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Joined 1 years ago

Well, I know kids today aren’t being raised with the same protections I was as a kid. Kids swear more often now, see more violent tv than I did, and see sex more often than I did.

Unless you're like 80, that's not true at all. Every generation since gen x has gotten more prudish.

Sounds like they're addicted to materialism. Buying fancy toys to show off.

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Hope your circumstances improve.


Too awesome

Except they never display the real alternatives when they DO exist! Often I'll be driving in an area I know well, and there will be a crash or roadwork or something and Google will say "welp, better just add 30 minutes to your 30 minute commute" and I'm like "nah fam there's a whole other road"

I dunno how they can consistently fuck up that bad.

Ozma got banned from politicalmemes recently and it's 1000% better for it

Yeah, there's a lot of power posters here. PugJesus is an example from the opposite camp, calling out the anti-Democrat propaganda from the two OP mentioned.

California is ridiculous. I'm from San Francisco, was visiting LA and someone asked me where I lived. I pointed to 101 and said, turn left on that road and keep going for 8 hours.

Edit: sorry, "the 101". When in Rome, etc

Thank Christ. Lemmy has been too prudish for too long.

Hey that was me back when I had a kbin account. I'm the account in the screenshot.

That was a direct response to someone asking if I would have sex with a trans man. I got accused of being a chaser for saying "sure, I guess, pre-transition" (the first part) and being a transphobe for saying "but I'm not sexually attracted to dicks" (the second part). Note those two accusations are more or less mutually exclusive, but it doesn't matter because they're both deeply, incredibly stupid accusations. The mods and admins of blahaj pointed out how incredibly stupid the accusations were, and some people didn't like being called stupid, so they went back to hexbear. And continued to be stupid.

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Heh "need to done violence"

It’s not just being attracted, it’s being attracted conditional on the person having x characteristic


So literally every single heterosexual or homosexual person is a "chaser"??

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Only in the beginning. Part of the excellence of the OT was seeing him grow from whiny kid to self-confident man.

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I'm really good at my job.

But that's not why I got my job, it's just a coincidence.

I got my job because I'm pretty good at interviews.

Speaking of our moon, the fact that it's roughly the same size as the sun as seen from earth and the fact that this is a complete coincidence blows my mind. Like there's no reason for that to be the case. Total eclipses like ours (where you can see the corona) are very rare.

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Yeah, I have a gut feeling that a lot of the variables in the Fermi equation are a little too generous.


That's why faster than light travel is the holy grail. Without it, we're just kind of stuck.

Imagine if wormholes had zero constraints on the physical location of the other side of the wormhole though. We could open a portal to OUTSIDE the observable universe. What a mindfuck. We might even find a false vacuum decay racing towards us at the speed light, or regions of space that are contracting instead of expanding, or initiate a new big bang by opening a wormhole to an area of space where that hasn't happened...we could travel to a point where we can watch the milky way get formed, since the light of its formation is just reaching that region of space. If it turns out the heat death of the universe is just a local phenomenon, we could continue expanding forever beyond it. World without end.

Honorable mention: we haven't detected alien probes, because intelligent alien societies haven't begun consuming the galaxy with exponential numbers of self-replicating robotic probes, because that's just a really bad idea:

Simple workarounds exist to avoid the over-replication scenario. Radio transmitters, or other means of wireless communication, could be used by probes programmed not to replicate beyond a certain density (such as five probes per cubic parsec) or arbitrary limit (such as ten million within one century), analogous to the Hayflick limit in cell reproduction. One problem with this defence against uncontrolled replication is that it would only require a single probe to malfunction and begin unrestricted reproduction for the entire approach to fail – essentially a technological cancer – unless each probe also has the ability to detect such malfunction in its neighbours and implements a seek and destroy protocol (which in turn could lead to probe-on-probe space wars if faulty probes first managed to multiply to high numbers before they were found by sound ones, which could then well have programming to replicate to matching numbers so as to manage the infestation).

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A lot of money has been pouring into propagandizing liberals in big progressive cities about crime specifically. Trying to promote a crime hysteria. And then part 2 of that plan is to recall the progressive politicians and elect in Republicans who will claim to fix everything.

It's had only modest success in actually electing Republicans so far but I get the sense it's a long game. People have absolutely bought into the "crime is at an all time high" lies.

Fermi, to aliens: "git gud"

I live in one of Germany’s largest cities

Yeah but this guy lives in Indiana.

I live in SF and this would be a pretty good price here but that literally doesn't matter at all. To someone in rural India this would be like a week's wage. Also doesn't matter.

You have to look at it in the context of its area's cost of living.

Yeah I was surprised the state propagandists left the corpos that much market share.

Man that would suck

Doesn't matter, actually. Now the idea is ingrained in the MBA equivalent of a brain, it will be a generation before anyone tries again.

You don't need the app, you can use the coupon via the web site.

We've already discovered fission and photocells. We're past the point of needing fossil fuels for a new civilization (or existing civilization). Fossil fuels are only hanging around for economic reasons.

Yeah I know 3 different plus sized gamers who are happily married

Lol we get to the planet and find it was obliterated by a gamma ray burst 50 years ago

That's an incredible outline! Got a working title? Maybe "Out of the Bag" or something?

I like the idea that you start with "quirky" locals who are presumably likeable and the main character is probably a bit off putting at first but then later the mob mentality comes out and your sympathies are reversed.

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The "I eat out every day" people amaze me. How? It's SO EXPENSIVE! Even before the recent inflation.

We have to be extremely careful that we don’t accidentally trigger a weapon that is going to kill or dramatically cripple our civilization before we become a truly interstellar species.

Great filter confirmed to be oopsie-daisies

Homeless dude living in the train station of the afterlife? That sounds pretty cool. Like the train stations in the Matrix.

Tangent, but please stop using ETA. That acronym is already taken by something important, and saving one character over "edit" doesn't help anything.

It's crazy how you start recognizing usernames. Every time I see some anti Biden baseless bullshit, it's one of a handful of idiots vomiting it out.

US Trade Bank Defies Biden to Expand Oil Drilling in Bahrain

You think Biden personally financed this fucking deal? He's not a king. He doesn't like it. He's opposing it. So are Democrats. But he's not a goddamn king, and you know that, and more importantly you know that poorly informed voters don't know that, so you talk your bullshit to try to sway them.

This is the answer to the article's question. Why don't people know about Biden's wins? Because people like you are intentionally misleading them.

Also remember the periodic waves of “Hillary is bae! Mother of dragons! Yas Queen!” and “I love Mayor Pete” and “KHive ftw!” and even a smattering of Mitt Romney fanboi-ism on /r/politics, as their campaigns rose and fell.

Literally no, I was there and I don't recall that at all.

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But why are we the first. That's the question. Given the age of the universe, statistically it should have already happened by now. Unless something was stopping it.

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Well, we've already sent a couple of probes out of the solar system, but they're not really going fast enough to have any meaningful interstellar impact.

But we're not.