets you fired or at least costs you a raise that at least covers cost of living so you're not making less money every year which are already extremely difficult to come by these days. Stacked ranking and other shitty management styles that make coworkers compete and/or put them in constant fear to try to increase their productivity just lead to people lying and not really caring about the quality of their work.

It's just like the shitty dog owner that beats the dog when they do something wrong, and doesn't pay any attention to them, much less reward them, when they do the things the person wants of them.

There was not a single Intel / X86-64 "unibody" Macbook in the entire history of Apple that didn't have a heat stress issue 😂. First unibody was released in 2009, the first w/ "M" chip fixing the problem in 2020 🤦‍♂️

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We’re guessing. Everyone claims it’s all based on research and advanced modelling, but we really have no idea and and are bullshitting our way through presentations and press conferences.

We say whatever we can to keep our shareholders invested and the public buying. I’ll let you guess the industry, but you probably know.

Honestly, I think you've described quite a few industries actually.

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I have worked for 5 different companies that needed to be PCI compliant and every one of them will fully decided not to do certain things. Not all of them were even hard, a lot of times it was simply the person making the decisions just didn't want too.

So that's mine. Credit card security is not taken seriously but the vast majority of places that accept credit cards

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New battery for your phone? US Customs says fuck that. So used battery from the scrap bin you get.

Disclaimer: I quit that industry back in 2017.

Wait, what? Explain, please.

customs is weird about batteries. batteries have a lot more restrictions if you want to transport them not inside of a device.

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The bread you are given to at the restaurant is of often recycled from leftovers at previous tables.

... at terrible restaurants.

You forgot that part. No real restaurant would recycle food to save 25 cents.

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That non-trivial software development is really freaking hard, and incredibly expensive . And the majority of developers barely have any idea what they're actually doing.

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The SLA on any product is not a guarantee the platform will be fixed in that timeframe. At best it is wishful thinking.

I've consulted with many companies trying to save money by moving to AWS because they have twelve 9s of availability. They don't do any redundant deployments because they want to save money.

I keep telling them that the SLA just means that AWS will give them a refund for anything you couldn't use while they have an outage. There's no guarantee.

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In HVAC, I've been called out to look at the air con in an office block and person A is cold but person B right next to them is hot, there's nothing we can do to help that.

One simple solution that seems to work each and every time is the placebo effect. I say ok, give me an hour, I'll adjust the parameters and check over the system operation. I then sit in the plant room for an hour paying on my phone, come back to see if it's better and 9 times out of 10 they're both suddenly happy.

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Oil and gas workers are normal people with children and dogs that care about the environment and they do a pretty good job on average of protecting the it. But accidents do happen in the industry, and when they do, it's sometimes not a simple "cleanup on aisle six" scenario. I've seen grown men on their hands and knees mopping up drops of oil in a cow pasture more than once.

I think, generally, most people don't really give a shit about oil and gas workers. They're just trying get food and housing just like everyone else. People hate oil and gas companies though, and that hatred is righteous and justified.

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Food dropped in fastfood restaurants is still sold. Just brush the rat hair off it and top that pizza!

My man I've worked in food service 16 years, plenty of that was in fast food what kind of ghetto ass store you be working at?

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In my captial city, the lead city designer's wife owns an industrial design company. All of the bollards, lights, bins, seats... everything is given to the wife's company for manufacturing because the lead city designer only ever puts orders in to that company.

Everyone in the industry knows but doesn't want to do anything because he's a nice guy.

I work on photocopiers. Some people will lie to dispatch to get me out faster.

I can always tell you're lying 100% of the time. The copier tells me what happened, and I can remote into the copier before I even show up (which is helpful because I can bring parts I might need). But I'll never say anything. I just want the customer to be happy.

Edit: I'm talking about office and light production copiers.

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Not sure how secret it is, but in many states your credit score can be used as a rating factor in determining your auto insurance premium. Insurance companies charge you more if you have bad credit.

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If you get a "xxxx and coke" at a bar chances are the mixer is an off brand like RC or something.

Uhhh no? Soda is literally the cheapest item a restaurant or bar sells. Do you think they have a secret RC cola line from the soda machines so they can save .02 cents per already marked up by 50% rum/whiskey and coke?

Are you getting that mixed up? Because sketchy bars will absolutely switch the liqour you asked for for well stuff if they think you won't notice.

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18 years in restaurants and I've never seen this for coke or Pepsi. They both fight pretty hard to get you to sign the exclusivity agreement.

That ginger ale you ordered, otoh, is 100% whichever lemon lime soda they serve with a splash of whichever cola they serve

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Teacher - school districts are so afraid of getting sued that unless a kid is physically assaulting another student we have absolutely nothing we can do about it (even then, no guarantees). If your kid goes to a public school, all of your kids classes have one or two students that are allowed to do essentially whatever they want with no consequences.

Cell phone addiction is also huge. A lot of the “learning loss” being blamed on Covid is in part just the fact that students spend class watching TikTok’s or bullying each other in group chats. Don’t fucking text your kid during class. Vaping is as predominant as smoking was in the 80s.